How to Be Carefree: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Be Carefree: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Be Carefree: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


People seem to be spending more time than ever in a state of worry. If you don't want stress to dominate your life, live it rather than suffer it by learning to actively relax. Being carefree means enjoying your existence without being overwhelmed by restlessness. Find out how to be active by learning to manage stress and stay calm.


Part 1 of 3: Getting Active

Be Carefree Step 1
Be Carefree Step 1

Step 1. Separate the moment of work from that of fun

Existence doesn't have to be just fatigue. If you want to understand how to be more carefree in everyday life, finding and keeping time for recreation is crucial. It is almost inevitable to plan your day around work or school, as most people do. So as you plan this time, arrange that for the enjoyable things you want to do.

When you are busier, it is very easy for you to find yourself spending your free time doing nothing and eventually turning on the television. Instead, start planning leisure activities. Plan a fishing trip for next weekend, or make reservations to schedule an appointment with your partner. Decide how to spend your time in a fun way

Be Carefree Step 2
Be Carefree Step 2

Step 2. Socialize with nice people

Surround yourself with people you enjoy being around and who make your life easier and more fun and not exhausting. If you want to be carefree, it's important to have people around you with whom you have common interests. Social moments should be enjoyable, not boring chores.

Don't let "depressing" people drag you into their condition. Make sure you hang out with people who want to have fun and support each other when they spend time together. This kind of attitude is contagious

Be Carefree Step 3
Be Carefree Step 3

Step 3. Experience boring situations like adventures

Shopping, driving, going to work are trivial things, but you can turn them into festive occasions and live them peacefully. If you are going out to do something, approach this moment as the biggest event of the day. If you can't spend the day diving in Hawaii, experience an adventure on public transportation!

  • Do you have to go out shopping? Give yourself a little challenge: photograph five funny pictures you see on the route and send them to people in your address book you haven't talked to in ages, commenting on them with a "He reminded me of you".
  • Are you forced into the house for cleaning? Turn the music on to full blast and dance a daring choreography or challenge yourself to tidy up the whole house, just for the fun of it.
Be Carefree Step 4
Be Carefree Step 4

Step 4. Get out more

Studies have shown that increasing the amount of vitamin D obtained from sunlight increases serotonin levels, which helps you feel less stressed and more carefree. Go out even if you have no reason to and consider the importance of staying cool. sun and breathe deeply for 15-20 minutes every day. It can work wonders on your mood.

It is difficult to be calm when sitting and watching television without doing anything. Don't close in on yourself if you don't need to. Get out and be active

Be Carefree Step 5
Be Carefree Step 5

Step 5. Exercise

A light workout can give you a feeling of euphoria, improve your mood, and can make you feel much more fulfilled. The effect of exercise, sometimes called "runner's euphoria", is a documented psychological phenomenon. Help yourself feel more carefree by finding a regular workout that fits your life.

  • You don't need to run a marathon. Just a 30-40 minute brisk walk when you have finished work or, before you go, you can start the day with a good walk.
  • Practice an energetic team sport that you enjoy: in addition to the physical benefits, you will experience the thrill of competition and socialize with other people.
Be Carefree Step 6
Be Carefree Step 6

Step 6. Spend some time doing nothing

Every now and then life asks for moments of idleness. If you want to feel truly peaceful, take some time to pamper yourself. Just sit in the sun in the middle of the day with a cool drink. Don't let anyone bother you. Get on the sofa with a good book and a cup of hot tea. Book a day in a wellness center. Take it easy.

Part 2 of 3: Managing Stress

Be Carefree Step 7
Be Carefree Step 7

Step 1. Identify your stressors

Grab a sheet of paper and write down anything that causes you tension or makes you feel overwhelmed. What people, places and situations cause you anxiety? Try to be as comprehensive as possible, considering all the moments of daily life that prevent you from being peaceful.

Who is causing you tension? A particular friend? A mate? A collegue? Try to eliminate people who are stressing you out of your life and, if not possible, avoid them

Be Carefree Step 8
Be Carefree Step 8

Step 2. Learn to manage your stress

Once you have identified the causes, try to anticipate situations and reasons for tension, so, if possible, to get around them or at least to feel ready in case they are unavoidable. Everyone has to deal with stress as part of their life, but if you find a way to leave it behind you will be much more carefree.

  • If you are about to start a hard day at work, you know from the start that you will be very busy. Don't expect anything less. It doesn't mean you have to feel stressed about it, just focus on how to deal with it and get it done.
  • Experiment with a little ritual with your stress list to try and leave it behind. Rip it. Look at the causes of your great tension one last time, then break the list down to small pieces and throw it in the fireplace or in the trash … or keep it in your pocket to remind yourself to always stay one step ahead of the things that are bothering you.
Be Carefree Step 9
Be Carefree Step 9

Step 3. Learn to manage your anger

When someone is annoying or in a bad mood, the best thing to do is not walk away, but be the better of the two and keep a polite attitude. Discussions are not a question of "victory" or "defeat", but a means of communicating with people. Eventually this attitude will become second nature and you will feel much lighter and a better person.

If you get angry when they tease you, just try the 10 second rule. Stop talking and just breathe for 10 seconds. If they look at you, let them look. When you speak, try to say in a calm and regular voice: "I don't want to get angry about this. Maybe we should talk about it again."

Be Carefree Step 10
Be Carefree Step 10

Step 4. Stop worrying about what others think

Remember that the only person you need to impress is you. Friends come and go, but you will always have to deal with yourself. People who tell you to change aren't important enough to you to take their opinion into account.

However, be willing to listen to your friends when they give you good advice. If it's about close friends and trusted family members telling you to change in order to get rid of a bad habit, then that's another matter entirely

Be Carefree Step 11
Be Carefree Step 11

Step 5. Love your appearance

This doesn't mean going to the hairdresser or buying a ridiculously expensive pair of shoes. If you want to be calm, learn to accept that you look like that and love it. You are a unique individual and one of your gifts is your uniqueness.

If you are a little fatter than "normal", you can accept it knowing that you are still pleasant, or take care of it and lose weight. If you are tall, don't think about how hateful your stature is, but look at the positives: you can reach for the tall shelves or see over the heads of everyone in the crowd

Part 3 of 3: Stay Carefree

Be Carefree Step 12
Be Carefree Step 12

Step 1. Do things because you want to do them

If you decide to take care of something because you want it, you will be able to remain much more peaceful about the activity itself. If you feel compelled to do your job, or go to the gym, it will all become a chore. If you live them as an opportunity, they will be fun. You choose to do them.

  • Changing your habits doesn't have to be a difficult affair or one that requires a lot of complicated psychology. If you want to do something, do it. If you don't want to, find a way to make it pleasant or eliminate it from your life. Sometimes it's that simple.
  • Do you hate your job? Leave it and look for another one. Are you sick of where you live? Move in. If something doesn't encourage or help you live a happy, peaceful life, change it.
Be Carefree Step 13
Be Carefree Step 13

Step 2. Make sure you smile and laugh regularly

It may sound silly, but you will feel much happier if you give a friend or stranger a big smile and see your smile return. Laughing you will also feel much lighter. Do it for whatever seems funny to you, even if the people around you don't understand the reason for your hilarity.

Being carefree doesn't mean laughing like a fool. It is not a good idea to take a funeral or a memorial ceremony lightly - being tactful is important

Be Carefree Step 14
Be Carefree Step 14

Step 3. Take things less seriously

Just look out the window and you will probably see something ridiculous. You are a human living in a small box connected to a computer. Someone walks the dog around, collects the excrement and takes it with them. What an oddity! Try to remember that life should be something to be enjoyed and laughed at, not something to endure.

Be Carefree Step 15
Be Carefree Step 15

Step 4. Think ahead, don't focus on the past

Worrying about old mistakes will cause you stress. Harness the potential of life instead. What does it matter if people don't like you? Over time, you can change and become a new person or find new friends. You can move to another country and within 10 years you would have new friends and think in another language; you would be a new person. Anything could happen!


  • Sit back, relax and smile about something that makes you happy. Life is worth enjoying!
  • Recognize that no one can live totally carefree, unless that person is totally dependent on someone else who can meet all of his or her needs. One example is a child with a loving mother.
  • Be positive and positive things will happen to you now and in the future.
