Beauty has no specific shape and size, but let's be honest: in modern society, a prosperous breast has a certain impact and those who don't have it by nature are always willing to find a way to get it. It is not as difficult as it seems; There are ways to increase breast size without resorting to plastic surgery - nowadays, however, surgery is less risky than it used to be, so you may not want to rule it out a priori. Read on to learn more about the physical exercises, herbs, products, and procedures that can help you gain a measure or two.
Method 1 of 4: Diet and Physical Activity

Step 1. Do push-ups
You may think this is an exercise for the arms, but it also involves the pectoral muscles. Training the chest muscles strengthens them and at the same time increases their size, making the breasts appear fuller and firmer. In addition, the arms become more toned and muscular. Do three sets of 15 reps every other day. As your arms and pecs get stronger, increase the number of reps per set.
- Lie prone on the ground with your arms folded to the sides and your palms resting on the floor.
- Push with your arms to lift your torso, keeping your knees straight and your toes on the ground, Keep pushing until your arms are straight. If you wish, you can keep your knees flat on the ground to start with a less difficult version.
- Slowly lower yourself to the floor and repeat the movement. Focus on contracting your pecs as you perform the exercise.

Step 2. Do chest presses with dumbbells
This is another great exercise for strengthening your pecs, making them bigger and lifting your breasts. Train with two dumbbells that you are able to lift easily by doing three sets of 8-12 reps. 4, 5 or 6kg dumbbells are the best to start with. Do three sets of 10 chest presses two to three times a week. As you get stronger increase the number of repetitions.
- Lie on your back on an incline bench. Keep the dumbbells on the sides of your body.
- Lift the weights above your chest by bringing them upward so that their ends touch.
- Slowly lower the weights and repeat the movement.

Step 3. Do isometric chest contractions
This type of training consists of contracting the muscles without extending them and is particularly useful for potential and increasing the pectoral muscles. Do it at least three times a week to get the most out of it. A towel is required for this type of exercise.
- Stand with your feet apart as much as your shoulders.
- Grab the towel and hold it in front of your chest with your arms outstretched.
- Pull it outward by contracting your chest muscles in quick succession.
- Keeping the towel taut, continue pulling with a pulsating rhythm for three minutes.

Step 4. Get more estrogen
The hormone that induces female breast growth during puberty is no longer secreted around 18-19 years of age. After this period you can get estrogen by eating soy-based foods such as milk, soy beans, tofu. There are also pills for "breast enlargement" which are composed of herbal-derived estrogens and which work on the same principle.

Step 5. Gain weight
If you are on a diet and exercising to lose weight, your efforts also affect your breasts. Eating more calories allows you to have bigger breasts, if you obviously want to be more curvy in other places on your body as well. Pregnancy is another way to naturally increase breasts.
Method 2 of 4: Cosmetic Solutions

Step 1. Discover "breast contouring"
You probably already know the make-up techniques that enhance the cheekbones or outline the chin, but you don't know about the existence of this method to reshape the groove between the breasts. This is an inexpensive and temporary way to visually fuller breasts. You can learn it with a little practice.
- Dress in the bra and top you want to wear. Since this solution is to "trick the eye" the groove between the breasts must be visible, so choose something low-cut.
- If you are worried about staining your blouse, you can protect the edges with toilet paper or duct tape. That said, we don't recommend this method if you decide to wear a white top.
- Shade the groove that separates the breasts with a dark bronzer. Put some on the brush and blend it from the center of the chest up and down creating a sort of "V".
- Apply lighter powder to the upper half of the breasts. Use a make-up sponge to blend the edges of the darker "V" and give the skin a natural look.

Step 2. Use a push-up bra
The construction technology of bras has improved to the point of giving you beautiful, full and natural breasts without having to undergo a scalpel or spending a lot of time on physical exercises. Try searching in lingerie stores for the bra that feels comfortable but at the same time makes your décolleté flourish. A great push-up bra follows your movements, doesn't weigh you down on your shoulders, and doesn't give your breasts a pointy or weird shape.
- Push-up bras that also have extra padding can increase the size of even different sizes, up to three more.
- Before buying one, try it on with your favorite blouse. You will be surprised at the effect it will have on your breasts; But make sure you look natural and feel comfortable.
- Push-ups are made of foam or gel and some models even have water pads to look even more natural.

Step 3. Test the silicone pads
These are inserts that you put under a normal bra and that increase the size of the breasts while maintaining a natural look. The texture and color is quite similar to human skin. You can buy them in flesh-colored or transparent.
Method 3 of 4: Breast Enhancement Products

Step 1. Do some research on creams
The market is overflowing with topical products that contain estrogen and collagen, both of which promise to increase both breast size and firmness. The creams, it is said, swell the cells of the breast tissue making it bigger, and many cost several hundred dollars a pack. Nowadays, no cream has been shown to be directly effective in increasing breast size, and some sources even state that they may be unsafe to use. If you still want to give it a try, look for a product that contains natural ingredients like aloe vera or shea butter, which even if they don't lead to results, will still leave you with soft and hydrated breasts.

Step 2. Consider using breast enlargement equipment
These are expensive devices, even more than 900 euros, which work with a suction to generate the increase in the number and size of the breast cells, giving you one or two sizes more. This tool is applied to the breast like a bra and is then operated to create a vacuum in the cups by stimulating the body tissue and, over time, increasing their size. It will take around 10 weeks to see results.

Step 3. Try the fillers
These are hyaluronic acid injections that are practiced in the breast. These increase the size up to one or two sizes if performed for a long time. Each session lasts 30-90 minutes and the whole procedure costs a few thousand euros.
- Fillers can have very dangerous side effects, so be very careful and weigh all the pros and cons before deciding.
- In some cases "touch-ups" are necessary to obtain a natural effect.

Step 4. Consider fat injections
In this procedure, fatty tissue is removed from the abdomen or buttocks and re-injected into the breast to make it fuller. As some fat is absorbed into the body each time, it takes several sessions to achieve the desired results. Consider this solution with caution, as there is a chance that the fat will calcify and cause serious health problems.

Step 5. Try electro-acupuncture
In this case, electrified needles are inserted into the breast which stimulate the cells to grow in size. This is a very popular treatment among celebrities. In some cases the results are not eternal and you have to undergo several sessions. There isn't much scientific information regarding the long-term effects, so make an informed assessment.
Method 4 of 4: Surgical Solutions

Step 1. Know which implants are available
You can choose between silicone and saline ones. Women with silicone implants report a more "realistic" feeling, but they are still more dangerous in the case of internal ruptures and leaks in the body. Both grafts cost between 5,000 and 10,000 euros.
- In the past, silicone implants had been withdrawn from the market due to related health problems. In some women, these implants "slipped" causing asymmetrical breasts and cosmetic problems. As science progressed, they were re-authorized.
- Breast augmentation is not covered by the national health service.

Step 2. Make an appointment with a plastic surgeon
If you decide for an implant, then you will need to discuss with a surgeon which model is best for you. You need to have a clear idea of the size and shape you want to achieve. Your doctor will show you examples of how the various implants will change your appearance and guide you through the process.
- Look for a doctor who has a lot of experience in breast augmentation. You certainly don't want to look like a hamster for hiring an inexperienced surgeon.
- Talk to your doctor about any medications you may be taking to make sure nothing is interfering with your therapy before, during, and after the operation.

Step 3. Undergo surgery and recover
You will be given general anesthesia and the surgeon will make an incision under the breasts, armpits or around the nipples, depending on the type of surgery and implant you have agreed. The surgery usually takes 1-2 hours. The breast will be supported with medical tape and you will need to keep drains during the healing process.
- Complications are possible in any type of surgery. Bleeding, scarring and other more serious problems can always occur.
- Most people need an implant replacement after several years as breasts naturally change their shape.
- Implants can facilitate the development of cancerous cells and can also interfere with breastfeeding.