How to induce labor: are natural remedies effective?

How to induce labor: are natural remedies effective?
How to induce labor: are natural remedies effective?

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After reaching the ninth month of pregnancy, many expectant mothers look forward to the day of delivery. The truth is, a baby is born when he is ready. A mother's duty, however, is to encourage her baby, so if you've reached the 40th week of pregnancy, you can try these ideas to push him into our world a little faster.


Method 1 of 2: Method 1: Doctors Suggested Remedies

Induces Labor Naturally Step 1
Induces Labor Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Try acupuncture

Acupuncture has long been a popular method of inducing labor in Asia, and its effectiveness is currently being studied in the United States. In a small study from the University of North Carolina, of 39.5 - 41 weeks pregnant women. 70% of the women who received three acupuncture sessions went into labor, compared with 50% of the women who did not receive the treatment.

Induces Labor Naturally Step 2
Induces Labor Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Have sex

Sex causes the release of hormone-like substances that have an effect comparable to that of drugs used to induce labor. Make sure the man ejaculates inside the vagina; it is the sperm that contains prostaglandins, hormone-like substances. Prostaglandins help the cervix to soften and promote its opening. Other lines of thought suggest that having an orgasm may be beneficial, thanks to the release of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is also responsible for inducing contractions of labor.

Induces Labor Naturally Step 3
Induces Labor Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Try to stimulate the nipples

Stimulation of the nipples also causes the release of oxytocin, the hormone that helps induce contractions. Try stimulating your nipples one at a time with your fingers like a baby sucking milk would. Massage them for five minutes, then wait 15 minutes to see if the contractions begin. If it doesn't, try again. Another option - if you are still breastfeeding a baby, get him to eat and try to induce labor that way. If the contractions start, stop the stimulation.

Method 2 of 2: Method 2: Untried Home Remedies

Induces Labor Naturally Step 4
Induces Labor Naturally Step 4

Step 1. Get acupressure treatments

They Can Help You Induce Contractions and Promote Cervical Dilatation If your pregnancy has progressed to the point that you are being ordered for medical induction, a course of acupuncture treatments in the three days leading up to induction can help. Labor can start spontaneously, but even if it didn't, midwives have testified that the treatments allow women to go through induction with very little intervention.

  • Try applying finger pressure yourself. Firmly press the skin between your thumb and forefinger for one minute, then release. Press or massage the large muscle between your neck and shoulders. Another pressure point to try: the point of the back above the buttocks and lower back. Finally, find the pressure point on the inside of the leg above the ankle, or on the outside of it just behind the protruding bone.
  • Acupressure doesn't work for all women, and some find it annoying. If this treatment causes you pain, stop immediately.

Step 2. Find out about cohosh

There are two types, the blue and the black, both used by women trying to give birth. The tradition of using blue cohosh dates back hundreds of years. Black cohosh, called black cohosh, is mostly used to control symptoms of menopause. Their use divides doctors, because the herb contains plant chemicals that work by mimicking estrogen. Take these herbs only under the supervision of a medical professional.

Step 3. Eat lots of spicy foods

Don't risk indigestion, but they can help induce labor. While there are no medical studies to support this thesis, many women swear that it was the spicy foods that started the contractions. Other foods have also been considered to be responsible for labor, such as oregano and basil, pineapple and licorice.

Step 4. Get some evening primrose oil

Anecdotal evidence suggests that this oil helps induce labor because it contains substances that your body transforms into prostaglandin, which softens the cervix and prepares it for labor. There is no firm evidence to support this thesis; opponents of this method consider it ineffective or dangerous.

Step 5. Take a walk

If your body is ready to give birth to your baby, walking can help induce labor or encourage stronger, more regular contractions after labor has begun. As you walk, you will use the force of gravity to gently push the baby onto the cervix, stimulating its dilation. Walking also helps the baby move into the correct position to be born. The maternity ward hospital staff will likely encourage you to walk a lot to help the progress of labor.

Step 6. Consider the pros and cons of castor oil

This oil has no impact on the uterus; instead it stimulates the intestine, which pushes on the uterus. While it can be helpful in initiating labor, it can also cause severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, a potential danger to an expectant mother.

The taste of castor oil is unpleasant, so you could mix it with a soda, orange juice, or warm apple juice, or add it to two or three scrambled eggs. When taken in pills, the recommended dosage is two 500 mg capsules per day

Step 7. Get a massage

A massage will help you relax, and for women waiting to give birth, having a relaxed body, breathing deeply and opening the diaphragm can be the right conditions to create a feeling of security and promote the natural onset of labor.
