How to cure a common cold: how effective are natural remedies?

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How to cure a common cold: how effective are natural remedies?
How to cure a common cold: how effective are natural remedies?

There is no effective cure for the common cold, also because many types of rhinoviruses cause it. However, you can treat it naturally to minimize symptoms. Usually, natural treatments aim to strengthen the immune system for the body to function. Therefore, you can use vitamins, minerals, herbs and other invigorating nutrients to strengthen your immune system.


Method 1 of 5: Using Plant-Based Remedies

Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 9
Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 9

Step 1. Try garlic

Not only does it possess antiviral and antibacterial properties, but it is thought to reduce the severity of colds by stimulating the immune system. Try it in the kitchen. Add one or two wedges to the chicken broth. Make sure you peel and chop it, then let it rest for 10-15 minutes to release the allicin content inside.

Constant consumption of garlic is thought to help cure colds. While it is possible to take it as a supplement, fresh one is more effective

Get Rid of Mucus Step 26
Get Rid of Mucus Step 26

Step 2. Use echinacea

It is a herbaceous plant that helps fight the initial symptoms of a cold. Furthermore, it is believed to be able to relieve them and reduce the duration of the cold itself. Sprinkle an ounce or two of dried root or pour 15-23 drops of mother tincture into the tea, and take it up to three times a day.

  • If you prefer to take it in capsules or tablets, you need to take 300 mg, three times a day.
  • It rarely causes allergic reactions and side effects, such as nausea and headache.
Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 11
Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 11

Step 3. Try elderberry

It is a plant that helps strengthen the immune system. It also has antiviral properties. Then, you can make an infusion by pouring 3-5 g of dried leaves into a cup of boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Filter everything and drink the herbal tea three times a day.

Elderberry has been clinically proven to counteract flu effectively. You can find various products based on this plant on the Internet or in herbalist stores

Ease Sudden Chest Pain Step 21
Ease Sudden Chest Pain Step 21

Step 4. Use ginger

It is a root that has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It can also help reduce mucus production. Try adding it to some recipes, pouring it into tea, or taking it as a supplement. However, make sure you don't exceed 4g per day, no matter how you take it.

It is safe for pregnant women and children, although no more than 1g per day should be taken during pregnancy. Doses for children vary, so consult your pediatrician

Grow Sage Step 8
Grow Sage Step 8

Step 5. Try sage

It is a plant used against sore throats. It is excellent in the form of herbal tea and can also be used in the kitchen. Pour a teaspoon into a cup of hot water.

You can sip sage tea or use it to gargle when you have a sore throat

Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 13
Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 13

Step 6. Use eucalyptus

It is an excellent herbal remedy and is found in many cold medicines, such as lozenges, syrups and ointments. You can buy it in the form of liquid extract, dried or fresh leaves. Eucalyptus oil can be used topically to relieve congestion, dissolve phlegm, and ease sinus inflammation. The dried leaves can also be used in infusions.

Do not ingest eucalyptus oil unless advised to by your doctor. Since it is in concentrated form, excessive intake can cause intoxication

Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 12
Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 12

Step 7. Try peppermint

Peppermint and its key active ingredient, menthol, are excellent for treating colds. They help dissolve phlegm and relieve throat irritation. They are components found in cold medicines, ointments and infusions. Try buying mint tea in sachets or in dried form to prepare an infusion.

You can also inhale peppermint essential oil or use it to make fumigations

Naturally Treat ADHD Step 26
Naturally Treat ADHD Step 26

Step 8. Use ginseng

It helps relieve the severity of cold symptoms and also prevent further illness. You shouldn't exceed 400 mg per day.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take ginseng.
  • Ginseng involves a number of drug interactions, so consult your doctor before taking it.
Increase Your Metabolism Step 9
Increase Your Metabolism Step 9

Step 9. Drink herbal tea

Hot liquids can help loosen mucus. Try green tea, which contains antioxidants. Alternatively, you can purchase an herbal tea specially made to fight colds. Check for useful herbs like the ones listed so far in the ingredient list of the blend you intend to try.

Method 2 of 5: Try Food Remedies

Get the Best Pictures on a 3D Ultrasound Step 3
Get the Best Pictures on a 3D Ultrasound Step 3

Step 1. Drink water

When cool, try to stay hydrated. Try drinking 9 to 13 8-ounce glasses of water a day. To relieve a sore throat, try drinking warm water.

  • The amount of water needed varies based on gender, age, height, weight, and other factors. However, if you follow the general guidelines, you will have no problems and will keep yourself hydrated, especially when you are sick.
  • By pouring a little honey into the water, you can help your body fight some infections. Also add some freshly squeezed lemon juice to get a boost of vitamin C.
Stop Wet Dreams Step 12
Stop Wet Dreams Step 12

Step 2. Consume honey

There is a supposed relationship between the consumption of honey and the likelihood of recovering from a cold. Thanks to its properties, it can make you feel better when you are cold. Eat a tablespoon a day when you are physically unwell.

Also, you can add it to tea, hot water or your dishes

Get Rid of Extreme Back Spasms in the Morning Step 8
Get Rid of Extreme Back Spasms in the Morning Step 8

Step 3. Eat nutritious, low-volume meals

Eat solid, easily digestible foods in small portions several times throughout the day. In this way, you will have at your disposal constant doses of energy needed by the immune system. It is preferable that the nourishment provided by what you ingest goes to strengthen the immune defenses, rather than give you the strength for what you have to do.

Try to limit physical exertion. Even if you will have more energy thanks to proper nutrition, rest

Lose Weight Using Self Hypnosis Step 12
Lose Weight Using Self Hypnosis Step 12

Step 4. Eat more protein

In order to strengthen your immune system, add high-quality proteins to your diet, which come from fish and white meat without skin. This is why people often eat chicken broth when they get sick, as it provides a fair amount of protein.

  • Also add other nutrient-rich ingredients to the broth, such as rice and vegetables. Chicken broth is thought to help reduce mucus production and strengthen the immune system.
  • Eggs are also an excellent source of protein. Not only do they provide protein, but they also contain zinc, which helps strengthen the immune system and, last but not least, they are highly digestible. Then, try making an omelette, adding a little spinach or mushrooms, to increase the nutrient intake. Sprinkle a pinch of cayenne pepper to help your body loosen mucus and increase its flow.
Reduce BMI Step 1
Reduce BMI Step 1

Step 5. Eat foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are believed to help strengthen the immune system. Red peppers, oranges, berries and green leafy vegetables are food sources rich in antioxidants.

Lose Water Weight Step 4
Lose Water Weight Step 4

Step 6. Take probiotics

Based on some research, it is believed that probiotics, also known as good bacteria, can help fight and prevent colds. In fact, in addition to fighting intestinal infections, they provide a valid help against other infections. To take probiotics, eat yogurt containing lactobacilli.

You can also take them in the form of supplements

Lose Water Weight Step 8
Lose Water Weight Step 8

Step 7. Take vitamin and mineral supplements

There are many vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the immune system. You can get them through food or supplements. They include:

  • Vitamin A and beta-carotene which are contained in carrots, squash and sweet potatoes.
  • B-complex vitamins, such as riboflavin and vitamin B6, which stimulate the immune system. Green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of this vitamin group.
  • Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. Avocados are an excellent source of vitamin E.
  • Vitamin C, contained in citrus fruits, citrus fruit juices and tropical fruits, such as papaya and pineapple.
  • Zinc. Try to keep the consumption of this very important mineral for the body between 15 and 25 mg per day. Do not use zinc-containing nasal sprays, as it has been found to temporarily inhibit the sense of smell.
  • Selenium, which is an essential mineral. Do not exceed 100 mg per day.
Get Rid of Depression and Anxiety Step 5
Get Rid of Depression and Anxiety Step 5

Step 8. Rest

Give yourself a day off from work or school, spending the day at home doing nothing. Don't clean, don't work, don't train, and don't tire yourself. It will be a cure-all and will get you back physically first. Plus, you won't run the risk of infecting someone else.

Method 3 of 5: Make a Natural Nasal Spray

Get Rid of Sinus Congestion Step 13
Get Rid of Sinus Congestion Step 13

Step 1. Get a small spray bottle

Find one that has a capacity of around 30-60ml. If you intend to use it to help a baby or small child relieve nasal congestion, you should also have a soft rubber blower to gently and effectively remove nasal secretions.

You can apply a saline solution (salt water) as a spray as often as needed, on adults, children and babies

Make a Saline Solution Step 1
Make a Saline Solution Step 1

Step 2. Choose the salt

You can make saline spray using sea or kitchen salt. If you are allergic to iodine or are unsure, use non-iodized salt, such as saltpeter or kosher salt.

Use Steam to Relieve Sinus Pressure Step 1
Use Steam to Relieve Sinus Pressure Step 1

Step 3. Boil the water

To start preparing the solution, boil 240ml of water. You can use tap water or distilled water. Once brought to a boil, let it cool until hot.

Separate Salt from Water Step 1
Separate Salt from Water Step 1

Step 4. Add the salt

Pour 1.5 g of salt into the water to get a saline solution that matches the amount of salt inside your body.

  • Try a salt spray that contains a higher concentration of salt than the body's. Therefore, add 3 g of salt. It can be helpful if your nasal congestion is stronger, you produce a lot of mucus, and you have trouble breathing or blowing your nose.
  • Do not apply the concentrated saline solution to infants or young children under the age of five.
Separate Salt from Water Step 2
Separate Salt from Water Step 2

Step 5. Finish preparing the spray

Once you have added the salt to the hot water, mix the solution well. Spin until it melts. Then pour it all into the spray bottle.

If you notice that it stings in the nose, add ½ teaspoon of baking soda. It will help relieve the itching

Get Rid of a Cold Step 8
Get Rid of a Cold Step 8

Step 6. Use the spray

To use, put the top of the bottle in your nose. Next, spray the saline solution into each nostril once or twice as needed.

For babies and toddlers, spray it once or twice and wait 2-3 minutes. Then tilt the baby's head back slightly and use a soft rubber blower to gently remove nasal secretions

Arrange Refrigerator Shelves Step 4
Arrange Refrigerator Shelves Step 4

Step 7. Store the rest of the solution in a cool place

Pour the leftover saline solution into a container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. Always warm it up before using it. After two days, throw it away if it hasn't been used anymore.

Get Rid of the Flu Step 2
Get Rid of the Flu Step 2

Step 8. Use a neti lot

This is a natural remedy used to clear mucus from the nasal passages by using the same saline solution in a process called nasal irrigation.

  • You can purchase a neti pot at most drugstores and health food stores.
  • Prepare the solution you are going to fill the neti pot with by putting half a teaspoon of kosher salt in a cup of water.
  • Approach the sink, turn your head sideways and place the top of the neti pot in one nostril, pouring the solution inside and running it into the other, until the nasal passages are free of mucus.
  • Fill the neti pot again and repeat the operation in the other nostril.

Method 4 of 5: Using Hydrotherapy Methods

Live with Herpes Step 9
Live with Herpes Step 9

Step 1. Take a shower

Take a shower alternating between hot and cold water. You can also use cold water only. This will help reduce the duration and frequency of cold symptoms, as cold water increases the number of white blood cells and, as a result, will help you fight a cold. Therefore, start with very hot water. Afterwards, open the cold one and use the removable shower head to sprinkle yourself with water going from the feet towards the head and from the hands towards the chest.

  • Make sure you wet your back and chest with cold water as well.
  • It should not be too cold if you perform this operation on a child, an elderly person or a person suffering from debilitating diseases or heart diseases, on someone who has had a medical device implanted, or on a pregnant woman, a person suffering from diseases pulmonary or rather physically weak. In these cases, use only fresh water.
  • Next, use as many towels as you need to wrap your body and cover yourself completely. Go to bed and stay under the covers until you dry off.
Heal Cracked Skin Step 7
Heal Cracked Skin Step 7

Step 2. Try using wet socks

It is a form of hydrotherapy that is supposed to help lower fevers and treat colds. You will need two pairs of socks, one 100% wool and another 100% cotton. Immerse the latter in very cold water. Then squeeze them well. Warm your feet in hot water and finally dry them completely. They must be very hot, so much so that they become pink. Next, slip on the cotton socks, cold and damp, and put on the wool ones.

  • Once you have your socks on, go straight to bed, keeping them on your feet all night.
  • This treatment usually begins to relieve congestion within 30 to 60 minutes. You can repeat this twice every night if your symptoms don't subside.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 6
Get Rid of a Cold Step 6

Step 3. Use steam

Steam can help clog the nasal passages, thin the mucus and help drain it. Therefore, boil the water. Add a drop or two of echinacea, thyme, mint, oregano, ginger, or garlic essential oil. Start with one drop for every liter of water. If you don't have essential oil available, you can use ½ teaspoon of the dried version of these spices for every liter of water instead. Once you've added the oil or spice, boil the water for another minute, then turn off the heat and remove the pot from the stove.

  • Echinacea is believed to have immune-boosting, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties.
  • Mint is a natural decongestant.
  • Thyme and oregano strengthen the immune system and also possess antibacterial and antiviral properties. They also increase blood circulation by promoting dilation of blood vessels.
  • Ginger has antiviral properties and increases blood circulation.
  • Garlic has antiviral properties and invigorates the immune system.

Method 5 of 5: Learn about the Common Cold

Ease Sudden Chest Pain Step 1
Ease Sudden Chest Pain Step 1

Step 1. Observe the symptoms

There are several symptoms that often accompany the common cold and include:

  • Nasal dryness or irritation
  • Inflammation, irritation or itching in the throat;
  • Green or yellow phlegm
  • Nasal congestion and increasingly violent sneezing;
  • Headache or muscle aches;
  • Tearing
  • Sense of pressure in the face and ears caused by sinus congestion;
  • Temporary loss of smell and taste;
  • Cough or hoarseness
  • Irritability or restlessness;
  • Low fever, usually in infants and preschool children.
Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 6
Cure a Cold With Household Resources Step 6

Step 2. Treat the common cold by following medical advice

It is usually always recommended to rest abundantly, consume plenty of fluids and gargle with warm salt water. You can also use cough lozenges, a throat spray, an over-the-counter pain reliever, or a cold medicine.

Feel Comfortable Having Small Muscles Step 6
Feel Comfortable Having Small Muscles Step 6

Step 3. See your doctor

Most of the time there is no need to see a doctor. However, some symptoms can manifest themselves so violently that the sufferer (whether it is an adult or a child) may seek health care. Therefore, consult your doctor if:

  • Body temperature exceeds 38 ° C;
  • The person who has a fever is a baby of six months or younger. However, if your fever reaches or exceeds 40 ° C, regardless of your age, call your doctor;
  • Symptoms last over 10 days;
  • Symptoms are severe or unusual, such as severe headache, nausea, vomiting, or difficulty in breathing.
