It is on the news every day, it is talked about all the time, and, of course, you have read something on the subject. Saving the planet and being greener are issues for which each of us can make a serious effort to make a contribution, and with this simple but effective guide, you can find out how.

Step 1. Find out a little more about the environment and the natural systems of the earth, so that you know what is happening around you
Books and the internet are useful tools for finding information on the subject, and can give a great deal of good advice. Make sure they are documents of good quality and based on facts, not presumptuous ramblings.

Step 2. Change little things you do in your everyday life
The little things can make a huge difference. Of course, you don't have to give up on everything you like and is bound to like. Read about the things you can replace, and that don't use more energy or resources than the things you are currently using; doing this can lower your environmental impact without changing your lifestyle for the worse.

Step 3. Be eco-friendly in the bathroom:
- Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
- Take refreshing, quick showers instead of baths that waste water. Just think that the water that goes down the drain of the tub could be used to take three showers! The shower cleans as effectively as the bathtub.

Step 4. Think about how to save energy:
- Turn off the light every time you leave a room, even if you intend to return within a couple of minutes. This saves energy and preserves fossil fuels, which are irreplaceable. Fluorescent or LED lamps are more efficient than incandescent ones.
- Don't use unnecessary energy when you don't have to use equipment or don't need it. Turn off the CD and try to limit the use of the TV to about 2 hours a day at the most!
- Turn off your computer when you are not using it.
- Keep the radiators off when it's not terribly cold outside. If it's cold, put on additional clothing.

Step 5. Think about what to throw away and what you could use more than once
Also be careful. Bits of paper and wrapping material are ideal, unique additions to a scrapbook. Grab a piece of paper to scribble a note. And put the 3 Rs into action! Reduce, Reuse and Recycle:
- Reduce the amount of waste you produce, use things more than once and give others what you no longer use. Do not go shopping every weekend or when you have the opportunity (you can reduce the amount of packaging waste by shopping no more than twice a month).
- Reuse things that can be used more than once, instead of throwing them away after a single use. Bring plastic bags, cotton bags, or a large bag from your home when you go to a store. Giving things you no longer need to charities, and using materials like postcards, Christmas cards, and notes for small crafts, it all matters.
- Recycle more. Paper, cardboard and card stock can be transformed into something new. Put them in the recycling bin and make sure the contents are properly disposed of. Who knows, those dirty old notes could be turned into a new agenda in the next fortnight! Think of all the new things, which are made with new materials and come up with an idea.
- Turn organic waste into compost in your garden instead of sending it to a landfill or incinerator. You will support the environment and have a lot of compost to improve the soil in the garden.

Step 6. Plant trees

Step 7. You could also commit the family
Make the younger generation do this while playing outdoors, it will subconsciously increase their awareness of the problems of our environment.
- Do not scatter waste outdoors. While it may not seem like a big deal, animals could be injured or even killed by beverage cans or plastic bags. Find the nearest collection bin or a recycling island. If you see new garbage on the floor, try to be super green by picking it up and putting it in the bin.
- Go to charitable organizations. You can often find some great things at incredible prices.
- Do not throw waste on the ground as the song "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" says. Follow the steps in the song!
- Avoid elevators, escalators, conveyor belts and the like, if walking takes only a short time.
- If possible, walk to school or work, or use public transport, such as a bus.
- Organize separate collection at school to help keep it clean.
- Try to avoid using wasteful products. Like packaged and processed foods. Most of those foods are bad for your health anyway, so eating healthier also helps the environment.
- Get permission to do anything that alters the state of places or things.
- Make sure you know the things that go into each separate collection bin.