How to Live Green (with Pictures)

Table of contents:

How to Live Green (with Pictures)
How to Live Green (with Pictures)

As most people know, human abuse of fossil fuels over decades has led to a disastrous phenomenon known as global warming. We have to change our lifestyle habits if we are to hope to make up for it. The meaning of "being green" is both economic and ecological, as the prices of gas and oil are constantly increasing. Here are some tips that will help you do your part for your planet, and save money in the process.


Live Green Step 1
Live Green Step 1

Step 1. Reduce the amount of packaging

Live Green Step 2
Live Green Step 2

Step 2. Reuse everything you can

Live Green Step 3
Live Green Step 3

Step 3. Recycle what you can't reuse

Live Green Step 4
Live Green Step 4

Step 4. Replace all incandescent bulbs with low consumption ones

Live Green Step 5
Live Green Step 5

Step 5. Turn off any devices and appliances you are not using

Live Green Step 6
Live Green Step 6

Step 6. Opt for energy-saving appliances and appliances

Live Green Step 7
Live Green Step 7

Step 7. When you're not using it, put your computer into sleep mode

Live Green Step 8
Live Green Step 8

Step 8. Change the car to an electric or hybrid

Live Green Step 9
Live Green Step 9

Step 9. Walk and use public transport whenever you can

Live Green Step 10
Live Green Step 10

Step 10. Install solar panels on the roof

Producing your own electricity is free.

Live Green Step 11
Live Green Step 11

Step 11. Buy food at zero kilometer rather than being transported over long distances

Live Green Step 12
Live Green Step 12

Step 12. Turn off the lights when you leave a room

Live Green Step 13
Live Green Step 13

Step 13. Install programmable thermostats

Live Green Step 14
Live Green Step 14

Step 14. Always prefer recycled paper to plain paper

Live Green Step 15
Live Green Step 15

Step 15. Unsubscribe from print journals and prefer electronic ones

Live Green Step 16
Live Green Step 16

Step 16. Pay your bills online

Live Green Step 17
Live Green Step 17

Step 17. Invest in a compost bin

Live Green Step 18
Live Green Step 18

Step 18. Instead of flying to reach people, use video calling

Live Green Step 19
Live Green Step 19

Step 19. Instead of turning up the heat during the winter months, cover up more

Live Green Step 20
Live Green Step 20

Step 20. Turn on the air conditioning only while in the room

Live Green Step 21
Live Green Step 21

Step 21. Install a tankless water heater

Live Green Step 22
Live Green Step 22

Step 22. Avoid cleaners that contain chemicals

Live Green Step 23
Live Green Step 23

Step 23. Install sprinkler timers to limit water consumption

Live Green Step 24
Live Green Step 24

Step 24. Minimize your home's heat loss by insulating it and installing double glazing

Live Green Step 25
Live Green Step 25

Step 25. Detect heat leaks by performing infrared thermography

Live Green Step 26
Live Green Step 26

Step 26. Drink tap water instead of bottled water

Live Green Step 27
Live Green Step 27

Step 27. Change the batteries of your devices and opt for rechargeable ones

Live Green Step 28
Live Green Step 28

Step 28. Install dimmers
