On a bike, it is sometimes very difficult to fit your new handlebar grips. This article will help you do it easily, without the risk of them coming off in no time.
Method 1 of 2: Remove the Knobs

Step 1. Sometimes it may be necessary to use a blade to remove the old knobs
Be careful not to scratch the chrome on the handlebar. If you want to save the grips and thus not cut them, spray some WD-40 between the grip and the handlebar. He will be able to penetrate under the knob! Turn the handlebar so that the oil gets in well, and then pull the knob off. Insert a screwdriver between the handlebar and the grip, if you cannot remove it easily.

Step 2. Clean the handlebar with soap and water to remove all traces of WD-40
Dry well and carefully! Make sure the knobs don't get soapy or wet.

Step 3. You can also use compressed air with a compressor or canister to remove the knob
Put the nozzle between the handlebar and the grip and the air will cause the grip to detach from the handlebar. Once removed, you won't even have to clean the handlebar too thoroughly, since you haven't put any type of lubricant on. Use proper precautions when using compressed air and be careful not to cause an explosion or other harm to yourself or others.
Method 2 of 2: Mount the Knobs

Step 1. Put some hair spray or disinfectant inside the knob

Step 2. Let out the extra spray or disinfectant

Step 3. Insert the grip into the handlebar
Use extra spray if needed. Do not stop pushing until the knob is fully inserted.
- If you don't have any spray or disinfectant, you can also just spit on it.
- Using oil or soapy water or whatever (to get the grips on) will only slide your grips on the handlebars back and forth forever - don't!