How to live with the symptoms of manic depression

How to live with the symptoms of manic depression
How to live with the symptoms of manic depression

Table of contents:


Bipolar disorder (or "manic-depressive" as it was defined in the past) is a sort of mental disorder characterized by the sudden transition from an exalted (manic) mood to a depressive one, and vice versa, in a cyclical manner. This disorder can last for weeks or even months. If you have been diagnosed with this syndrome, you can still be able to manage the disorder and lead a normal, productive life by following a few important steps.


Part 1 of 2: Initial Care

Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 1
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 1

Step 1. Learn to accept the disease

Like diabetes or hypertension, bipolar disorder is a long-lasting disease that must be constantly monitored throughout life. So you can take medications and lead a healthy life to avoid symptoms, just like with other physical ailments. Accepting the problem is the first step towards change.

Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 2
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 2

Step 2. Learn to recognize the symptoms of manic depressive disorder

Its early signs, risk and protective factors, as well as appropriate care should be identified. These are all useful elements that allow you to understand and prevent relapses. There are some mood swings in bipolar disorder that can be identified and observed, to tell when a mood change is occurring.

  • Manic episodes are characterized by an excessively euphoric mood, sleep disturbances, and motor hyperactivity.
  • Hypomania presents with the same symptoms as the manic phase, albeit with less intensity. It is often underestimated, however it could be a sign of more severe mood swings.
  • Depressive phases involve a lack of energy and pleasure. Fatigue, insomnia, despair and suicidal thoughts are often associated with them.
  • Mixed mood presents the symptoms of both mania and hypomania along with depressive ones.
  • Cyclothymia is characterized by alternating periods of depression and hypomania.
  • Rapid cycle bipolarism is characterized by the transition from symptoms of mania or hypomania to those of depression. It is evident when four or more such episodes occur within a year.
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 3
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 3

Step 3. Stick to treatment and therapy

Medicines are an important element of therapy. Regular treatment not only normalizes mood swings, but decreases the risk of relapse. Make sure you take your medications regularly. If necessary, accept the support of a family member or friend to help you follow the treatment.

Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 4
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 4

Step 4. Be consistent

See your therapist regularly and do your assigned homework. Remember that your level of efficiency depends on changes in your behavior, which in turn are influenced by your thoughts and emotions, resulting from mood swings, from manic to depressive. This cycle of moods is constantly repeating itself. Psychotherapy helps break this cycle and control your thinking and moods. Furthermore, the continuous monitoring of these elements will limit the fallout.

Part 2 of 2: Daily Management

Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 5
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 5

Step 1. Plan day-to-day how to deal with the symptoms

As the symptoms of manic depressive syndrome vary in direction and intensity, each day represents a new day for you. Organize your day according to your mood. The side effects of drugs could hinder the fulfillment of normal daily activities. If you are feeling sluggish, at full strength, or feeling desperate, you need to come up with a plan to deal with your mood on that specific day. Some methods to do this in the best way are as follows:

  • Try to sleep and eat regularly. The excesses of both can cause chemical imbalances in the body, altering mood. If you suffer from persistent sleep or appetite disorders, consult your doctor and psychotherapist. In addition to drugs and tranquilizers, it is useful to use appropriate techniques to combat insomnia and hypersomnia.
  • Get help from friends and family. Addressing the problem with them will not only help them pick up on the symptoms of the disorder, but it will involve them in routines that will make you feel better. For example, if you are feeling desperate and low on energy, they could arrange something to cheer you up and make your mood improve.
  • Try to stay away from any stressful situations. This doesn't mean avoiding real problems, but stress could be harmful and exacerbate symptoms. You could confide in a friend or therapist to solve problems and learn strategies to better deal with your mood swings.
  • Set yourself some realistic and achievable goals. Failure to carry out unrealizable projects results in frustration and a feeling of ineptitude. It also pushes you into the manic-depressive vortex. Achieving a small goal is much better than pursuing many, without achieving the expected results. Be prepared to face a variety of setbacks, as these are a part of life. What disturbs us is not the situation itself, but the thought. By changing the way you think, you get great results.
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 6
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 6

Step 2. Stick to a regular lifestyle

Regular physical activity, a healthy diet, and rest will help reduce symptoms. You can make a program of activities and act on this, while keeping your moods under control. Symptoms tend to worsen when unexpected events occur for which a program of activities decreases the danger. Also, when the manic symptoms prevail, you get carried away by many tasks, but you are not able to complete any one of them, due to the lack of concentration. Regularization, scheduling and planning will increase your focus and your level of efficiency.

Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 7
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 7

Step 3. Observe your mood and symptoms regularly

The weekly mood recording and a symptom diagram, or a diary, are systems that allow you to monitor your mood states. They increase your self-awareness, allowing you immediate and intensive intervention when you perceive your current mood. They also help you identify any stressors and factors that are contributing to their triggering. Eliminating the factor helps restore your mood to normal, reducing relapses and improving your functionality.

Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 8
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 8

Step 4. Control your emotions

Anger, irritability, sadness, despair, and other excessive or dilated moods are all manic-depressive symptoms. Implementing appropriate anger management techniques, or changing negative thoughts by replacing them with more adequate ones, helps you control your emotional behaviors, allowing you to keep your moods and emotions in check.

Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 9
Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 9

Step 5. Come up with an action plan to deal with the first signs

To know when to make a change, you need to be vigilant. When you look for the warning signs, you take responsibility for your well-being. Highly efficient individuals plan ahead and remain alert to their symptoms. They are able to ask a family member or friend to report any warning signs. Remember that the signs are different for each individual and must be distinguished from the side effects of the medications they are taking. You can pick up on the warning signs by remembering previous episodes, and the type of mood and symptoms you experienced earlier. Some warning signs that precede the onset of complete symptoms of bipolar disorder are described below.

  • Warning signs common to manic episodes:

    • Hyperactivity
    • Loquacity
    • Decreased need for sleep
    • Feelings of excessive pleasure and omnipotence
    • Making unachievable plans and over-focusing on one goal
  • Warning signs common to depressive episodes:

    • Lack of concentration
    • Depression
    • Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness
    • Lack of energy or sluggishness (excluding those resulting from the side effects of drugs) or suicidal obsessions
    • Lack of interest in people and activities
    • Ground mood
  • Warning signs common to both manic and depressive episodes:

    • Irritable mood
    • Disorders of hunger and sleep
    • Aggression and outbursts of anger at trivial things
    • Lack of concentration and attention on specific tasks
    • Daily efficiency to a minimum and inability to manage social and occupational responsibilities properly.
    Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 10
    Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 10

    Step 6. Get yourself an emergency kit

    Once you have learned the therapeutic methods to monitor yourself, collect the following materials:

    • A card containing a checklist with warning signs, in which you will write down the manic and depressive symptoms. You can keep it in your wallet or purse and have a look to intervene at the right time.
    • Some cards that contain statements that can help you deal with the disorder in stressful situations. Include phrases like, "I've done it before, I can do it at any time."
    • Emotion Control Cards, which contain ratings of your emotions on a ten-point scale; include a statement that helps you overcome your emotion.
    • Reading material that talks about strategies to use when your mood is deteriorating, or when you feel the warning signs.
    Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 11
    Live with Manic Depressive Symptoms Step 11

    Step 7. Find solace in meditation and prayer

    If you are a believer, prayer can have a therapeutic effect. If you are not a believer, consider using meditation which will help calm your mood swings, relieve stress and calm your nervous system. Highly efficient people with bipolar disorder usually use meditation or prayer as routine components of their personal management, along with medication and therapy.
