How to Detoxify the Body from Cocaine

How to Detoxify the Body from Cocaine
How to Detoxify the Body from Cocaine

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Cocaine is an illegal stimulant drug that makes you more energetic and euphoric for some time; Unfortunately, it can also lead to unpleasant side effects, life-threatening health problems, and addiction. Although the euphoric phase lasts only about 20 or 30 minutes, the drug stays in the body much longer; you may find yourself needing to cleanse the body of the substance - and there is nothing wrong with that, as it is better now than ever. If you need to undergo a drug test or just want to get rid of the cocaine in your body, start by abstaining completely, then wait, stay hydrated, stick to healthy habits, and consider practicing less scientific techniques at your own risk.


Method 1 of 2: Detoxify the Body the Natural Way

Treat Cocaine Addiction Step 6
Treat Cocaine Addiction Step 6

Step 1. Stop using cocaine immediately

If you want to rid your body of this substance, you need to stop taking it right away. In an occasional user, traces of cocaine remain in the urine for at least 4-8 hours, although the substance can be detected in the body for up to 4 days after taking a single dose. However, regular users can test positive for drugs up to a month later; therefore, the sooner you stop consuming it, the faster you purify your body.

Avoid Caregiver Burnout Step 9
Avoid Caregiver Burnout Step 9

Step 2. Prevent the "descending" phase

All cocaine users have a moment of collapse, or "crash", after the initial euphoric phase; this phenomenon is triggered by the body trying to restore balance in terms of energy and mood. Be prepared to feel tired and potentially depressed for some time, even up to 2-3 days.

Crash due to cocaine is not the same as withdrawal, although some symptoms are similar

Recognize Signs of a Sleep Disorder Step 3
Recognize Signs of a Sleep Disorder Step 3

Step 3. Be prepared to experience withdrawal symptoms

If you have been using this drug regularly, it is very likely that you will experience withdrawal disorders when you stop using it. Begin by telling yourself that you want to get out of it before you even show symptoms and mentally prepare yourself for the fact that you will experience any of the following discomforts:

  • Strong desire to consume it;
  • Nausea and vomit;
  • Paranoia, depression or anxiety
  • Mood swings or irritability;
  • Itching or sensation of something crawling on the skin
  • Insomnia, excessive sleep, vivid or distressing dreams;
  • Sense of fatigue and exhaustion.
Treat Cocaine Addiction Step 8
Treat Cocaine Addiction Step 8

Step 4. Undergo a detox program

If you have been using cocaine for a long time or consuming it often, you probably need medical attention to get rid of it. There are no drugs that can "cleanse" the body of cocaine, but a doctor can help you overcome the withdrawal crisis by providing you with drugs to counteract the symptoms. If you need outside help, search online to find a detox center in your area.

  • Depending on the symptoms you complain and how much cocaine you were taking, the detox process could last anywhere from 3 days to over a week; hospital rehabilitation can last up to one month.
  • If you decide to proceed privately, consider that an outpatient detox program can cost between 800 and 1200 euros, but a fully rehabilitative one can even go up to 18,000 euros. However, you can turn to public facilities, such as SerT, where the detox program is typically free.
Find Peace Step 3
Find Peace Step 3

Step 5. Wait

There is no foolproof method to expel cocaine and its metabolites (the substances into which the body transforms it) from the body; all that remains is to wait. If so, know that the time it takes depends on a number of different factors:

  • How much have you used: the more there is in the body, the longer it takes to get out;
  • The frequency of intake: the more times you take drugs, the longer it takes for the substance to leave the body;
  • The ingredients with which it was cut, that is its degree of purity: the purer it is, the greater the quantity that remains in the body;
  • If you also drink alcohol in conjunction with drug use; alcoholic substances slow down the expulsion of cocaine, which remains in the body for a longer time;
  • The level of function of the liver and kidneys; if you suffer from any disorder of these organs, the body is not able to excrete cocaine as effectively as a healthy organism;
  • Body weight: The drug stays in the body longer in heavier people.

Method 2 of 2: Encourage and Accelerate the Detox Process

Cure a Morning Stomach Ache Step 8
Cure a Morning Stomach Ache Step 8

Step 1. Drink lots of water

Get plenty of fluids such as water, juices, or even herbal teas (but preferably water), which help you expel the cocaine metabolites more quickly. The effects of fluids are temporary, so you need to keep yourself well hydrated for as long as the drug is in your body.

Get Up in the Morning Step 10
Get Up in the Morning Step 10

Step 2. Get physical

If you are generally a healthy and active person, your body is able to get rid of cocaine faster than those who are overweight or lead a sedentary lifestyle; stay active and exercise every day during the detox phase. Try an aerobic activity to pump your blood, such as swimming, running, biking, or some sport.

Avoid Food Triggers of Bipolar Mood Swings Step 11
Avoid Food Triggers of Bipolar Mood Swings Step 11

Step 3. Stick to a healthy diet

During the detox process, eat fresh fruits and vegetables with each meal; healthy eating helps your metabolism, allowing you to excrete cocaine and its metabolites more quickly.

Cause a Person to Fall Asleep Step 6
Cause a Person to Fall Asleep Step 6

Step 4. Don't drink alcohol

Refrain from consuming them when the body is getting rid of the drug. Just as the body takes longer to get rid of cocaine if you drink alcohol at the same time, so the detox process slows down when you drink alcohol.

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Increase Fertility in Men Step 6

Step 5. Take zinc supplements

Under certain circumstances this mineral is considered valuable for "cleansing" the body, although it is not scientifically proven to help detoxify it from cocaine. Consult your doctor to find out if you can take it safely; in this case, take the recommended daily dose (8 mg for adult women and 11 mg for adult men).

However, don't overdo the zinc intake in order to get rid of the drug; toxicity due to an excess of this mineral can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and headache

Handle Smart People Step 24
Handle Smart People Step 24

Step 6. Buy detox products online

On the internet you can find countless sites selling tablets, powders and drinks that are advertised as substances that can cleanse the body of cocaine, some with permanent effects and others only for a few hours, enough to pass a drug test. Retailers claim that many of these products are natural, but, not being scrutinized by the Ministry of Health, it could also be false information. In fact, these substances have not been tested to eliminate drugs from the system and could also be quite expensive; however, if you decide to use one, be aware that you proceed at your own risk.

Keep in mind that any substance you take could interact with the medications you are taking or with some pathology you suffer from; It is best not to buy products online that have not been tested


Be wary of herbal remedies and other products available on the internet that claim to be able to hide the presence of cocaine on drug tests; for most of these, no tests have been performed to demonstrate their efficacy


  • Cocaine is an illegal substance that offers no medical benefit; taking it can cause serious health problems and even death from heart disease, especially when mixed with alcohol.
  • Never consume it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as it can seriously affect your baby's health.
  • The use of cocaine can cause or aggravate anxiety and cause severe blood sugar changes in diabetics.
