How to Be a Yogi: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Be a Yogi: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Be a Yogi: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The word Yoga refers to a traditional physical and mental discipline originating in India. The term is associated with meditation practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. In Hindu philosophy, the main branches of yoga include: Raja Yoga (Patanjali, meditation and positive thinking), Karma Yoga (doing good), Jnana Yoga (turning one's thoughts to oneself), Bhakti Yoga (praying to one's God, Guru or inner self), and Hatha Yoga (body exercises and meditation).

In Sanskrit the term "yoga" has multiple meanings, and derives from the Sanskrit root "yuj", which means "to control" (self-discipline), "to subdue" (egoless) or "to unite" (to live in cosmic awareness). A person who practices yoga or who follows the philosophy of yoga to reach broad goals is called a yogi or yogini. Yogini is the female form. In the following steps, you will learn how to take the first steps along the path that will lead you to be a yogi or yogini.


Be a Yogi Step 1
Be a Yogi Step 1

Step 1. Practice yoga for health, inner peace or to achieve enlightenment

You are a yogi or yogini if you practice yoga for health, beauty, strength, relaxation or healing. Similarly you are a yogi or yogini if you practice yoga for inner peace, happiness and enlightenment. You are a yogi or yogini if you have attained enlightenment. Being enlightened means living in God, in light, in cosmic awareness.

Be a Yogi Step 2
Be a Yogi Step 2

Step 2. Be a believer or an atheist

In modern yoga, you can choose the religion you prefer. Yoga teaches the unity of all religions. You can be a Yogi and at the same time a Hindu, a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist or an Atheist. An atheist can be a yogi if he wishes to find his own inner peace and achieve happiness.

If you wish you can be a Christian yogi. The Desert Fathers and Mothers were among the most prominent yogis. Their enlightened teacher was Antonio abate

Be a Yogi Step 3
Be a Yogi Step 3

Step 3. Practice yoga, meditation, and positive thinking

The three main books of yoga are Patanjali's Yoga-Sutra, Haṭhayoga Pradīpikā, and Krishna's Bhagavadgītā. Therefore the basis of yoga techniques are positive thinking (Patanjali), meditation (Patanjali), body work (Goraksha), prayer (Krishna), and love for all living beings (Krishna).

Be a Yogi Step 4
Be a Yogi Step 4

Step 4. Learn the five basic characteristics of yoga:

truth, peace, love, self-discipline and happiness. Important modern yoga masters are Sri Sri Ravishankar, Jaggi Vasudev, Shivananda, Anandamayi Ma, Sai Baba, Mata Amritanandamayi (known as Amma), and Mother Mira. Each of them teaches the five foundations of yoga.

Be a Yogi Step 5
Be a Yogi Step 5

Step 5. Get an initiation

Being initiated by an enlightened master is a good idea. This person will open the doors to you on the energy of your enlightenment (kundalini energy). Either way, understand that you have to practice and achieve your enlightenment on your own. And be patient, your enlightenment will happen at the right time for you.

Be a Yogi Step 6
Be a Yogi Step 6

Step 6. Purify yourself and find happiness

Spiritually, humans can be compared to onions. Tensions and conflicts can be dissolved layer by layer. When one layer is eliminated, the next quickly appears on the surface until the innermost core is revealed. At this point, a layer of persistent inner joy is found, and the yogi or yogini lives in the light (although there are still many steps to be taken).


Once upon a time there was a woman who had two children. During the day her husband went to work and she cleaned the house, cooked and looked after the children. She led a good life, but she didn't feel fulfilled. She lacked a deeper sense of her existence. Essentially, she lacked profound happiness in her life. To do something for herself, she attended a yoga class, read a book on yoga and learned that through this discipline we can awaken our inner happiness. By practicing yoga consistently, we can achieve a life of lasting light and happiness. The woman decided to live as a yogini. Since then, he spent all his free time practicing spiritual exercises. As he cleaned, he recited mantras in his head. While shopping, he practiced walking meditation. Playing with her children she practiced karma yoga. Before falling asleep, he meditated. In this way he released further tension during sleep. Every morning, he prayed to his enlightened Master. He practiced an hour of yoga every day. He blocked his talkativeness by conserving his spiritual energy. This is the yoga of Mauni or silence. He practiced consistently every day advancing on his spiritual path. After twelve years he achieved enlightenment


  • Always remain in truth, love, peace, strength and happiness. Don't overload or lighten your spiritual path too much. Practice should make you feel comfortable.
  • Proponents of yoga may argue that its philosophy is compatible with many belief systems and world views, but this is not necessarily true. Investigate and understand if becoming a yogi is in accordance with your current belief.