
How to Recognize the Symptoms of Anorexia in Younger Girls

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Anorexia in Younger Girls

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Anorexia is a common eating disorder among teenagers, especially among younger girls. In fact, about 90-95% of anorexic people are girls and young women. It can result from the introjection of society's canons of physical perfection, which lead to a slim body or not to exceed a certain weight, from personal factors such as genetics or biology and from emotional factors, such as anxiety, stress or a trauma.

How To Quickly Lower Triglycerides

How To Quickly Lower Triglycerides

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Having a high triglyceride level is concerning because it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. If you want to reduce them quickly, making the following lifestyle changes and taking medications can make a big difference. Steps Part 1 of 3:

3 Ways to Eliminate Salt from Food in the Pantry

3 Ways to Eliminate Salt from Food in the Pantry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many packaged foods are flavorful, but full of salt. According to the American Heart Association, adults should limit sodium intake to 1500 mg per day, not exceeding 2300 mg. However, just to give an example, Americans ingest around 3400 mg per day.

How to Calculate Your Weight Watchers Points

How to Calculate Your Weight Watchers Points

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In 2011, Weight Watchers revoked its original system by announcing its new and improved Points Plus point system. Yet both systems have their own merits and some people have sworn eternal trust in the original methodology. For this reason, we will outline both!

How to Fast for a Day: 12 Steps

How to Fast for a Day: 12 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Fasting means voluntarily avoiding eating for a given period of time. Some people fast to lose weight, others for religious or spiritual reasons. Whatever your reason for doing this, it is important to have a very strong motivation, because fasting is going against the natural instinct to feed.

How to Choose the Healthiest Rice Quality: 14 Steps

How to Choose the Healthiest Rice Quality: 14 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

There are currently several qualities of rice on sale, and therefore, it can be difficult to understand which type is healthier or more nutritious for your body. Whether it is long grain rice, basmati rice, Venere rice or wild rice, each type offers a particular complex of benefits for physical well-being.

4 Ways to Lose Half a Pound a Week

4 Ways to Lose Half a Pound a Week

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

While you may be tempted to lose weight faster, losing a pound a week is a healthy goal that can be maintained over the long haul. With the right combination of diet and training, your stomach and muscles won't notice the difference, but you can clearly see it in the mirror.

How to Combine Foods for Complete Protein

How to Combine Foods for Complete Protein

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many people may be wondering what a complete protein is, especially those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. It is a protein source containing all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce properly. Most people can get adequate amounts of complete protein without any problems.

How to Follow the Low Calorie Diet of the Watch

How to Follow the Low Calorie Diet of the Watch

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

According to the clock low calorie diet theory, it is not only what you eat and the calories you introduce into your body with food that matters, but also the time or times of the day you eat. The main focus of the low-calorie diet of the clock it is in fact to synchronize the sensation of hunger and appetite with the circadian rhythm, which we can define as the biological clock.

6 Ways to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

6 Ways to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Creatinine is a waste product found in the blood. Under normal circumstances, the kidneys should be able to filter and drain it. However, some health problems can hinder this function, allowing harmful amounts of creatinine to remain in the body.

How to keep your skin in shape by following a correct diet

How to keep your skin in shape by following a correct diet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Make your skin brighter, fight wrinkles; it's easy to get lost in the jungle of beauty. The beauty of your body also depends on its overall health. To have attractive skin you need to follow a healthy lifestyle, and a good way to start doing this is to control what you eat.

How to Lose 2.5kg in Five Days: 10 Steps

How to Lose 2.5kg in Five Days: 10 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many people would like to lose some weight, especially in anticipation of a special occasion like a dinner with old classmates, a party or a wedding. While fast weight loss in a short period is never recommended, you can still lose a few pounds - just enough to boost your self-esteem and look better in certain clothes.

3 Ways to Make Healthy Snacks for Kids

3 Ways to Make Healthy Snacks for Kids

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Snacks help you feel energetic throughout the day, but choosing the right foods is crucial. By eating light and healthy meals, you can avoid industrially produced junk food, usually full of salt, sugar and fat. To get started, ask an adult for permission and ask them to show you how to use the devices or food processors you need to prepare the snack.

4 Ways to Shrink Your Belly

4 Ways to Shrink Your Belly

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Have you ever wondered how some people keep a slim figure and a flat stomach? Most likely, consciously or not, they are shrinking their stomach. It is quite easy to do. Steps Method 1 of 4: Keep Your Hunger Under Control Step 1.

3 Ways to Avoid Setting Risky Health Goals

3 Ways to Avoid Setting Risky Health Goals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Despite having good intentions, it happens to many to set goals that are anything but healthy. It often happens because there is too much focus on results, rather than on the path to take to enjoy good health. A few examples? Try to lose a lot of weight in a short time or start training late for a marathon.

How To Lose Weight By Eating Slowly: 10 Steps

How To Lose Weight By Eating Slowly: 10 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If you are trying to lose weight, you may be eating less food and losing weight by eating slower and more consciously. Recent research has shown that the brain takes time to realize when the body is full. If you consume what you have on your plate quickly, there is a risk that your brain will not be able to register how much you have actually eaten and you end up gorging on food.

How to Lose Half a Pound a Day: 10 Steps

How to Lose Half a Pound a Day: 10 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Losing weight can be a long and frustrating process. To lose weight in a healthy way, most doctors recommend setting a limit of one pound per week. If you need to lose weight in a shorter time, by eliminating excess fluids you should be able to drop the balance by about half a kilo a day.

How to Have a Balanced Triangle of Health

How to Have a Balanced Triangle of Health

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The health triangle is a tool that depicts the overall well-being of the person. It is made up of three sides, each of which represents an important aspect of one's overall health: physical, mental and social. The physical part indicates biochemical well-being and how to safeguard the body from disease and injury.

3 Ways to Develop a Specific Diet to Reverse the Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease

3 Ways to Develop a Specific Diet to Reverse the Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If you suffer from any chronic kidney disease (CKD), you need to follow a personalized diet to improve kidney function naturally. There is no cure for this condition, but with appropriate dietary changes you can slow down the progression of symptoms.

How to Reduce Prostaglandins: Can Changes in Eating Habits Help?

How to Reduce Prostaglandins: Can Changes in Eating Habits Help?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances and are part of a group of molecules that have the task of defending the body, called eicosanoids. Prostaglandins perform a number of functions within the body, including: contracting and relaxing smooth muscle, blood vessels (to control blood pressure), and managing inflammation.

3 Ways to Prepare Meals for a Week

3 Ways to Prepare Meals for a Week

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Preparing meals in advance is a practice characterized by cooking / preparing food for the whole week in one day. It's a great way to save time and eat healthy. Developing a planning, shopping, and cooking routine will help you minimize meal boredom and improve your health.

How To Lose A Lot Of Weight During Summer (With Pictures)

How To Lose A Lot Of Weight During Summer (With Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Summer brings joy and fun with it: parties, swimming pools and beaches make this season one of the most beautiful times of the year! However, there is no shortage of opportunities to eat dishes that, although delicious, are not recommended for those trying to lose weight - think, for example, of sausages during grilling, ice cream and cold drinks full of sugars.

How to Follow a Balanced, Healthy and Nutritious Diet

How to Follow a Balanced, Healthy and Nutritious Diet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Eating a nutrient-rich and well-balanced diet is extremely important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating right provides the body with all the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. In addition, a well-balanced diet strengthens the immune system, supports healthy development, helps maintain a normal weight and prevent chronic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes.

How to Have a Good Nutrition: 10 Steps

How to Have a Good Nutrition: 10 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Regardless of who you are, having a healthy diet and weight should be your top priority. In today's society, it can be even more complicated than it seems. Put the article's advice into practice and start following your health path right away.

How to Help a Friend With Bulimia: 15 Steps

How to Help a Friend With Bulimia: 15 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Bulimia is an eating disorder in which those affected swallow large quantities of food (compulsive binges) and then force themselves to eliminate it through self-induced vomiting, the use of laxatives or fasting (purgation). Although the problem seems to revolve around food, bulimia is based on the person's inability to manage stressful or emotionally difficult life situations.

3 Ways to Lose 23kg in 3 Months

3 Ways to Lose 23kg in 3 Months

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Losing 23 kg in 3 months means losing almost two kilos per week on average. This means that within 3 months you should burn 2000 more calories than you consume on a daily basis. While it is possible, it is not realistic for most people. Losing weight at a rate of 1/2 to 1 kg per week is a much healthier and feasible goal in most cases.

How to get back to healthy eating after a binge

How to get back to healthy eating after a binge

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Overdoing it a little at the table every now and then is completely healthy and normal, but it can also trigger feelings of guilt and failure. Do not worry! This is also normal. Even if you've given yourself a day or two of hearty meals, it doesn't mean you've given up on your eating plan.

How to Follow a Clear Liquid Diet: 8 Steps

How to Follow a Clear Liquid Diet: 8 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If you have certain medical conditions, are about to have surgery or need to have medical tests, or are recovering from surgery, your doctor may direct you to follow a clear fluid diet. The goal of this diet is to free the intestines and stomach of all the food found in the digestive system.

How to understand the difference between gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance

How to understand the difference between gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance show very similar symptoms and it is not easy to distinguish one from the other. Both cause a lot of intestinal gas, nausea and diarrhea that occurs after the consumption of foods that contain these substances.

How to Cure Nausea (with Pictures)

How to Cure Nausea (with Pictures)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Nothing is worse than nausea. You feel upset, the senses go numb, the body is in turmoil, not to mention the smell of food. To treat nausea, no matter how mild or severe, there are a number of home remedies that will help you regain your strength, move and work throughout the day.

How To Know If You Have Candida: 6 Steps

How To Know If You Have Candida: 6 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

A yeast infection is a widespread ailment caused by the microorganism Candida Albicans. Candida is part of the normal bacterial flora of the vagina along with other "good" bacteria and is generally kept under control by the immune system;

3 Ways To Deal With Gastroenteritis

3 Ways To Deal With Gastroenteritis

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Gastroenteritis, also called the intestinal flu, is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract that takes a few days to heal. Although most of the time it is not fatal, the recovery process can be very difficult, especially if the disease is not treated properly.

How to Recognize a Gallbladder Disorder

How to Recognize a Gallbladder Disorder

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The gallbladder, or gallbladder, is a small organ whose main function is to store the bile produced by the liver, but it also helps the digestion process. A gallbladder disorder is more likely to occur in women, people who are overweight, those with gastrointestinal problems, and those with high blood cholesterol levels.

3 Ways to Prevent Gastroesophageal Reflux During Pregnancy

3 Ways to Prevent Gastroesophageal Reflux During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Pregnancy is an exciting time for both parents. However, it does have side effects, including many changes in the woman's body. One such change to address is gastroesophageal reflux. The acids present in the stomach travel up the esophagus and cause heartburn.

3 Ways to Treat Esophageal Diverticula

3 Ways to Treat Esophageal Diverticula

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Esophageal diverticulitis is a disease characterized by the formation of sacs (diverticula) in the esophagus in which food is trapped causing difficulty in swallowing. Most of the time, this disorder has no symptoms and may not require specific medical attention;

3 Ways to Treat Gastroparesis Naturally

3 Ways to Treat Gastroparesis Naturally

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Gastroparesis is a chronic disorder of the digestive tract, where the stomach muscles weaken, thus slowing the digestion process. While there is no cure for gastroparesis, there are some natural remedies you can use to treat the symptoms caused by the condition.

3 Ways to Fight Nausea

3 Ways to Fight Nausea

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

We all hate nausea, don't we? That feeling of impending vomiting coupled with stomach pain is truly unbearable. Instead of suffering while waiting for it to pass, try to put into practice some home remedies to reduce this feeling. Try the methods described here to feel good in no time.

How to cure constipation with castor oil

How to cure constipation with castor oil

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Believe it or not, castor oil is a natural remedy for constipation. Since it is a stimulant laxative - that is, it increases intestinal motility - it is able to produce the desired effects in very low doses. If traditional laxatives aren't effective, castor oil can help relieve symptoms of constipation, but keep in mind that it also causes cramps and other unpleasant side reactions.

How to deal with food poisoning

How to deal with food poisoning

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Food poisoning occurs as a result of eating food contaminated with bacteria or other toxins that are poisonous by nature. Symptoms are painful and usually disappear on their own within a few days, once the source of the intoxication has been cleared from the body.

How to Treat Stomach Burning: 13 Steps

How to Treat Stomach Burning: 13 Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Heartburn occurs in the chest, particularly behind the breastbone, and is sometimes mistaken for heart pain for this reason. Heartburn is also known as heartburn, stomach acid, and acid reflux. If you suffer from heartburn, read on to learn how to treat this ailment.