How to Get Brighter: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Get Brighter: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Get Brighter: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Being "bright" doesn't always mean having to study. This article will show you how to sharpen your intelligence without having to read the entire content of a library. The article assumes you are equating "brilliance" with "intelligence" and covers general knowledge, not specific fields.


Make Yourself Smarter Step 1
Make Yourself Smarter Step 1

Step 1. Realize that you are not as bright as you think

Polls in which people self-evaluate their intelligence show that over half of the population (over 50%) believe they are smarter than the "average". If you have any knowledge about the normal distribution of intelligence, you can quickly deduce that it is almost impossible for more than half of the population to exceed the average intelligence level. Therefore, we must assume that people overestimate their degree of brilliance, and that most of us are in fact below average. Once you understand how much you don't know, you will automatically look smarter. To truly brilliant people, no one seems more dull than a pundit.

Make Yourself Smarter Step 2
Make Yourself Smarter Step 2

Step 2. Think

Every night before bed, analyze the day just passed and think about what happened and what you could have done differently. Reflecting (thinking about your strengths and weaknesses, how you appear to others, etc.) can help you identify areas of knowledge or behavior you want to improve, and motivate you to continue working on them.

Make Yourself Smarter Step 3
Make Yourself Smarter Step 3

Step 3. Ask a friend to help you spot blind spots

You may think you are great at asking questions in class and ignore that behavior when you reflect on your day, but other group members may be disinterested in the answers and think it would be smarter on your part to get rid of your doubts after class. Remember that each individual has their own definition of what is smart, ask 2 or 3 friends to get a clear picture of how you present yourself and what areas you can improve on.

You look brighter now. You admitted you don't know everything, which means you should be able to ask questions more easily, and learn from the people around you. Even if you don't understand something the first time, admitting it will make you seem a lot smarter than those who pretend to understand and then get it wrong

Make Yourself Smarter Step 4
Make Yourself Smarter Step 4

Step 4. You should also be able to think for yourself and identify your flaws, or have loved ones who are willing to help you do this

Even if you are satisfied with yourself and don't want to change, knowing what other people see will help you understand their reactions, allowing you to become brighter and more understanding towards others.

Make Yourself Smarter Step 5
Make Yourself Smarter Step 5

Step 5. Open your mind

You have learned how to ask for help and you have realized that you have a lot to learn. You cannot learn by insisting that you only want to study certain things or only listen to certain people. Being smart means treating everyone with respect, and knowing the other side of things.

Make Yourself Smarter Step 6
Make Yourself Smarter Step 6

Step 6. Understand when to be silent

There is an old saying that goes (paraphrased): the madman may appear wise, until he opens his mouth. Sometimes, you may feel that none of your words or actions appear intelligent. In those cases, think and remain silent… no one will know how foolish you feel, and anyone will remember how clever you have been in staying out of it!

Make Yourself Smarter Step 7
Make Yourself Smarter Step 7

Step 7. Read

. It is not necessary to do this, but reading quality books is a good means of learning. A person who has been reading quality books for 10 years is undoubtedly a brilliant person. You can start with something simple, like a funny story that involves philosophy.


  • Be honest with yourself. Admit that you have weaknesses like everyone else, then admit that you have strengths as well. Understand yourself and then commit to understanding the world.
  • Arguments create losers, not winners. If you really want to look brilliant, don't discuss anything you don't fully master. (This is also a good tactic to help you feel better.) If someone tries to argue with you and you are unsure of your possibilities, walk away.
  • Surround yourself with the brightest friends. By associating with people whose deepest thought is the desired tan tone, you will receive very little support.
