How to Play Monopoly with the Electronic Bank

How to Play Monopoly with the Electronic Bank
How to Play Monopoly with the Electronic Bank

Table of contents:


Everyone knows the original version of Monopoly. However, due to the modern lifestyle and our habits of using money, the game needed some changes. The Monopoly Electronic Bank Edition is a fast and fun variant of the classic board game, which makes use of a calculator and playing "cards" that are used just like an ATM.


Part 1 of 5: Being a Banker

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 1
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 1

Step 1. Turn on the electronic bank

Make sure the batteries are inserted. Press any key to turn on the device. Insert each player's cards inside. The opening balance should be € 15 million.

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 2
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 2

Step 2. Learn to use the bank

The device is very similar to a calculator, but it has some buttons and symbols that can confuse you. There are also two slits on the sides marked with "+" and "-". There you have to enter player cards to add or deduct funds from their accounts. Make sure you understand the meaning of all the symbols before you start playing.

  • Since only 5 numbers appear on the display, you have to use the "M" and "K" unit buttons, which stand for millions and thousands.
  • "C" is the button to cancel. To start a new game, use this button to reset the player's account balance to the original value of 15 million. You can do this by holding down the "C" button until you hear a beep.
  • The arrow button is used when a player passes the "Way". Insert his card into the left side of the device and press the button to deposit 2 million into his account.
  • The operation of the numbers is simple and "," represents the comma; you can also use this last button to adjust the volume of the electronic bank.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 3
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 3

Step 3. Add and subtract money from player accounts

During the game, it is the banker who takes on the task of changing the balance of each player, using their cards and the electronic bank.

  • Add money by inserting a player's card into the slot on the left of the electronic bank, the one marked with the "+" symbol. Enter the amount of money to deposit into the account. Remove the card once the balance has been updated.
  • Subtract funds from a player's account by inserting their card on the right side of the e-bank, the one marked with the "-" symbol. Type in the amount of money the bank needs to withdraw. Remove the card once the money has been deducted from the balance.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 4
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 4

Step 4. Transfer money from one player's account to another

When one of the participants buys something from another or owes him money, the banker will subtract the amount from the account of the first and deposit it in that of the second.

  • Insert the card of the player who pays into the slot on the right of the electronic bank, while that of the player who receives the money in the space on the left.
  • Once both cards have been inserted, enter the amount to be transferred. The balance shown first is that of the payer. Once the amount is deducted, you can remove both cards from the e-bank and return them to the players.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 5
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 5

Step 5. Be an auctioneer

Auctions are held for properties that are not bought by the player who happens to be on them or that are returned to the bank after a participant has gone bankrupt. If a player chooses not to buy the property they landed on for face value, hold an auction to sell it to the highest bidder.

  • The starting price is decided by the first player to bid.
  • Give the title deed to the player who wins the auction.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 6
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 6

Step 6. Pay the players who pass the "Via"

Whenever one of the participants passes by the "Via", insert his card on the left side of the electronic bank. Press the arrow symbol to deposit two million into your account.

Part 2 of 5: Moving around the board

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 7
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 7

Step 1. Assign the pieces

The classic Monopoly tokens have been updated to reflect the new era of electronic banking. Options include a space shuttle, Segway, and flat screen television. Each player can choose the one they prefer.

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 8
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 8

Step 2. Roll the die to see who goes first

All players must roll both dice and add up the scores. Whoever has the highest result starts the game.

  • Roll again to determine how many spaces to move your piece on the board.
  • If you roll a double (the same number on both dice), complete the move and roll again. If you make another double, you can continue with another extra turn. On the third double however, you will go to jail.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 9
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 9

Step 3. Move the pieces on the board

When rolling the dice, move your token the number of squares corresponding to the result. Depending on which square you landed in, you will need to perform a different action.

  • Pay the rent;
  • Pay your taxes;
  • Draw a Chance card;
  • Go to jail;
  • Buy a property.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 10
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 10

Step 4. Collect 2 million

Every time you complete a tour of the board and pass by the "Via", you are entitled to receive 2 million from the bank.

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 11
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 11

Step 5. Draw a Chance card

When you land on the corresponding space, you must take the top card of the pile and follow the instructions on it. At that point you can put it back face down on the bottom of the deck.

  • Move your token to the space indicated on the card, following the direction of the arrow.
  • Collect 2 million if you cross the "Via", but not if you have moved backwards.
  • If you draw the "Get out of jail free" card you can sell it to another player or use it later.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 12
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 12

Step 6. Rest in the free parking area

This box allows you to complete any transaction during your turn, without forcing yourself to pay anything or to draw a card.

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 13
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 13

Step 7. Get out of jail

There are many ways you can go to jail. To get out you can pay the bail, roll a double or use the "Get out of jail free" card.

  • You can go to jail on the "Go to jail" space, by drawing a "Go to jail" card from the Odds or by rolling three doubles in a row.
  • When you go to jail, your turn ends immediately.
  • On the following turn, you can try three times to get a double. If you are not successful, you have to pay 500 thousand euros to the bank to get out. Once the bail is paid, move the token based on the total of your last roll.
  • Use the "Get out of jail free" card if you have one or try to buy it from another player.
  • You can also collect rents from prison.
  • If you finish your movement in the prison space, you are visiting only and take no penalty.

Part 3 of 5: Buying and Selling Properties

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 14
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 14

Step 1. Buy a property

When you land on a square, you can choose to buy the property at the price indicated on the card. Pay the amount to the banker or the owner.

  • If you don't buy a property and it doesn't belong to anyone, the banker will auction it off. You can participate in the auction even if you have not exercised your right to purchase.
  • Once you have acquired all the properties of a color, you have a monopoly and can build on them.
  • You can collect rent from players who happen to be on your properties.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 15
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 15

Step 2. Purchase the services

When you are the owner of one of those boxes, you can make other players pay their bills. Whoever happens to be on these spaces must pay a figure based on a die roll. Owning both the telephone company and the internet company greatly increases profits.

  • Players who land on your serve must pay you an amount equal to the die roll multiplied by 4, then multiplied by 10,000.
  • If you have both services, the amount to be paid is equal to the die roll multiplied by 10, then by 10,000.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 16
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 16

Step 3. Buy Airports

These boxes also allow you to collect a payment from other players. Whenever one of them lands at one of your airports, they have to pay the amount on the title deed.

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 17
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 17

Step 4. Sell your properties to other players by bargaining on the price

Exchanges can take place for any amount.

If you own buildings on a property, you cannot sell it unless you first return all the structures on the squares of that color to the bank

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 18
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 18

Step 5. Sell the houses to the bank

You will receive half of the purchase price shown on the title deed.

  • You can sell houses on your turn or between one player's turn and another.
  • You have to sell a house for ownership, following the same rules as for buying.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 19
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 19

Step 6. Sell the hotels to the bank

You can choose whether to receive half the purchase price shown on the deed of ownership or exchange them for a number of houses equivalent to the same amount.

For example, you can sell a hotel to the bank and get four houses to put on that property

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 20
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 20

Step 7. Sell the properties to the other players

You can sell building spaces, airports and services to get money. The price paid is negotiated between the players themselves.

  • You cannot sell a property if there are houses on any of the squares of the same color. First sell the buildings to the bank.
  • You cannot sell houses or hotels to other players, only to the bank.

Part 4 of 5: Building on Your Property

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 21
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 21

Step 1. Buy your first home

You can build your first house on a property once you have all those of the same color. Buy them by paying the price shown on the title deed.

  • You can buy houses on your turn or after another player's.
  • You cannot build more than one house on a single square if you have not already built on the other properties of the same color.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 22
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 22

Step 2. Add houses to your properties

Once you have built a building on all the squares of the same color, you can buy more houses.

  • You must continue to distribute the houses evenly between the squares of the same color.
  • You cannot build buildings on a property of one color if there is a mortgage on a square of the same color.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 23
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 23

Step 3. Swap houses for hotels

Once you have built four houses on all properties of one color, you can exchange them for a hotel. Return the buildings to the bank and pay the hotel price on the deed of ownership.

Only one hotel can be built on each property

Part 5 of 5: Losing and Winning the Game

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 24
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 24

Step 1. Mortgage a property

Once you have sold all the buildings on one color squares, you can decide to mortgage the property to get money from the bank.

  • Reverse the title deed. This indicates that the box is mortgaged and the amount of the mortgage is shown on the back of the card.
  • You cannot collect rent on a mortgaged property.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 25
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 25

Step 2. Take out a mortgage

To return a property to its original state and start collecting rent again, you must pay the mortgage back to the bank with interest.

  • Flip the card over again once the mortgage is paid, indicating it is active again.
  • The mortgage must be repaid with interest of 10%, rounded to 10,000.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 26
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 26

Step 3. Sell a property you have mortgaged

Agree a price with another player and sell them the property to earn money and avoid having to pay interest. The repayment of the mortgage is now the responsibility of the person who made the purchase.

The new owner can take on the interest at 10%, or pay immediately to redeem the property

Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 27
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 27

Step 4. Go bankrupt

When the money you owe to the bank or another player exceeds your account balance and the amount you can collect from your real estate, you are officially bankrupt and are eliminated.

  • If you owe money to the bank, the banker takes possession of your property and puts it up for auction. Return the "Get out of jail free" card to the bottom of the odds pile.
  • If you lose due to a debt to another player, he or she will receive your property, the "Get out of jail free" cards you have and your account balance.
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 28
Play Monopoly With Electronic Banking Step 28

Step 5. Survive until the game is over

Buy other players' properties and make them pay rents until they go bankrupt. The last player left in the game is the winner.
