Health 2024, September

How To Eat Small Portions During Meals

How To Eat Small Portions During Meals

The path to weight loss (without gaining weight again) starts with meals. Portion control is a fairly simple method of losing weight or maintaining your current weight; in addition, smaller meals ensure the right amount of energy throughout the day.

How to feel full (with pictures)

How to feel full (with pictures)

It doesn't just happen to you after eating Chinese food - it always happens to you. An hour later you are hungry again! What to do? With some useful tricks and stocking up on the right foods you can avoid this problem! Keep reading. Steps Part 1 of 3:

How to Make an Oral Rehydration Solution

How to Make an Oral Rehydration Solution

An oral rehydration solution is a special preparation consisting of sugars, salts and drinking water. It is able to replenish the body with fluids lost due to severe diarrhea or vomiting. Research has shown that this product is as effective as intravenous fluid administration in cases of dehydration.

How to Take Contraceptive Pills (with Pictures)

How to Take Contraceptive Pills (with Pictures)

Contraceptive pills, or birth control pills, prevent pregnancy by releasing hormones; the process can take place in different ways, depending on the type of pill. Combined birth control pills block ovulation, thicken cervical mucus to prevent sperm from passing through the cervix, and thin the uterine lining (endometrium) to prevent implantation of the egg.

How to Go to Sleep at the Right Time: 13 Steps

How to Go to Sleep at the Right Time: 13 Steps

Sleep is vital for good physical health and the integrity of mental well-being. In some cases, however, it is difficult to go to bed at the right time and fall asleep or stay asleep. By improving your sleep hygiene and setting up a "bedtime ritual"

How to Know if You Have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

How to Know if You Have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a potentially debilitating disorder that can trap people in repetitive thoughts and behaviors. It comes with obsessions (uncontrollable and pervasive anxieties and fixations that take root in the mind) and compulsions (repetitive rituals, rules and habits that are an expression or consequence of obsessions and are reflected in everyday life).

How to Treat Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Infection

How to Treat Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Infection

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is part of the herpes virus family and is one of the most common infectious agents - it seems that around 90% of the population of Western countries is infected during life. Most people, especially young children, do not show symptoms of the infection or complain of minimal complaints, although many adults and immunosuppressed patients can develop diseases such as mononucleosis or lymphoma.

How to Treat a Sting Injury (with Pictures)

How to Treat a Sting Injury (with Pictures)

Did you know that puncture wounds make up 5% of the causes of emergency hospitalization for children? They occur when a thin, pointed object, such as a nail, thumbtack, splinter, or other sharp foreign body, pierces the skin. These lesions are very small in width, but can be quite deep if the object is pushed into the skin with considerable force.

How to Cool Down on a Hot Day (with Pictures)

How to Cool Down on a Hot Day (with Pictures)

Here are some simple and clear ideas on how to cool down and take no chances in hot weather. Many of these tips are practical and can be implemented without having access to electricity, so they will be especially useful if a blackout occurs.

5 Ways to Choose Healthy Snacks

5 Ways to Choose Healthy Snacks

Snacks are an important part of a healthy diet. In fact, it is difficult to take all the nutrients recommended daily only through the 3 main daily meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. By purchasing healthy foods, you can help fuel your body by preparing snacks that are as tasty as they are healthy.

How to induce labor with acupressure

How to induce labor with acupressure

Many women want to induce labor naturally, and using acupressure points is a technique to trigger or speed it up. Proponents of this treatment believe it works by promoting dilation of the cervix and stimulating effective contractions. Steps Part 1 of 3:

5 Ways to Apply Different Types of Bandages

5 Ways to Apply Different Types of Bandages

Do you need to bandage a wound or injury? Most first aid kits contain sterile gauze, absorbent bandages, medical tape, bandage rolls, and a triangular bandage, in addition to regular plasters. In an emergency, you can use a clean, absorbent material as a bandage.

8 Ways to Get Rid of a Headache Naturally

8 Ways to Get Rid of a Headache Naturally

Headache is a common neurological disorder that most people have experienced at least once in their life. This pain occurs in many different ways in intensity and frequency. Some individuals report experiencing headaches once or twice a year, while others even report for more than fifteen days in a month.

3 Ways to Stop Grinding Your Teeth at Night

3 Ways to Stop Grinding Your Teeth at Night

Teeth grinding is a medical condition known as bruxism and most commonly affects people in their sleep. Over time, this disorder can damage teeth or cause health complications. Don't worry - you can relieve the pain with some home remedies and with the help of your dentist.

How to Eat Properly During Pregnancy

How to Eat Properly During Pregnancy

Proper nutrition in adequate quantities is very important during pregnancy to allow for proper growth and development of the baby. When you are pregnant you need to pay special attention to what you eat so that both you and your baby can be healthy and happy.

How to Induce the Movement of the Child for an Ultrasound

How to Induce the Movement of the Child for an Ultrasound

If you are pregnant and you want to know the sex of the baby, you may want to know how to make him move in order to be able to do the ultrasound. Ultrasound is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to create images of the baby, the uterus and the placenta;

3 Ways to Lower Triglycerides

3 Ways to Lower Triglycerides

Did your doctor tell you that you have high triglycerides? This value, which you will get from a laboratory test of your blood, alerts you to possible complications and health risks, such as the possibility of a heart attack. In practice, if the triglyceride level is high it means that there is too much fat in the blood.

How to Calculate Cholesterol Levels: 11 Steps

How to Calculate Cholesterol Levels: 11 Steps

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is naturally created by the liver and which flows into the bloodstream to keep cell membranes healthy. It also plays an important role in the development of hormones and vitamins in the body. It is also taken with the meat that is eaten:

How to Pierce a Blister: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Pierce a Blister: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Blisters are usually caused by friction against the skin, which causes fluid to deposit under the section being rubbed. Many doctors and dermatologists advise not to puncture blisters to prevent scarring and infections, but if you really want to, follow these steps to avoid taking risks.

How to Apply a Compression Bandage (with Pictures)

How to Apply a Compression Bandage (with Pictures)

Properly applying a compression bandage to a serious injury can save your life or someone else's. This important first aid technique helps slow down heavy bleeding, putting pressure on injured blood vessels and promoting blood clotting. A compression bandage also helps treat poisonous snake bites by preventing venom or toxic substances from spreading through the blood system and entering the entire body.

How to Reduce Cortisol: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Reduce Cortisol: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Cortisol is a chemical released by the adrenal gland upon stress stimulation. Although, in the right doses, it is useful for survival, some people produce in excess. When this happens, you tend to feel anxious, stressed and tend to gain weight.

6 Ways to Better Absorb Vitamin D Supplements

6 Ways to Better Absorb Vitamin D Supplements

Getting sufficient amounts of vitamin D is a basic requirement for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The good news is that many people don't need to supplement this vitamin. In fact, since it is stored for a long time within the fat mass, the way it is absorbed does not really matter.

5 Ways to Calculate Your Ovulation

5 Ways to Calculate Your Ovulation

Ovulation occurs in the phase of the menstrual cycle in which a mature egg is released from the ovaries and collected by the fallopian tubes, and can potentially be fertilized if a sperm comes into contact with it. Since pregnancy can only occur during ovulation, many women find it important to calculate when it occurs if they are planning to have a baby.

How to Heal a Bruise (with Pictures)

How to Heal a Bruise (with Pictures)

Sooner or later, everyone gets a bruise. It takes some time before it disappears, but in this article you will find some useful tips to make it fade quickly and prevent it from becoming too noticeable. Steps Method 1 of 2: Doctors Recommended Method for Treating Bruises Step 1.

How to Treat Hyperpigmentation: 10 Steps

How to Treat Hyperpigmentation: 10 Steps

Human skin contains cells that produce melanin (melanocytes), a chemical that gives the epidermis its color. Too much melanin makes the skin hyperpigmented; common examples of this feature are freckles and age spots. Hyperpigmentation can result from exposure to the sun, from trauma to the skin or as a side effect of some drugs.

How to tell if you have bipolar disorder

How to tell if you have bipolar disorder

Bipolarism is a psychiatric disorder that affects 1 to 4.3% of the population in the United States alone. Typically, it manifests itself with phases of pathological elevation of mood, which fall under the broader definition of "mania"

4 Ways to Stop Eating Uncontrollably

4 Ways to Stop Eating Uncontrollably

In the past, binge eating disorder (often abbreviated to BED) was considered a sub-category of an eating disorder. It is currently recognized as a serious medical condition, which can even cause death. BED is the most common eating disorder in the United States, affecting approximately 3.

3 Ways to Eat Well and Stay Fit Following the Mediterranean Diet

3 Ways to Eat Well and Stay Fit Following the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes; It also decreases the chances of suffering from high blood pressure and getting Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, thus preventing cognitive decline.

How to Treat Hypothermia: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Treat Hypothermia: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Hypothermia is a condition that occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce. You may get hypothermia from being exposed to cold weather or immersed in freezing water, such as a frozen lake or river. Hypothermia can also occur indoors, if the body remains at a temperature below 10 ° C for a long time.

4 Ways to Treat Anemia

4 Ways to Treat Anemia

Anemia is a disorder that occurs when the body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues. This disease causes fatigue, dizziness and frequent headaches. There are several types of anemia, some more severe than others.

3 Ways to Eliminate Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

3 Ways to Eliminate Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

It is normal to have some flab on the abdomen, but it is also understandable the desire to firm this point in order to gain a leaner figure. While it is impossible to completely get rid of abdominal fat in two weeks, you can lose some of it in no time by losing weight and reducing overall body fat.

How to Lower Blood Sugar: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Lower Blood Sugar: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Most of the time, high blood sugar is caused by diabetes, which must be carefully managed and treated under the supervision of a doctor. However, there are many actions you can take to lower your blood sugar and bring it back to normal levels.

How to Enjoy Sweets During a Diet: 4 Steps

How to Enjoy Sweets During a Diet: 4 Steps

Even if you are on a diet, you can still enjoy your favorite sweets and other treats with unnecessary calories. If you love chocolate, cookies, chips or any other "gluttony", by following some basic knowledge, you can still afford your favorite treats, while still managing to lose weight and stay healthy!

3 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight

3 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight

It's Monday morning and you've promised yourself you're serious this time. Over the next three days, your life revolves around salads, jogging, and protein bars. Then, Thursday comes, and, unexpectedly, you spread on the sofa with a jar of ice cream.

How to Lose 1 Pound in One Day: 8 Steps

How to Lose 1 Pound in One Day: 8 Steps

Trying to lose a pound in just one day is an extreme and potentially dangerous method of losing weight. In most cases, to be able to lose weight in a healthy way, you should not lose more than one pound per week, so achieving the same result in just one day is a considerable challenge, which should not be taken lightly.

How to Learn to Love Yourself (with Pictures)

How to Learn to Love Yourself (with Pictures)

Sometimes life events can knock you down - in these cases you risk being really hard on yourself. Regardless of what you're going through, it's important that you continue to love yourself. You can learn how to do this by practicing some strategies that will help you become more compassionate towards yourself, letting go of everything that troubles you about your person and nurturing a sincere love and esteem for yourself.

How to lose weight before and during adolescence

How to lose weight before and during adolescence

If you are small and want to lose weight, all you need to do is look after your health by making healthier food choices and increasing physical activity. You also have the ability to change your habits and set goals to change your lifestyle.

How to Lose Weight in 10 Days (with Pictures)

How to Lose Weight in 10 Days (with Pictures)

Ten days. If, as the comedy "get broken up in ten days" suggests, it is possible to lose your partner in such a short period of time, then you can certainly lose a few unnecessary pounds. But how do you manage to lose more than one or two kilos?

How to calculate the daily calorie requirement

How to calculate the daily calorie requirement

Calorie is a unit of energy that the body uses to function and carry out all normal daily activities. This energy is provided by the calories consumed with food. The daily calorie requirement is different for each person and depends on age, weight, gender, fat mass and activity level.

3 Ways to Avoid Whey to Relieve Lactose Intolerance

3 Ways to Avoid Whey to Relieve Lactose Intolerance

For lactose intolerant people it can be difficult to avoid whey sources. Whey occurs naturally in milk, but some products that contain it are not dairy products or products that people normally associate with lactose intolerance. Follow the steps below to avoid whey and relieve your lactose intolerance.