In 2011, Weight Watchers revoked its original system by announcing its new and improved Points Plus point system. Yet both systems have their own merits and some people have sworn eternal trust in the original methodology. For this reason, we will outline both!
Method 1 of 2: Calculate Points with the PointsPlus System

Step 1. Use a regular online calculator to accurately determine your daily margin
Make sure they rely on the PointsPlus system! There are no other ways to do this, using a points calculator is the simplest method. With the new formula, activity is assumed based on gender, some numbers come from weight, and there are various decimal places that you don't really need to worry about.
Here is a demonstration, the Total Energy Expended formula is:
ETS = 387 - (7, 31 x age) + (Permitted Points x ((10, 9 x weight) + (660, 7 x height))
…Seen? And this is just one formula among many

Step 2. Also calculate the food points
The process of calculating food points is also different with the new system. You will need a calculator and enter the amount of protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber (not calories!) In the food you are eating. With practice, the method will become more and more familiar. Weight Watchers offers reference material for most foods and restaurants, and even if you run into a quirky ingredient that isn't listed, you can get the information you need with a few simple clicks.
This formula is also a bit complex if you wish to tackle it yourself. Curious? The calculation looks like this:
Points Plus = (grams of Protein / 11) + (grams of Carbohydrates / 9) + (grams of Fat / 4) - (grams of Fiber / 35)
Here's another way to look at it: [(grams of Protein x 16) + (grams of Carbohydrates x 19) + (grams of Fat x 45) + (grams of Fiber x 5)] / 175
Again, a calculator will be your best ally

Step 3. Find out how many physical activity points you have
There are many online resources that can help you calculate the number of points achieved with your training. Search for it. You will need to know the intensity and duration of your workout, as well as your body weight.
- 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity for a person weighing 175 pounds equals 2 points. If you want to eat that cheesecake, you sure need to get some exercise.
- If it is not clear, the activity points can be subtracted from the points used during the day. If you ate for 27 points, but did moderate physical activity for 30 minutes, you dropped to 25 (based on weight). Hurray!

Step 4. Know "zero" foods
In this new program, all fruits and many vegetables (but not all) are zero points. Fantastic! This is how it should be. Search, alone or with the help of your advisor, and find out which foods are on the list. But remember that eating 19 bananas is not the right thing to do. They should be snacks, not meals!
Attention, these ingredients are not zero when combined in recipes. When preparing your dishes, it is important to research the points and include them in the relevant calculation

Step 5. Use your 49 weekly PointsPlus points as and when you wish
In this new system, you will have 49 points to use freely. Fantastic isn't it?

Step 6. Understand the differences between the systems
The reason the old system was revamped is because it placed too much emphasis on calories. By comparing a small package of cookies with an apple, you will find that the score is very similar. So why choose an apple when you can have cookies, even though the first is obviously the healthiest solution for the body?
- That said, both systems lead to calorie control, which is essential when it comes to losing weight. If you think the original system is simpler, choose to stick with it. If it is easier, you are more inclined to follow it!
- In general, most foods have higher scores in the new system (except fruits and vegetables which are often 0 points). Nevertheless, the points allowed daily will probably also be more.
Method 2 of 2: Calculate Points with the Original System

Step 1. Start by completing this analysis and know that each person has a different energy requirement based on age and gender, therefore the number of points you can consume will be different from that of anyone else
Answer the following questions and add up your points.
a) Woman - 2 POINTS
If you're breastfeeding, that's 12 points
- b) Man - 8 POINTS
- 17-26 years - 4 POINTS
- 27-37 years - 3 POINTS
- 38-47 years - 2 POINTS
- 48-58 years - 1 POINT
- over 58 years - 0 POINTS
Calculate Your Weight Watchers Points Step 8 Step 2. Add your weight
How much do you weigh in pounds? Write down the first two digits (or the first digit if you weigh less than 100 pounds). To convert pounds to pounds, simply multiply your weight by 2, 2 (for example, a weight of 70 kg equals 154 pounds).
- 90 - 99 lbs - 9 POINTS
- 100 - 109 lbs - 10 POINTS
- 110 - 119 lbs - 11 POINTS
- 120 - 129 lbs - 12 POINTS
- 130 - 139 lbs - 13 POINTS
- 140 - 149 lbs - 14 POINTS
- 150 - 159 lbs - 15 POINTS
- 160 - 169 lbs - 16 POINTS
- 170 - 179 lbs - 17 POINTS
180 - 189 lbs - 18 POINTS
And so on
Calculate Your Weight Watchers Points Step 9 Step 3. Total your height
The higher you are, the more points you get.
- a) Height equal to or less than 1, 55 m - 1 POINT
- b) Height Greater than 1, 55 m - 2 POINTS
Calculate Your Weight Watchers Points Step 10 Step 4. Total your physical activity level
In general, the more physically active you are, the more calories you burn on a daily basis. Therefore, physical exercise must be calculated with the daily points allowed. What is your activity level?
- a) mainly sitting - 0 POINTS
- b) mainly standing, sometimes sitting - 2 POINTS
- c) mainly in motion when walking, sometimes standing still - 4 POINTS
- d) physically exhausting - 6 POINTS
Calculate Your Weight Watchers Points Step 11 Step 5. Add all the points obtained
The result equals the points you are allowed each day. Don't forget, however, that you also have 35 (flexible) flex points, which you can use throughout the week.
In addition, points of physical activity should be counted as negative. If you trained today, you may have earned a few additional bonus points which will reduce the points gained through meals
Calculate Your Weight Watchers Points Step 12 Step 6. Calculate the points of the food ingested
Now that you know your allowed daily score, it's time to know how many points the foods you are eating contain. The original system is pretty clear, at least compared to its new version. Here is the formula:
- points = (calories / 50) + (fat / 12) - (fiber / 5)
In simpler terms: the number of points = calories / 50 + grams of fat / 12 - fiber / 5
Remember that the maximum number of fibers that can be added is 4. So even if your dish contains 10… you will need to add 4. Don't ask questions. But yeah, that's a minus, fiber makes your foods healthier, that's why they have a low score
- The fat calculation is only an estimate to facilitate the count. If there are more than 20 grams of fat, divide them by 1, 2 before adding them and ask yourself why you need to eat such fatty foods?
- Another method to find the score in a food from the nutritional information is to use this simple formula: e (cal per 100g) / 70 + f (g per 100g) / 4, 05. In this way you will get the points contained in 100 grams of a product.