How to Live as a Lean Person

How to Live as a Lean Person
How to Live as a Lean Person

Table of contents:


Many people who struggle to lose weight look with envy at their thinner friends who eat all they want, seemingly without consequences. Diet and physical activity are important aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regardless of how much you weigh or how many pounds you plan to lose; however, there are some important tips that anyone can learn from people with a lean build. In fact, some experts believe that taking an example from thin people gives you a boost of self-esteem and confidence. By learning to change your mindset and lifestyle you can live as a naturally thin person and feel better about yourself faster.


Part 1 of 2: Changing the Mindset

Diet While Breastfeeding Step 1
Diet While Breastfeeding Step 1

Step 1. Stop obsessing over weight

If you're trying to lose weight, it may seem impossible to get off the scale or try on clothes to see if you're hitting your goals. One of the most important insights you can learn from thin people regarding lifestyle and attitude is that obsession with weight isn't healthy. People who don't have a weight problem don't mix body size or kilograms with happiness, and neither should you.

Avoid attributing only completely negative or completely positive judgments to your body. You can feel comfortable with your current weight, and if you want to lose some weight, simply remind yourself that you are already a wonderful person, even if you are working hard to lose weight

Hide That You Are on a Diet Step 3
Hide That You Are on a Diet Step 3

Step 2. Develop a healthy approach to food

Many people, especially those who diet and / or engage in compulsive physical activity, feel guilty when they eat. This feeling leads some individuals to have low self-esteem and low self-esteem; as a result, they tend to follow diet or physical activity even more obsessively. It's important to be aware of the food choices you make, but you also need to remember that thin people aren't obsessed or obsessed with what they eat and you should be too.

At the same time, however, not pestering yourself with too strict food choices does not mean eating everything you want at any time either; rather, it means being aware that anyone can experience relapses from time to time. This doesn't mean giving up on healthy eating for the rest of the day, and it doesn't mean you have to train for three hours after indulging in a whim. Simply accept that you made a mistake and then continue your journey

Overcome the Fear of Injections Step 15
Overcome the Fear of Injections Step 15

Step 3. Find real cures for sadness

Eating when you're feeling sad or lonely can be a calming distraction, but ultimately it's just that: a way to not think about real problems. Those worries will actually always be the same tomorrow and the following days and there is no amount of comforting food that can truly solve them. Thin people do not associate food with happiness and when they feel sad or lonely they tend to seek real and definitive solutions to their problems.

  • If you feel lonely, go out and meet other people. Hang out with friends for coffee or a walk in the park, or go out to make new friends. Group activities are the only things that can ultimately cure loneliness; therefore, completely avoid seeking comfort in food.
  • If you have more serious conditions, such as depression, see a doctor or psychologist. Therapy, medications, or a combination of both are more likely to make you feel better than empty calories from food.
Lose Weight with a Diet for Gout Step 8
Lose Weight with a Diet for Gout Step 8

Step 4. Accept your life for what it is

Some people are convinced that by simply losing a few pounds all other problems in life dissolve; obviously, the reality is quite different. This scapegoating attitude is a major problem and can lead to unrealistic expectations of weight loss and lifestyle. Having a few extra pounds is not the cause of your sentimental or work problems; you must therefore commit yourself to change these aspects or accept your life and feel happy for who you are.

Part 2 of 2: Staying Fit and Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

Be Atkins Diet and Gout Friendly Step 1
Be Atkins Diet and Gout Friendly Step 1

Step 1. Eat when you are really hungry

Snacking compulsively or just to satisfy a sense of sadness is a common problem, which can easily lead to losing control over weight. One of the best food choices for thin people worth imitating is to eat only when you are truly hungry.

If you absolutely feel the need to snack between meals, try waiting 15-20 minutes and drink a glass of water. If you are still hungry afterward, you probably really need food; otherwise, it is hardly a question of true hunger, but only of the desire to eat something compulsively

Eat when You're Hungry but Don't Feel Like Eating Step 1
Eat when You're Hungry but Don't Feel Like Eating Step 1

Step 2. Remember that hunger comes and goes

It is not an absolute fact; most people experience a sudden attack of hunger which generally disappears quickly, even without eating. Try spending several hours without food or snack and keep track of how much discomfort you are really feeling; many people find that they are able to hold out until the next meal, that they have not suffered much and that they feel better because they have waited.

Diet Step 15
Diet Step 15

Step 3. Eat consciously

If you're really hungry and it's not just a simple urge to munch on your favorite food - behavior that then causes guilt - there's nothing wrong with indulging this need a bit. The important thing is to indulge only "in part". You don't have to eat the entire tub of ice cream, you can only have a reasonable portion, satisfying your "craving for something good" without feeling guilty.

  • Practice self-control.
  • Having the option to eat your favorite food anyway can reduce the chances of bingeing.
  • Both people who are thin by nature and those who have to work hard to keep themselves physically fit feel the same pleasure in indulging in some "whim" from time to time; the important thing is to avoid overdoing it. Reduce the amount of food when you crave a snack or dessert; you will still be satisfied and you will maintain your self-confidence.
Exercise Step 13
Exercise Step 13

Step 4. Exercise regularly

Thin people exercise and not just for weight reasons. Exercise helps manage pain and stress, while reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety - all problems that lead many people to compulsive eating. Instead of having a greasy or sweet snack when you're feeling anxious or agitated, go out for a bike ride or a long walk to clear your mind.

  • Instead of focusing on being slim or slim, think about following a healthy lifestyle.
  • Experts recommend doing at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise.


  • Eat a healthy diet, but don't deprive yourself of the things you like.
  • Learn to control portions; there is no problem with indulging in some treats or "whims" from time to time, but you mustn't overdo it; eat some to satisfy the desire and then put the rest away.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat slowly; in this way, you can be able to consume smaller portions and feel full before you finish the meal.
