How to Catch a Beaver (with Pictures)

How to Catch a Beaver (with Pictures)
How to Catch a Beaver (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The North American beaver (Castor canadensis) is an aquatic mammal and is the largest rodent native to North America. It is found throughout North America and is mostly (but not exclusively) found in both Canada and the United States. Prized for their skin, beavers are also usually captured for research purposes and to prevent forest damage or flooding. Read from Step 1 to learn how to effectively and humane trapping beavers.


Part 1 of 3: Finding the Beavers

Trap a Beaver Step 1edit
Trap a Beaver Step 1edit

Step 1. Find out about the provisions governing the trapping of beavers in your area

The capture of beavers is rarely subject to strict hunting laws, as is the case with other animals, such as moose and deer. However, depending on the State, the rules on the matter may vary and be practically non-existent or not very restrictive. In some states, where the beaver population is large and hunting is limited, such as in Georgia, the beaver season lasts all year round. In other states, such as North Carolina, there are well-defined hunting seasons. Before purchasing a trap or planning a hunting trip, it is advisable to check the laws governing this aspect in your areas.

Note that in states that have a beaver-catching season, the period typically runs from November-December to March-April at the latest. Beaver skin is best during the winter months

Trap a Beaver Step 2
Trap a Beaver Step 2

Step 2. Study the natural habitat of beavers

Although the North American beaver is native to Canada, it can now be found across the continent, from isolated areas in northern Mexico to all the northern, but colder, latitudes of the Canadian wilderness. Beavers are aquatic mammals, therefore they normally inhabit lakes, streams and rivers. They often build dams and dwellings, so-called lodges, in places of water, and are fast and industrious builders who use mud, branches and, notoriously, trees to erect their structures. Since they rely on the presence of water and suitable foliage to build their homes, this means that they do not populate arid or desert environments, such as the southwestern United States and some parts of Mexico. They are also absent on the Florida peninsula.

Although in Europe they have almost become extinct due to hunting, they are now easier to find in Poland, Czechoslovakia and many other Eastern European countries

Trap a Beaver Step 3
Trap a Beaver Step 3

Step 3. Look for signs of his presence

The construction of lodges and dams naturally leads to leaving several marks that reveal its presence. One is, of course, the structures themselves, which are often relatively easy to spot. From the outside, the lodges resemble large piles of branches, mud and leaves found near rivers, streams, lakes and similar places. Dams can also be composed of felled trees and, in the same way as an artificial dam, they accumulate water on one side that flows along the sides or through holes.

  • Another sign of the presence of the beaver is the felled trees. The latter have a cone-shaped trunk instead of flat, as it would be after cutting a chainsaw, or jagged on the sides, as it would be if it were cut by an ax.
  • If you spot a beaver's lodge or dam, look for obvious signs of its usual path. Beavers can move multiple times along the same path to reach or leave their structures, leaving a precise trail on or around the structure itself. These paths are the ideal place to set the trap.

Part 2 of 3: Setting the Trap

Bodygrip trap

Trap a Beaver Step 4
Trap a Beaver Step 4

Step 1. Find a suitable location for the trap

The ideal place to set this type of trap is where you know the beaver will have to pass, possibly at the entrance to a loggia, in a narrow, shallow channel near a dam or loggia, or along a well-defined path. from the beaver. Alternatively, it is advisable to arrange the trap so that the beaver passes inside it to reach the bait (usually the castoreum) that you have placed.

Trap a Beaver Step 5
Trap a Beaver Step 5

Step 2. Place the trap plate on the ground

Once in place, the body grip trap (often referred to by the brand name "Conibear") will create a square "portal" on vertical feet. When a beaver walks into this space, the edges of the spring curve downward, trapping the beaver by the neck and (hopefully) killing it instantly. To place this type of trap, first place it on the ground in the area where you want to place the trap. Do not set it up for the shot, but put it in the final position. These traps can be activated with delicate movements, causing injury to those who handle them.

When you have placed it on the ground, look for two springs - one on each side of the central "square". If the two wing springs are facing the inside of the trap, turn them on the outside of the trap so that the rounded end of each is facing away from the jaws of the central "square"

Trap a Beaver Step 6
Trap a Beaver Step 6

Step 3. Compress one of the springs

Although it is possible to set a bodygrip trap with your hands only, it is advisable to use a special pair of metal rods, similar to pincers, with which you load the trap. These long metal tools allow you to set the trap, keeping your hands and fingers free, so you can avoid the risk of injury. If you don't use them, take a spring and compress it, aligning it over the central joint of the trap.

  • After you have compressed the spring, set the safety device. This is usually a small hook attached to the spring itself, which keeps the spring compressed as you complete the rest of the steps required to load the trap.
  • Warning: Once a spring is compressed, consider the trap "active", as the jaws can snap strongly if they are stressed. Whether you use tongs to load the trap or not, be careful when handling the trap from this point forward.
Trap a Beaver Step 7
Trap a Beaver Step 7

Step 4. Compress and "snap" the other spring

While some only use one spring, the most common bodygrip traps use two springs to give the jaws more strength. If the trap has two springs, compress the second one as you did the first and secure it with the safety hook. When they are both compressed, carefully align them over the center joints of the trap.

Trap a Beaver Step 8
Trap a Beaver Step 8

Step 5. Turn the trap vertically by placing the dog (the pawl that adjusts the opening) and the trigger (the trigger) on top

The bodygrip traps are set vertically to allow beavers to walk inside them, causing them to snap. Be very careful to carefully arrange the trap so that two parts called "dog" and "trigger" are on the top edge (see the fourth image on this page to locate the two parts).

  • The dog, or ratchet, is a notched piece that holds the jaws of the trap together when it is set. Essentially, it keeps the trap open until prompted to snap.
  • The trigger, aka the trigger, is a thin mustache-like piece that is used to trigger the trap. The whisker hangs between the jaws. When a beaver walks through the trap, it pushes on the trigger, releasing the pawl and causing the jaws to close again.
Trap a Beaver Step 9
Trap a Beaver Step 9

Step 6. Set the pawl and trigger

Squeeze the jaws of the trap carefully. Set the trigger at the desired indentation from the ratchet and insert the jaw of the trap forward into the indentation. Carefully release the compression of the jaws - the ratchet must gently hold the trap open.

Trap a Beaver Step 10
Trap a Beaver Step 10

Step 7. Remove the safety hooks from the springs

Always very carefully remove the safety hook of each spring and slide it towards the spiral end of the springs. The trap is now set, so consider it dangerous. Do not move or handle it without carefully resetting the safety hooks and, again, do so only if necessary.

Trap a Beaver Step 11
Trap a Beaver Step 11

Step 8. If necessary, use poles for support

Most bodygrip traps can be set independently of any external support, but to keep the trap secure, it is recommended to use these supports anyway. Set a trap from the spiral ends of the springs - never for the jaws of the square. Loop the thread through each spiral and tie it to a nearby object or thread a thin, sturdy stick through each spiral. Either way, do this before setting the trap to minimize the risk of injury.


Trap a Beaver Step 12
Trap a Beaver Step 12

Step 1. Find a spot underwater

Traps require an animal to walk on them - when they do, the jaws of the trap close, trapping the animal's foot or paw in the trap. Since the animal is not killed immediately, with beavers it is important to set these traps underwater so that they drown when trapped. If set on the ground, the beaver can suffer for a long time, even running the risk of being killed by a coyote or other small predator that it cannot escape.

  • Set the trap in shallow water at the edge of a lake or stream, where the beaver trail meets the water (called a "slide"). Although it should be in shallow water for the beaver to step on the trap instead of swimming in it, the water must be deep enough for the animal to drown - about 20-25cm of water will be fine.
  • In addition, for the animal to trigger the trap by stepping on it, place it along the edge of its path (about 15 cm). If you put it in the center, the beaver will be able to walk on it without exerting the right pressure to trigger it.
Trap a Beaver Step 13
Trap a Beaver Step 13

Step 2. Secure the trap chain

Leg traps usually have a small chain attached. In this way it is possible to attach them to the ground or to a nearby object - if they are not, the trapped, frightened and perhaps injured animal can escape, taking away the trap.

For beavers, use a stick to guide the chain across the ground to where you place the trap. Secure the chain in the water, not on the ground. Use a long, strong and sturdy stick. You don't want to give the beaver the opportunity to loosen it and move towards the ground once the trap is triggered. Incorrect stick position can allow the beaver to reach a point where he can breathe once the trap is triggered, prolonging his suffering

Trap a Beaver Step 14
Trap a Beaver Step 14

Step 3. Compress the springs of the trap

Traps come in a variety of designs, but most have powerful springs attached to levers that run parallel to the jaws of the trap. Use the levers to compress these springs and open the jaws. Be very careful not to reach into your hands or let a finger get stuck in the jaws.

For some models of traps you may find it easier and safer to set the trap on the ground, compress the springs by folding them under your feet, and do the rest of the steps, keeping the springs compressed always with the help of your feet

Trap a Beaver Step 15
Trap a Beaver Step 15

Step 4. Keep the jaws open to lock the pawl

Maintain constant pressure on the trap so that it does not close, squeezing a hand or finger. Carefully open the jaws, swing the pawl up and place the jaw into the indentation. As with the bodygrip trap, the ratchet holds the jaws open, which release when the animal clicks the trap.

Trap a Beaver Step 16
Trap a Beaver Step 16

Step 5. Carefully lift the disc out

The "disc" of the trap is the circular part of the trap that sits between the jaws. The animal triggers the trap by stepping on the disc. Use your thumb to hold the pawl and jaw together. Then, lift the disc into place by going with your fingers under the free jaw and gently lifting the disc up. Do not touch under the trap and do not put your hands in the jaws, otherwise you run the risk of injuring yourself with your hand stuck. The trap is now loaded - handle it with extreme care.

  • It is ideal that the disc aligns with the trap and does not remain tilted upwards. If you need to fix it, be sure to tinker under the loose jaw of the trap. Never, ever put your hand between the jaws to make an adjustment.
  • Also note that some types of snaps allow you to adjust the tension in the disc so that the hookbait only activates under a certain amount of weight. With 2-2 beavers, 5 pounds is ideal, as this setting keeps the trap sensitive, allowing smaller animals to be caught.

Live traps

Trap a Beaver Step 17
Trap a Beaver Step 17

Step 1. Choose a good place

When setting a live trap, it is important to choose a location where the animal will feel unsafe only for the time it is stuck. With beavers it is essential to place it in not very deep water, so that the animal does not drown. Conversely, place it outside on the banks of a lake or stream, where the water is only 2cm deep. Secure the trap tightly so it doesn't go deep. It is also advisable not to use this type of trap in areas exposed to extremely cold or hot climates to avoid the risk that the captured animal could injure itself or die from the inclement temperatures.

Note that live traps come in several varieties. Many of the most common are metal or box-shaped with doors at both ends, but other models of this type are also used, including traps that resemble suitcases. The steps in this section refer to the most common pattern which is box shaped

Trap a Beaver Step 18
Trap a Beaver Step 18

Step 2. Open one end of the box

These traps usually have lockable doors at both ends. To open one of the doors, it is often necessary to push two locking bars towards the inside of the cage to loosen the lock that holds the door closed. Then, holding the box with one arm at the top, lift the door until it locks more or less horizontally.

Trap a Beaver Step 19
Trap a Beaver Step 19

Step 3. Set the bait

Unlike the other traps described in this article, which capture and kill the animal when it unintentionally triggers them, live traps are activated because the animal intentionally enters them. Therefore, the bait can be crucial for the catch to be successful. For beavers, the bait is usually in the form of a liquid perfume. Dip a small rag in this scent and hang it inside the trap above the trap trigger plate. When the beaver sniffs, it will step onto the plate, snap the trap, lower the door and get trapped inside.

When it comes to bait, many hunters use castoreum, a commercially available fluid naturally produced by beavers to mark their territory

Trap a Beaver Step 20
Trap a Beaver Step 20

Step 4. Secure the door with the pawl

Like the other types of traps described in this article, most live traps have a piece that holds the trap door open and releases when the trap snaps. Once you have raised the door to its highest position, fix the pawl on the corresponding indentation on the door - here, the mechanisms of the individual traps vary - and release it carefully. If done correctly, the door stays open, held in place by the pawl.

Trap a Beaver Step 21
Trap a Beaver Step 21

Step 5. If necessary, open the other door

Most box traps have a door on both ends. It is recommended to open them to allow the beaver to enter the trap from both sides. However, depending on where you have chosen to place the trap, it may not even be necessary. For example, if you place it on the edge of a lake or a stream, the second door is probably not necessary because you expect the beaver to approach from the direction of the water.

Part 3 of 3: Capturing Responsibly

Trap a Beaver Step 22
Trap a Beaver Step 22

Step 1. Check the trap every day

Whether you are using a killing trap or a live trap, it is important to return to the site and check every day. With a live trap the reason is obvious - the beaver, stuck in the trap, can suffer or starve if it stays inside for an extended period of time. However, lethal traps are also frequently checked, especially if you are interested in beaver fur. The longer the beaver is left dead, the greater the effects of decomposition and the greater the chance that the body will be eaten by scavenger animals.

Also, regarding the remote possibility that a lethal trap will not immediately kill the intended prey, it is advisable to release the animal or free it from its suffering as soon as possible

Trap a Beaver Step 23
Trap a Beaver Step 23

Step 2. Avoid areas where pets roam

Avoid using any type of trap in areas known to be frequented by pets, especially dogs. Smaller dogs can be roughly the size of a beaver and, therefore, risk being maimed or killed by beaver traps. Do not even use live traps in areas where pets circulate, because if you accidentally catch one, it will be your responsibility to find and notify the owner, who in the meantime may believe that he has just escaped.

In rural areas, people sometimes let their dogs roam a few miles from home. Be very careful when setting traps - prudent hunters do not use traps within a few miles of any home

Trap a Beaver Step 24
Trap a Beaver Step 24

Step 3. Adjust the bodygrip traps to account for otters

Otters often live in the same habitat types as beavers - lakes and streams found in wooded areas. Otters can easily trigger bodygrip traps intended for beavers, so if applicable, consider this and adjust the trap by sliding the trigger so that it hangs along one side of the "square" rather than in the center. Since otters are thinner than beavers, doing so will give them a chance to cross the trap unscathed, not preventing a beaver from being caught.

Obviously, do not do these operations when the trap is loaded. Follow them when you decide to activate it

Trap a Beaver Step 25
Trap a Beaver Step 25

Step 4. Obey all local laws governing hunting and trapping

While some states have beaver season open all year round, that doesn't mean there aren't any regulations governing hunting activity. Most jurisdictions have rules on what types of traps to use, where they are allowed to catch, the kinds of things you can use to catch beavers, and so much more. If you are concerned, check with the appropriate officials before capturing the beavers. It is worth taking a look at the website of the authority responsible for regulating this activity, because in this way you will avoid paying the fines provided for those who break the relevant laws.

In countries where the legal system is based on common law law, it is not possible to capture beavers (or even other animals) in someone's private property without the explicit consent of the owner


  • Safety is an important factor when setting bodygrip traps. Extreme caution must be used in these cases, as this type of trap closes with a force of more than 40 kg of pressure. Bodygrip traps can easily break the bones of an arm, hand, leg or foot if they accidentally slip into the mechanism.
  • The legal protection of beavers varies from state to state. Some protect the beaver except in the fur hunting season, for example: in Ohio, the beaver hunting season begins in late December and ends in late February. The seasons also vary from state to state. In Minnesota it starts in mid-October and ends in mid-April. However, other states including Alabama classify the beaver as a parasite and there, therefore, it is possible to hunt beavers all year round when they cause damage. Since they build dams that risk turning into pools of water for waterfowl migration, they are considered pests when the economic losses outweigh the benefits. In some North American states, such as Maine, it is forbidden to capture near lodges or burrows along waterways.
