If you are trying to lose weight, you may be eating less food and losing weight by eating slower and more consciously. Recent research has shown that the brain takes time to realize when the body is full. If you consume what you have on your plate quickly, there is a risk that your brain will not be able to register how much you have actually eaten and you end up gorging on food. According to many studies, by eating more slowly and with greater awareness, it is possible to eat smaller portions and, consequently, not to gain weight. If you get used to savoring food without rushing, you will be able to control your weight more effectively.
Part 1 of 3: Eat Slowly

Step 1. Take 20-30 minutes to finish a meal
According to some studies, it is possible to eat less if you eat your meal within at least 20-30 minutes. In this way the hormones secreted inside the belly have plenty of time to reach the brain and communicate the sense of satiety.
- If you usually gulp down everything in front of you, it will help you to spend more time at mealtimes. You may notice that by eating slower, you will feel more fulfilled.
- In between bites, lower your fork. This gesture can force you to slow down and eat more calmly.
- Talk to friends or family while at the dinner table. Instead of focusing on food, chat with fellow diners and get involved in their conversations so you don't rush.

Step 2. Take smaller bites
Many times we carry a large amount of food in our mouth, filling the fork as soon as we have finished taking a bite. In this way we are led to eat faster and to increase the amount of food we ingest.
- Take smaller bites while you eat. Don't overlook the size of the bite you take with a fork. Try to cut the amount by half.
- Also, make sure you chew well. Even in this way you will be forced to slow down. Moreover, by chewing more calmly, you will be able to taste and enjoy the dishes better.

Step 3. Drink the water while you eat
Drinking with meals produces a number of positive effects during meals and on the waistline.
- If you've decided to eat slower by lowering your fork between bites, take a sip of water.
- The more you sip during meals, the more you will feel full and, at the same time, you will ingest a liquid that does not increase your calorie intake.
- Also, the more you drink during meals, the more water you will be able to take throughout the day. By doing this, you will be able to reach the goal of consuming 8-13 glasses of water per day.
Part 2 of 3: Conscious Eating

Step 1. Stop eating when you feel satisfied
To be able to eat more slowly, you must learn to distinguish the feeling of fulfillment from that of fullness. This is also called "intuitive eating": listening to your body, eating when you are hungry and stopping when you feel full. By doing so, you will be able to lose weight.
- When you eat more slowly, you are generally inclined to eat even less because the stomach tells the brain that you have eaten enough food to feel gratified. If you gulp down on the food on your plate, you are much more likely to keep going until you are full.
- Stop as soon as you feel full, rather than when you are full. This way you will be able to reduce the intake of unnecessary calories.
- The feeling of gratification is analogous to a lack of appetite, a slight disinterest in food, or a sudden feeling of satiety after a couple of bites.
- The sense of satiety is more like a perception of stretching and fullness of the stomach. Avoid eating up to this point.

Step 2. Eliminate distractions
In addition to trying to go slower, it eliminates distractions in the environment in which you eat. By doing this, you will be able to focus better on the speed with which you eat the food and the dishes you are consuming.
- In addition to the benefits you can get from eating slowly, studies have shown that when you are distracted, you are prone to eat more and risk gaining weight in the long run.
- Try to savor what you eat within 20-30 minutes, away from any distraction. Turn off your cell phone, close your laptop, turn off your computer and TV.

Step 3. Avoid getting hungry before each meal
If you are getting used to eating slower, you have probably noticed that when you have an appetite or are starving, you have a harder time controlling the voracity with which you eat. Manage hunger to avoid ingesting food with less voracity.
- Learn to recognize the signs of hunger. If when you are hungry, you become irritable, dizzy or slightly nauseous, know that these are all symptoms of hunger. They should signal you an immediate need for energy so that you don't get to gorge yourself on food as soon as you sit down at the table.
- Also pay attention to the times you eat. For example, if you have lunch at 12pm and plan to have dinner at 7.30pm, you will most likely not be able to last that long without feeling hungry or feeling a pit in your stomach.
- To manage your hunger in the most appropriate way, plan a snack or a small snack between one main meal and the other.

Step 4. Be careful when you eat
During meals, many people seem to eat mechanically. If you don't pay attention, but grab the food and bring it to your mouth while you are doing something else, it will be harder to lose weight.
- By eating mechanically, without caring about what's on your plate, you risk gorging yourself and not feeling satisfied once you get up from the table. In practice, the brain will not have received any signals from the body.
- Try not to eat in the car or in front of the TV. In these situations, you risk not paying due attention to what you put in your mouth.
- Also make an effort to focus on food. Think about the taste of what you ingest: what taste and texture does it have? How does it make you feel?
Part 3 of 3: Promote Weight Loss

Step 1. Try to be physically active
Nutrition plays a fundamental role in weight loss. However, if you are committed to eating slowly and consciously, adding a little physical activity, you will be able to lose weight more easily.
- Most doctors recommend doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week.
- You can also increase the duration of the workout to 300 minutes per week. If you do more sports, weight loss will be faster.
- Also include a day or two of anaerobic exercise to build major muscle groups. This type of training integrates with the aerobic one.

Step 2. Pay attention to your diet
Even when you eat slowly, and maybe less, don't forget to eat a balanced diet. In this way you will be able to promote weight loss.
- You will be able to lose weight if, in addition to eating slowly, you eat a balanced diet, rich in lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
- Try to make up your food portions appropriately, considering each food group. Also, select various foods within each food group.
- Also try to measure portions correctly. Calculate 85-110g of lean protein, 90g of fruit, 150g of vegetables, 300g of leafy greens, and 90g of grains.

Step 3. Limit your consumption of foods that are high in fat, sugar and calories
Even small portions of high-calorie foods (such as fast food dishes or sweets) can compromise weight loss. These are calorie-rich foods that never make you feel completely full. Remember that it is best to eat nutritious dishes, but with a low calorie intake.
- You do not have to completely eliminate this kind of dishes - especially if they are among your favorites - but limit their consumption in order to reduce the overall caloric intake.
- Watch out for foods that are high in fat, such as stir-fries, fast food sandwiches, fatty meats, and cured meats.
- Also, beware of high-calorie foods that contain added sugar, such as sweetened sodas, candies, cookies, pastries, ice cream, and other sweets.