A dream journal can help you keep your memory in shape and is a great window into your inner self. Writing such a journal requires some self-discipline, but once you get into the habit of having one, it will likely be a source of long-term reassurance and interesting discoveries.
It is ideal if you intend to keep track of recurring patterns in dreams, to recall important aspects to interpret and, in general, to improve your ability to remember dream activities. Finally, it should be a fun exercise, which will also help you analyze your subconscious. Here's how to write a diary dedicated to your psyche.
Part 1 of 2: Prepare

Step 1. Find a journal that is right for you
Of course there are diaries dedicated to dreams and ready to use, but it is not necessary to buy one, and after all it is much more fun and creative to make it yourself. Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing a journal:
- Length: Are you going to write every day or do it occasionally?
- Layout of the pages and ease of access to the various sections; if you are going to break it down into several parts (for example, “Recurring Dreams”, “Dreams About Dogs”, etc.), then it is useful to use a loose-leaf notebook, which will allow you to organize the pages easily. Place them in a good quality binder to keep them intact.
- Will you write notes elsewhere? If you do, you will need to be able to add these notes to your diary. Also, you could set aside a space for transcribing texts taken from elsewhere, pasting clippings, etc.
- Don't forget to get some colored pens. If you want to assign a different color to specific themes or recurring interpretations, remember to do so. Choose them according to the different categories.
- You may want to get a tin container, basket, or other box to store your diary and pens. This allows you to keep everything tidy and ready to use as soon as you need it.
- You could buy a journal cover or case. It will come in handy if you travel a lot and want to take it with you wherever you go.

Step 2. Devote a concrete space to the diary
It should be written when you wake up, so the best place to keep it is on the bedside table. Rummaging through your memory and thinking about something else before writing will probably make you forget your dream, so having the diary available will make it easier!
- If you have a container like a tin box or basket, you can easily put it in a drawer or cupboard while cleaning or you want to keep it out of prying eyes.
- Another good idea is to put a light bulb for reading in the dark on the bedside table. If you were to wake up in the middle of the night, with the urge to write a dream, having an easily accessible light will allow you to do so before you forget it.
- If you prefer to register, have an mp3 player available with this feature. Keep your dream files in order and regularly transfer them to your computer.

Step 3. Write the next date each time a day ends
This way, you don't have to waste time trying to remember what day it is when you wake up, you can write directly what you dreamed of. Some like to write down the next day's date as soon as they finish writing, others prefer to do it the night before, as if it were some kind of ritual.
By writing down the date the night before, you might as well write down how you feel. The emotions of everyday life can have a huge influence on night dreams, so taking note of all of this quickly can offer you a useful guide. It can be particularly relevant to interpreting dreams in the light of what you are feeling at a given moment, so you will understand that they have a meaning, they did not appear suddenly

Step 4. Properly organize the diary to record the dream
There is no right or wrong way to prepare this diary or to record dreams, but you can help by making the connections between dream activities and interpretation much easier.
- Column method. Draw a line in the center of each single page, so you can write the dream on one side and the possible interpretations on the other, contrasting these two parts.
- Write and interpret. If you don't like the column method, just follow another procedure: write the dream, then enter the interpretation below. After all, what matters is to write down what you dreamed of, while the interpretation you give of it is less urgent
Part 2 of 2: Writing and Interpreting Your Dreams

Step 1. Dream
Go to bed, fall asleep and let yourself be carried away by dreams; in short, you don't have to do anything different than usual. However, being aware that you will be writing your dreams the next morning can help you remember them, so focusing on the subconscious is important to succeed.
- Read this article for ideas on how to have dreams, control them and influence them.
- You may want to use a classic alarm clock instead of a clock radio or a music one. Listening to people talking or singing may distract you from trying to remember your dream content. Better still if you can wake up unaided - it will be much more peaceful.

Step 2. Write down your dreams
Upon awakening, start recording them. If you can, avoid getting out of bed until you have done so, because the interruptions between waking up and noting can cause you to miss the dream, or its main points and clarity. As you get more experience and practice, you may find that it's not a problem at all and remembering will be easier, but beginners should stay away from distractions.
- Record anything you can't remember easily. At first it can be difficult to focus on what you have to write and distinguish it from what comes to mind for other reasons. With practice, however, you will soon be able to recall various factors that have been communicated to you by dreams, such as characters, symbols, colors, textures, sensations, actions (such as flying or swimming), interactions with other living beings, shapes and all that is. derived from dream activity.
- Think of some adjectives to describe the most vivid and pressing images and sensations that the dream has aroused in you. For example, if you dreamed of a fire, you could write “house on fire; terrifying, scary”, and add your feelings:“fear, panic, curiosity”.
- Some like to add images drawn by them or use different colors to express the various emotions, color tones or themes that emerged in a dream (the colors themselves are an important part of the interpretation).

Step 3. Write freely
Don't try to create a narrative while taking note of the dream content. Focus on writing down as much information as possible as soon as possible, before the details of the dream fade from memory. You can think about creating a narrative and interpreting your dream later.

Step 4. Stop at the right time
Dedicating a diary to dreams is not a marathon and few people have so much time to dwell on it. The best approach? Write down a couple of dreams that seem particularly powerful or imprinted on your memory. After doing this, the memories will probably get foggy anyway. Also, it's best to write down the parts you remember best right away, as chances are they are the ones that have a greater resonance and meaning for you.

Step 5. Name each dream
Doing so is a good habit. By reducing each dream activity to a title, it tries to capture the feeling or the main theme behind it. It is an easy way to find the dream later and is an orderly way to summarize your overall reaction to dream activities.

Step 6. Review your progress
At first it may be difficult to remember enough to write more than a few lines. Insist, because with practice it will become easier to recall more and more elements of the dream, until it becomes a good habit. Consequently, it is important to be consistent and to write every morning, even if you think it is a trivial or useless dream. Sometimes these dream activities are much more meaningful, and after you put them on paper, you will realize that they make sense after all.

Step 7. Start interpreting
If you don't want to start interpreting right away, that's not a problem. It is enough for you to get used to recording dreams to discover them and to understand how you prefer to examine them. You can always come back to it later and add the interpretation, as long as you have noted some key words about your feelings in the description. As time goes by, it is ideal to start interpreting the dream using the knowledge you have gained from books, sites, and personal insights.
- Some aspects will be more obvious than others, but go for it. Sometimes the meaning of a dream may not be clear until you realize that it is recurring and that something is going on in your life that you should pay more attention to. Without a doubt, the most important messages tend to repeat themselves because they are a wake-up call.
- Read How to Interpret Dreams to get more information about it.

Step 8. Personalize the diary
In the end, the use and management of this tool depends on your personal preferences and you decide how they will happen. If you find that some of the tips given in this article aren't right for you, while others are, you definitely need to create a custom method to do so. Use whatever makes sense and works best for you.

Step 9. Always carry the diary with you
Don't forget it at home when you have to go on a trip, whatever it is. If you don't want to use the original copy, choose a lighter version, which you can add to the actual diary when you return. Another solution is to take electronic notes while on the go. Decide what's right for you. The important thing is to make sure that the process flows, especially since traveling can give life to completely different types of dreams and awaken new knowledge about yourself. You definitely don't want to miss all of this!
Traveling or living elsewhere can also bring up memories of dreams you have had, thus filling in some blanks. Take advantage of this opportunity to write down and add past dreams
- Keep your diary and pen on the bedside table. Don't put them elsewhere.
- If you brush your teeth or make breakfast before writing down your dream, it may fade because your body has woken up completely, or nearly so.
- Try to refrain from sharing your dreams. While some people fully understand your interpretation and its purpose, others don't like the idea at all, or find it difficult to digest your dream activities. Keep them to yourself and cultivate your inner self to continue with this journey.
- Buy a deck of cards dedicated to dreams, which feature symbols and images and help you understand the meaning of your dream activities. They may also give you ideas to calm down in difficult situations.
- If you find yourself facing a phase in which your dreams seem to be few, insist. Sometimes some external factors, such as stress, medication, alcohol, lack of sleep, or other interruptions in REM sleep, cause this problem. At other times, you may need to take a little break to allow your creativity to re-energize. Worry less and the dreams will return, provided you have eliminated the stressors.
- To understand how you should proceed, let's take an example. If you dream of dying, don't think that this means that it will happen. It could mean that you are very stressed and exhausted. Furthermore, dying can mean letting go of a part of yourself or your life that you have been holding back, and indicating that you are ready to move on and experience a new phase.