How to Follow the Low Calorie Diet of the Watch

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How to Follow the Low Calorie Diet of the Watch
How to Follow the Low Calorie Diet of the Watch

According to the clock low calorie diet theory, it is not only what you eat and the calories you introduce into your body with food that matters, but also the time or times of the day you eat.

The main focus of the low-calorie diet of the clock it is in fact to synchronize the sensation of hunger and appetite with the circadian rhythm, which we can define as the biological clock. Through the biological clock, and therefore by regulating meals, we can control the sensation of hunger and appetite in order to predict hunger attacks.

Sudden pangs of hunger are one of the main causes of weight gain as it is in those moments that the most caloric foods are consumed.

But how long does it last and what exactly does the watch's low-calorie diet provide?

Let's see in detail how to follow the low-calorie diet of the watch.


Step 1. Do some aerobic activity between 6.00 and 8.00; for example, 30 minutes of jogging or a bike ride

According to some research, physical activity before breakfast increases the fat-burning process.

Physical activity
Physical activity
Water in the morning
Water in the morning

Step 2. Drink 2 glasses of water for a total of about half a liter between 7.00 and 9.00

Some research has shown that drinking water in the morning is one way to shed excess weight.

Step 3. Eat a breakfast rich in whole grains, fresh fruit, and dried fruit to soothe the effects of ghrelin - when you wake up, ghrelin wakes up too

Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the stomach that makes you feel hungry; if you ignore it, your stomach produces more of it, further increasing your appetite.

Clock Low Calorie Diet Breakfast
Clock Low Calorie Diet Breakfast
Watch Low Calorie Diet Snack
Watch Low Calorie Diet Snack

Step 4. Have a snack between 10.00 and 11.00

Some of the best solutions in the low calorie diet of the watch are: a natural low-fat yogurt, red fruits such as blueberries, raspberries and strawberries or dried fruit (for example a handful of almonds).

Step 5. Eat a meal rich in protein (animal or vegetable)

You can choose between a slice of chicken, turkey or a beef steak with vegetables. If, on the other hand, you prefer plant foods, a plate of legumes provides the right amount of protein. Between 11.00 and 13.00 it is time for galanin, a neurotransmitter that causes the brain to prefer foods rich in calories and makes you more vulnerable to weight gain. If you indulge in it and consume foods high in fat and calories, you produce more galanin and consequently continue to crave other calorie foods.

Salmon based meal
Salmon based meal

Step 6. Take a break between 2pm and 3pm and set your alarm to take a short nap

At this time of the day, your body needs 15/20 minutes of rest to recharge.

Afternoon break
Afternoon break

Step 7. Have a snack between 5pm and 6pm

Choose a healthy and nutritious one such as fruit, walnuts or almonds to keep your metabolism active and not get too hungry at dinner time.

Afternoon snack
Afternoon snack

Step 8. Have dinner between 7pm and 8pm

It must be based on foods such as legumes, meat or fish. These foods are rich in tryptophan, an essential amino acid for the body that must be taken through food and which stimulates the production of serotonin, the good mood hormone.

Time to go to bed
Time to go to bed

Step 9. Lie down between 10pm and 11pm

To follow the low calorie diet of the clock you have to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, possibly even on weekends.


  • Follow the program for 14 days. Each day includes three main meals and two snacks. The seventh day is totally vegetarian. The Watch Low Calorie Diet involves balanced meals that include carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, protein-rich foods, and dairy products. Dairy products are always in a light version: fresh cheeses or skimmed milk.
  • To follow the low calorie diet of the watch you have to organize meals well in order to always eat at the same time: this type of diet is based on the importance and impact that our biological clock has on body weight and fitness.
  • In the morning it is best to exercise outdoors as the early morning sunlight helps the body to naturally synchronize with the sleep / wake cycle.
  • In the afternoon, however, between 16.00 and 20.00, you could work out a little in the gym to tone your muscles. Studies have shown that late afternoon is the best time for muscle mass exercises.
  • Synchronize with the circadian rhythm to defeat hunger pangs, increase energy and lose weight. To keep fit and lose weight with this regimen, it is essential to regulate your schedules, habits and meals.


  • If you need to recharge with some caffeine, have your last cup of coffee of the day by 4pm. Drinking coffee after 4pm negatively affects the circadian rhythm.
  • If you like wine, you can indulge in a glass between 5pm and 8pm. Alcohol after 8pm can delay REM sleep by causing you to wake up several times during the night.
  • In the evening, between 9pm and 10pm, stay away from computers and all appliances that emit blue light. Blue light interferes with the natural feeling of sleep. During this part of the day, according to the low-calorie diet of the watch, the ideal is to read a book, take a relaxing hot bath or otherwise stay in an environment with soft light to prepare your body for night's rest.