Health 2024, September

3 Ways to Treat Ringworm in Babies

3 Ways to Treat Ringworm in Babies

Ringworm is a fungal infection that manifests itself as a skin rash and can affect any part of the body; it is particularly common among school-age children, but infants can also be affected. Treating this infection is not a difficult process and home remedies can almost always be done.

How to Care for a Sick Child (with Pictures)

How to Care for a Sick Child (with Pictures)

Having a sick child can be a stressful and upsetting experience. The baby may not be able to feel comfortable and manage the pain, while you may not know if it is appropriate to call the pediatrician. If you have a sick child at home, you can do a lot to improve his comfort and make it through his recovery.

How to Apply a Diaper Changing Cream

How to Apply a Diaper Changing Cream

Diaper rash is a common ailment of infants and young children. This is not a very dangerous disease, but it causes severe discomfort to the little patient and may prevent him from sleeping well. One way to relieve pain, provide relief and get rid of rash is to use a specific diaper change cream.

4 Ways to Prevent Dehydration in Babies

4 Ways to Prevent Dehydration in Babies

Dehydration in infants occurs whenever fluid intake is insufficient to compensate for the loss. The main factors that can cause it are: hot weather, problems with feeding, fever, diarrhea and vomiting. You can try to prevent it by learning about its symptoms, treating certain conditions that can lead to dehydration, and learning when to seek medical attention.

How to Make a Baby Chicken Baby Food

How to Make a Baby Chicken Baby Food

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies can start eating chicken during weaning, which is when they are ready to move from breastfeeding to solid food (usually around 4-6 months). Chicken baby food is not only creamy and easy for babies to eat, it is also a great source of essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron and zinc.

How to Prevent Neonatal Jaundice: 6 Steps

How to Prevent Neonatal Jaundice: 6 Steps

Jaundice, or hyperbilirubinemia, is a condition that can develop in infants between the first two and four days of life. It results from high levels of bilirubin, or bile, present in the blood. A fully developed liver can filter and eliminate bilirubin, but the unripe liver of infants can cause jaundice to develop.

How to Calm an Autistic Child: 13 Steps

How to Calm an Autistic Child: 13 Steps

An autistic child is often over-stimulated by factors such as physical contact, sound and light; he may also feel overwhelmed or whipped by sudden events, such as changes in routine. Because she often has difficulty understanding or communicating her experiences, she can experience nervous breakdowns, during which she can scream, wriggle frantically, destroy things, or even respond violently to people.

How to Prevent Leukemia in Children (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Leukemia in Children (with Pictures)

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells that originates in the bone marrow. Statistics show that 2000-3000 children are affected by leukemia every year. It is the most common type of childhood cancer in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, there is currently no way to prevent most childhood cancers.

3 Ways to Know if Your Child has Scarlet Fever

3 Ways to Know if Your Child has Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease caused by toxins produced by the same bacteria that cause tonsillitis. It usually affects children (between 4 and 8 years old), and rarely adults as well. The disease is spread through the small particles of saliva that are expelled when coughing or sneezing.

How to Know if a Child Has Suffered a Trauma

How to Know if a Child Has Suffered a Trauma

Unfortunately, children are not immune from traumatic events and psychological suffering, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. While a painful and shocking experience can hurt them when it is not told and elaborated properly, the good news is that younger people are able to cope with trauma if they are supported by adults they can rely on.

3 ways to tell if your baby is healthy weight

3 ways to tell if your baby is healthy weight

Even if your baby eats a lot and you have regular size and weight checks in the pediatrician's office, you may wonder if his growth is healthy and appropriate. Follow these steps to determine if your baby is healthy in weight. Steps Method 1 of 3:

How to Prevent Infant Flat Head: 7 Steps

How to Prevent Infant Flat Head: 7 Steps

Positional plagiocephaly, more commonly known as infantile flathead, is a concern for many parents. Some cases of misshapen heads are attributed to the trauma of childbirth, but the flat areas are mainly due to the babies lying on their backs in bed.

How To Buy Baby Pillows: 5 Steps

How To Buy Baby Pillows: 5 Steps

The right environment can help give babies a more restful sleep. For some babies, a familiar blanket or pillow can provide comfort during naps or at night. While there is some debate about when to start having babies use pillows, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development recommends avoiding them until the child is at least 2 years old.

How to Get a Child to Take Medicines

How to Get a Child to Take Medicines

Most children resist less if they feel it is normal to take medication. However, if a child is led to believe they are scary, they are unlikely to change their mind. Fortunately, there are several tricks available to parents. Steps Part 1 of 3:

How to Know if a Child Suffers from Reactive Attachment Disorder

How to Know if a Child Suffers from Reactive Attachment Disorder

Most interpersonal relationships are based on trust. When a baby or child has a physical (such as hunger or discomfort) or an emotional (love, tenderness, smiles, hugs, kisses) need that is not satisfied, they begin to lose faith in the caregiver.

How to make breast milk more nutritious

How to make breast milk more nutritious

Breast milk contains a healthy amount of proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates, as well as leukocytes, the cells of the immune system that protect the baby from infections. For this reason, breastfeeding is strongly recommended by all health organizations, at least during the first six months of the baby's life;

4 Ways to Recognize the Signs of Violence on a Newborn

4 Ways to Recognize the Signs of Violence on a Newborn

Violence against minors is a very serious issue and is extremely important when it comes to babies because they cannot talk about their situation, are consequently more defenseless and at greater risk than school-age children. If you suspect a child is being raped, learn to recognize these telltale signs.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Asperger's in Children

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Asperger's in Children

Asperger's Syndrome is a form of autism, but there are substantial differences that make it difficult to discriminate, especially among children. A child with Asperger's often has high speech properties and a normal IQ. However, you will be able to recognize this syndrome by observing its behaviors and social interactions.

3 Ways to Treat Influenza in Young Children

3 Ways to Treat Influenza in Young Children

Children are particularly susceptible to the flu because their immune systems have yet to develop. It is almost always possible to treat this disease at home by resting and ensuring the child is as comfortable as possible while his or her body is fighting to defeat it.

How to Recognize Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children

How to Recognize Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions that hinder the normal course of daily life. It affects 1-2% of children and adolescents, often occurs between the ages of 7 and 12. Sometimes it goes unrecognized, especially when kids hide symptoms or parents don't know exactly which red flags to look for.

How to Cure Cough in Young Children: 13 Steps

How to Cure Cough in Young Children: 13 Steps

Within the first year of life, a child gets a cold up to seven times. Since cough and cold medications are not tested for use by young children, they are not recommended. It has in fact been shown that they can have side effects on them, especially if not dosed correctly.

How to Take a Bath with Menstruation: 8 Steps

How to Take a Bath with Menstruation: 8 Steps

While some girls are particularly nervous about swimming when they are menstruating, you shouldn't let this condition affect your day at the pool or beach with friends. In fact, among other things, physical activity such as swimming during the period reduces cramps and improves mood.

How to Recognize Childhood Depression: 15 Steps

How to Recognize Childhood Depression: 15 Steps

It is generally thought that depression is a phenomenon that only affects adults, but this is not the case, even children can suffer from it. Depression can regularly interfere in a child's daily life. Often children are unaware of this disorder or are unable to explain it to an adult.

How to manage your cycle when you sleep at a friend's house

How to manage your cycle when you sleep at a friend's house

It hasn't been long since you started having your period, and the last time it happened you felt bad with a lot of losses. You have to go to sleep at a friend's house and you don't want to give up, but you are afraid to go there. It's a natural thing, and there's no reason why you should miss out on this beautiful evening!

3 Ways to Treat Mastitis

3 Ways to Treat Mastitis

Mastitis is a common condition in lactating women. It can be caused by too tight clothing, missed feeds, poor drainage of the alveoli, or an infection. It usually affects only one breast at a time and causes pain, hardening, and redness. This can make breastfeeding and sucking milk very uncomfortable, leading some women to stop breastfeeding altogether.

How to Reduce Androgen Levels in Women

How to Reduce Androgen Levels in Women

If the androgen value is high in a female subject, it can lead to some health problems, including acne, weight gain, excessive hair growth and insulin resistance, but also the development of polycystic ovary syndrome. (PCOS), a disorder that involves painful menstrual cycles and fertility problems.

4 Ways to Overcome Extreme Exhaustion During Menstruation

4 Ways to Overcome Extreme Exhaustion During Menstruation

Menstruation is a normal function of the female body that occurs every month once puberty is reached and that stops with menopause. In those days many women experience a sense of exhaustion, the severity of which varies from one person to another.

3 Ways to Treat Gout in Pregnancy

3 Ways to Treat Gout in Pregnancy

It is not very common to get gout during pregnancy, but it does happen. This disorder can cause symptoms such as joint swelling and pain, usually in the big toe. Unfortunately, most of the drugs used to treat gout have not been tested sufficiently to confirm their safety in the gestational period.

3 Ways to Increase Amniotic Fluid

3 Ways to Increase Amniotic Fluid

When you get pregnant, your uterus forms an amniotic sac which produces amniotic fluid. This liquid acts as a protection for your baby while it is in the womb. Oligohydramnios is a pregnancy pathology that can develop when the level of amniotic fluid decreases.

3 Ways to End Your Period

3 Ways to End Your Period

From the very first menstruation, we women experience monthly cramps, swelling and other related inconveniences - after all, menstruation is a part of life. But they can hinder romantic getaways, trips to the beach and other experiences that require carefree physical activity.

How to check the dilation of the cervix

How to check the dilation of the cervix

The dilation of the cervix is a phenomenon that occurs in the body of a pregnant woman who is approaching labor and delivery; the aim is to open the path from the uterus to the birth canal so that the unborn child can come into the world. The diameter of the cervix must pass from 1 to 10 cm and at this point the woman can give birth.

3 Ways to Avoid Sagging Breasts If You Are a Young Woman

3 Ways to Avoid Sagging Breasts If You Are a Young Woman

Many women are worried about losing their youthful appearance and having to deal with sagging breasts. However, it is possible to avoid this imperfection at a young age by adopting some healthy habits such as physical activity, skin care and proper nutrition.

3 Ways to Manage Itching During Menopause

3 Ways to Manage Itching During Menopause

If you're going through menopause, you may suddenly experience an itch that doesn't go away. When estrogen levels begin to decline, the body's ability to produce sebum decreases, leaving the skin dry and itchy. Fortunately, there are some solutions to help you find relief, such as taking certain medications, changing your lifestyle, and trying different natural remedies.

How to Recognize and Treat Ectopic Pregnancy

How to Recognize and Treat Ectopic Pregnancy

Early in a normal pregnancy, the inseminated egg travels through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus where it implants. In an ectopic pregnancy, however, the egg implants itself elsewhere, usually a tube. These types of pregnancies are real medical emergencies that pose a threat, especially in the case of abortion, so it is important to recognize the symptoms.

How To Know If Your Menstrual Cycles Have Ceased

How To Know If Your Menstrual Cycles Have Ceased

In women, menstrual cycles occur on a monthly basis starting from twelve years of age. There are many reasons why the cycle can temporarily stop. On the other hand, it stably ends when the woman enters menopause, which takes place between 45 and 55 years of age.

How to Treat Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

How to Treat Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease (or PID from the English acronym pelvic inflammatory disease) is an infection that affects the reproductive system of women. It occurs when bacteria (often sexually transmitted) spread to the vagina and reproductive organs:

3 Ways to Increase the Uterine Lining

3 Ways to Increase the Uterine Lining

When the uterine lining - or endometrium - is healthy, women are more likely to have regular periods and become pregnant; if yours is particularly thin, however, you may have difficulty managing a pregnancy. Fortunately, this disorder can be treated with some lifestyle changes, and you can work with your gynecologist to thicken it through medical therapies.

How to Sneak a Tampon or Sanitary Pad to the Bathroom (to School)

How to Sneak a Tampon or Sanitary Pad to the Bathroom (to School)

Menstruation is not a cause for shame; however, if you have recently had them, you may not want to let school know that you use tampons or pads. Maybe you don't want your friends or teachers to know or maybe you are just a private person. If you want to keep these details private, know that there are several methods of hiding intimate hygiene products.

How to know if you are pregnant if you have an irregular cycle

How to know if you are pregnant if you have an irregular cycle

Most women know that the first sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation; however, if you have an irregular period it may be difficult to know if you are pregnant or not. Learn to recognize other symptoms that may prompt you to see your gynecologist or use a home test.

How to Manage Your Cycle: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Manage Your Cycle: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Every girl has her period. It is natural, and many have questions or need help knowing what is normal or what products to use. We hope this article helps you. Steps Step 1. Tell your mom He can buy you what you need. Step 2.