How To Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

How To Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
How To Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Table of contents:


It is important that blood pressure remains constant throughout pregnancy. This is a known fact, but how can this value be kept under control in a natural way?

Every health problem we face is often a combination of emotional and physical factors; addressing them on both levels allows us to control them naturally.

With regard to blood pressure in pregnancy, both the body and the emotions play a fundamental role.

Since motherhood is a very delicate period for both mother and baby, it is essential to take care of yourself with non-invasive and natural methods. Nature offers us everything we need to heal ourselves, so read on to learn how to control blood pressure.


Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 1
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 1

Step 1. Take control of your body

You can control physical stress with specific muscle relaxation exercises. An increasingly relaxed musculature helps expectant mothers to get rid of stress.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 2
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 2

Step 2. Reduce the salt in your diet

You need to cut down on all salty foods to avoid a rise in blood pressure. Eat fresh, green vegetables that naturally contain sodium and try not to add any more while cooking. Fried and all pre-cooked foods are often high in salt, so choose fresh foods.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 3
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 3

Step 3. Fight all forms of emotional stress

Any worry, anxiety and fear can become an emotional stress that raises your blood pressure level. Learn deep breathing techniques to calm your body and mind and to increase the amount of oxygen.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 4
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 4

Step 4. Get organized

Engage in the right activities, organize your week and your day: by doing this you do not run the risk of falling into the trap of stress and can relieve tension.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 5
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 5

Step 5. Resolve Conflicts

Express your feelings and doubts in writing, talking to an expert and thus restoring peace within you.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 6
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 6

Step 6. Listen to yourself

Do not engage and do not overdo it when your body / mind is telling you that you are tired / exhausted. Listen to your body and give yourself time to relax.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 7
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 7

Step 7. Rest properly

Get enough rest and sleep to start your day with energy. Sleep rejuvenates and supports your energy level when you wake up.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 8
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 8

Step 8. Creative visualizations

Spend a few moments of peace visualizing yourself with the baby, in a scenario you love. This exercise gives you both mental and physical peace of mind.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 9
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 9

Step 9. Relax

Listen to quiet music, touch your womb gently, bond with the baby, enjoy the music and relax.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 10
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 10

Step 10. Be an observer

Stop being serious every now and then and spend time playing with your pet, watching the beach or watching people go by on the street, watching a movie - these are all activities that will make you feel better.

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 11
Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Step 11

Step 11. Think positively

Repeat words like "relax", "take it easy", "everything is fine", "don't worry".
