How To Have Energy During Your Menstrual Cycle

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How To Have Energy During Your Menstrual Cycle
How To Have Energy During Your Menstrual Cycle

Some women feel exhausted at this time of the month. Try following the tips in this article to regain lost energy.


Have Energy During Your Period Step 1
Have Energy During Your Period Step 1

Step 1. Do you blame the cycle?

Maybe you are "taking" it unfairly with your period. Try writing a diary to record your energy levels day in and day out. Maybe this fatigue isn't cycle-related, you're just assuming the two are related. In fact, for some women they are, for others, fatigue has different causes.

Have Energy During Your Period Step 2
Have Energy During Your Period Step 2

Step 2. Get enough sleep

This advice should always be followed. If you know your energy is going to drop at some point in the month, be sure to get more rest than usual.

Have Energy During Your Period Step 3
Have Energy During Your Period Step 3

Step 3. Exercise

Exercising will make you feel energized. While not doing your usual full workout, a little movement will help keep you from collapsing from apathy.

Have Energy During Your Period Step 4
Have Energy During Your Period Step 4

Step 4. Eat healthy

Some women tend to crave sugars and simple carbohydrates when they are on their period, but it is best to consume them in moderation. Have a good breakfast (no pastries, sugary cereals and so on): it will give you energy throughout the morning and will allow you to avoid the urge to eat junk food.

Have Energy During Your Period Step 5
Have Energy During Your Period Step 5

Step 5. Drink some milk

For many women, calcium-rich foods like yogurt and milk can help reduce PMS symptoms, such as fatigue.

Have Energy During Your Period Step 6
Have Energy During Your Period Step 6

Step 6. Accept tiredness

For some women, it is normal and natural to have less energy when they are on their period. It may be better to understand the nature of your period and just come to the conclusion that there will be days when you will feel more tired than usual. No one (man or woman) is always at the top of their physical shape.

Have Energy During Your Period Step 7
Have Energy During Your Period Step 7

Step 7. Consult your gynecologist

If your life ends up depending on your menstrual cycle or exhaustion interferes with your daily life, you may want to see a specialist. Fatigue may be caused by a treatable and manageable physical ailment.


  • If you feel like eating sugary foods, try finding healthy alternatives. Instead of a smoothie, make a strawberry yogurt smoothie. Instead of a chocolate bar, sip a nice cup of hot chocolate. For breakfast, go for protein-rich cereals.
  • If you like, take a nap: when you wake up you will feel like new.
