How to have a dry and clean menstrual cycle

How to have a dry and clean menstrual cycle
How to have a dry and clean menstrual cycle

Table of contents:


The cramps and various uncomfortable sensations that plague girls once a month are far from pleasant. However, there are easy ways to help minimize them so you can focus on the things you love the most!


Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 1
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 1

Step 1. Choose the best protection for you

There are various products designed for different flows and for the different stages of menstruation. The best way to figure out which ones are right for you is to identify the type of flow you have (light, normal, heavy, very heavy, etc.). Of course, the flow can change over the days, so you'll have to try different products until you find the right ones. You should also consider daily activities. If you are very active or do sports regularly, then a regular sanitary pad will certainly be uncomfortable.

  • Panty liners: you can use them before and at the end of menstruation, when the flow is very light, but still the blood can stain the underwear. It is usually quite discreet. You can also put it on for extra protection if you are wearing tampons.
  • Wingless sanitary pads: you can use them when you are on period. They have varying degrees of absorbency, so you should find the ones that are right for you. They are usually quite discreet, except for the more absorbent ones, which are longer, so it can be more difficult to hide them under clothing such as leggings or tight pants. Sometimes you may notice lateral leaks.
  • Pads with wings: they are identical to the pads described above, but they have flaps that adhere to the bottom of the briefs. This prevents movement and reduces lateral losses.
  • Internal tampons without applicator: they are safe and the losses are few, provided you choose the right absorbency. Smaller and therefore more discreet than normal sanitary pads and tampons with applicators, they can take some practice to fit properly. Wash your hands before putting one on. You must change it at least every eight hours: these tampons can cause TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).
  • Internal tampons with applicator: they are easier to insert. They are less discreet, although some are smaller than others. They have a higher absorbency than tampons without applicator. Try to wash your hands before using them. They need to be changed every eight hours to ward off Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 2
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 2

Step 2. Record when your period starts and ends

After a few months, you will be able to notice a pattern, which will help you predict when you will have your next period. Being prepared will help you, as you are less likely to be caught off guard when you are out and about. Don't worry if you don't notice any regularity - young girls should wait a few years for the cycle to stabilize. For some women, their periods never completely regulate.

  • If your periods are generally predictable but you notice changes, for example you miss one or some are shorter than usual, consult a doctor to rule out any problems, especially if you are sexually active.
  • If you have very irregular periods and have been menstruating for more than a couple of years now, see your doctor for a checkup. If necessary, find a way to regularize them.
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 3
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 3

Step 3. Always carry a tampon and everything you need for your period

Especially if you know you're going to have your period soon. Put whatever you like best (classic or tampon) in a pouch. Add some painkillers and a couple of coins, you may find yourself having to buy tampons or tampons from a machine. Here are the other items you should have at your disposal: a sachet to hygienically throw away used sanitary pads, especially if you need to change at someone else's home; a pack of travel wipes to clean yourself in case you unexpectedly get your period; a pair of clean briefs to change if you get dirty. Put it all in a pouch or make-up pouch and no one will know what it is!

If you have your period and you don't have these supplies, go to a bathroom, clean yourself up, roll some toilet paper around your panties until it is thick enough, and flatten it. It will be a makeshift sanitary pad: it will cushion the damage until you can put on a real one. Does it happen to you at school? In many cases you can request a sanitary napkin in the infirmary (it happens to many students) or contact your friends, surely someone can lend you one or know who you can ask for

Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 4
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 4

Step 4. Dress right

Wearing a skirt or dress will likely make you feel uncomfortable when you have your period because you will worry about leaking. If it's hot, opt for a pair of shorts instead, as they will make you feel more confident. Do you wear a uniform and therefore are forced to always wear a skirt or a dress? Wear tight shorts, shorter than your skirt, to support your panties or, if you're wearing stockings, choose opaque ones so you don't feel exposed.

  • If you have a visible leak on your pants or skirt, you can quickly correct it by tying a cardigan, coat, or jacket around your waist. You can hide it until you can change.
  • Bring the right underwear. Right now, it's perfectly useless to wear the most beautiful lace outfits you have. Choose a pair of briefs that are comfortable and large enough for the tampon to adhere smoothly. Preferably, opt for dark or red panties, so any stains won't damage them.
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 5
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 5

Step 5. Change your tampon or tampon regularly

This won't make you worry about odors and discomfort, which will occur after a while. Ordinary sanitary pads should be changed every two to four hours, depending on the abundance of the flow. The internal ones can be left for up to eight hours, without worries, but this time must not be exceeded.

  • If you have to leave the classroom to change your tampon or for any period related problem, ask to go to the bathroom, as you would in any other case. If the professor does not allow it, explain the situation to him in a low voice as soon as you can; tell him you have "feminine problems" to solve. Even though this is a man, don't be ashamed, he is adult enough not to feel embarrassed.
  • To hide the internal or external tampon before you go to the bathroom so that no one will know anything, slip it into your bra or under the trouser band that wraps around your waist. That way, you won't have to carry it in your hand.
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 6
Have a Clean and Dry Period Step 6

Step 6. Find a method to manage your pain

The cramps felt during your period are caused by muscle contractions in the lower part of the belly, due to the chemicals produced at this time of the month. There are several methods to reduce them that work, it depends on the people. Try different pain relievers (not all at the same time), for example acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or other medications that target menstrual pain. Keep in mind that pain relievers aren't effective for everyone. Try exercising as well, even though it is the last activity you would do at this time of the month. Sport releases endorphins, chemicals for a good mood; they will help you overcome the pain and mood swings associated with your period. Another solution is to take a hot bath or place a hot water bottle on your stomach. The heat relieves the pain for a while, although it will not eliminate it.

If the pain is so severe that it prevents you from going to school or work and / or lasts for at least a couple of days, go to the doctor to make sure you don't have any problems


  • All girls have to put up with it, don't worry.
  • If your clothes are stained with blood, you can best remove it with cold water.
  • If you have an accident, don't worry! All girls know these things happen and they won't make fun of you.
  • Make sure you talk to someone about it. Your parents will surely want to help you. Ask them to buy tampons or tampons. Don't be ashamed: they will be able to give you advice and show empathy towards you. If you can't talk to them, try talking to a friend, aunt, or school nurse so you don't have to deal with it alone.
  • Never panic when your period starts, stay calm.
  • Don't worry about ruining your pants, it happens to everyone! No one can deny it, in fact it is impossible that it will not happen. Don't feel disgusted!