Coconut oil has multiple beneficial properties and can be used both in cooking and for skin and hair care. Virgin coconut oil is believed to have the best qualities, as it is extracted naturally and free of harmful chemicals. Learn how to make virgin coconut oil at home using three different methods: that of the mill, that of cold and that of boiling.
Method 1 of 3: Using the Crusher Method

Step 1. With a sturdy cleaver, split your coconut in half
Choose a ripe, brown fruit instead of a young, green coconut.

Step 2. Scrape the coconut pulp from the shell
use a sturdy metal spoon or sharp knife.

Step 3. Divide the coconut pulp into small pieces

Step 4. Pour the coconut pieces into a food processor

Step 5. Turn it on to medium speed and slice the coconut into thin strips
If necessary, add a small amount of water to help the process.

Step 6. Filter the coconut milk
Place a filter on a glass jar with a wide mouth. Choose a fabric or coffee filter. With a spoon, pour small amounts of coconut on the filter. Wrap the coconut pulp in the fabric and squeeze it to extract the milk.
- Apply intense pressure to make sure you extract every last drop.
- Repeat the process with all the coconut pulp.

Step 7. Let the liquid sit for at least 24 hours
Over time, you will see the coconut milk separate from the oil, while a layer of rennet will form on the top of the jar.
- If desired, store in the jar in the refrigerator to speed up the process, this way the rennet will harden faster.
- Alternatively, store it in a cool place.

Step 8. With a spoon, remove and discard the rennet layer
The virgin coconut oil will remain in the jar.
Method 2 of 3: Using the Cold Process Method

Step 1. Start with dry or dehydrated coconut
In well-stocked supermarkets, you can find dehydrated and unsweetened coconut flakes. Make sure that the package contains only coconut and that no additional ingredients are present. If you prefer to use fresh fruit, cut the coconut into pieces and dehydrate it using a dryer for about 24 hours.
- Alternatively, dry the coconut using the oven at its lowest temperature. Cut it into small pieces, arrange it on a baking sheet and cook on a low heat for at least 8 hours, or until completely dehydrated.
- If you're using ready-made coconut, opt for flaked coconut instead of grated coconut to avoid clogging the squeezer.

Step 2. Pour the coconut into the juicer
Add small amounts of coconut at a time, otherwise you risk clogging your juicer. The centrifuge will separate the coconut oil and cream from the fibers. Gradually squeeze the entire amount of coconut flakes.

Step 3. Process the coconut again
The centrifuge won't be able to extract all the oil at once, so repeat the whole process to make sure you don't miss a drop.

Step 4. Pour the coconut oil into a glass jar and store it in a warm place
Wait 24 hours for the coconut cream to settle to the bottom of the jar. Pure coconut oil will rise to the surface.

Step 5. With a spoon, pour the oil into a second container
When the cream has solidified on the bottom you can remove the oil on the surface with the help of a spoon, pouring it into a new jar. It will now be ready for use.
Method 3 of 3: Boil the Coconut

Step 1. Heat about 1 liter of water
Pour it into a saucepan and put it on the stove. Use a medium flame and wait for the water to evaporate.

Step 2. Grate the pulp of 2 cocci
Choose a ripe, brown fruit instead of a young, green coconut. Open the coconut, extract the pulp and grate it in a bowl.

Step 3. Blend the coconut and water
Pour the grated coconut into a blender. Add the hot water and close the blender with the lid. Hold the lid firmly while blending the coconut and water to make a creamy blend.
- Do not overfill the blender, pour in hot water to reach half of its capacity. If your blender is small, divide the mixture into two parts. Otherwise you risk the cap being removed in the process.
- Keep the cap still while you blend; otherwise you risk getting burned with the hot mixture.

Step 4. Filter the liquids from the coconut
Place a fabric filter or fine mesh strainer on a bowl. Pour the coconut puree over the filter and let it drip into the bowl. With a spatula, press and squeeze the pulp as much as possible, to extract every drop of liquid.
- If you prefer, lift the fabric filter and squeeze it firmly in your hands.
- If you want to extract as much liquid as possible, pour more hot water over the pulp and squeeze it again.

Step 5. Boil the coconut liquids
Pour them into a saucepan and turn on a medium-high heat. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook it while stirring constantly. Over time the water will evaporate and the coconut cream will separate from the oil and darken.
- The whole boiling process could take over an hour. Be patient and don't stop mixing.
- If you prefer not to boil the mixture, you can wait for it to separate naturally. Pour the liquid into a bowl and cover it with cling film. Leave it at room temperature for 24 hours, then put it in the refrigerator waiting for the oil to solidify and rise to the surface. Filter the oil from the liquid.
- Virgin coconut oil is known for its more than 200 health-promoting properties. Sipping a tablespoon every day is thought to boost the immune system, reduce blood pressure, relieve joint pain, and be beneficial in treating cancer. It can also be applied to the skin and hair to increase hydration and repair damaged cells and follicles. Try using it to treat diaper dermatitis, dry skin, and insect bites. Among other benefits, coconut oil promotes circulation, normalizes thyroid functions and accelerates metabolism and weight loss.
- A mature coconut can be recognized by its hard, dark brown shell. Those not fully mature have a slightly lighter brown color; unripe are small and green. A ripe coconut contains more oil than a young one.
- The virgin coconut oil cold extraction process does not involve the use of heat. In this way the oil retains all its beneficial properties on health, as well as its antioxidants and vitamins.
- Freeze and thaw the coconut pulp before shredding it in the food processor, it will become softer, favoring greater milk extraction.
- Try using coconut oil to prepare your baked goods in the kitchen, it will give your preparations a delicate vanilla aroma. Virgin coconut oil is healthier than traditionally used fats, such as butter or lard.
- In the past, coconut oil was regarded as a dangerous product, mostly due to the high percentage of saturated fat it contains. However, it has recently gained its redemption, since, unlike hydrogenated oils, it is not chemically processed or treated, which is why it retains all the healthy nutrients contained in the plant. Used in moderation, coconut oil can have more beneficial effects than extra virgin olive oil.