Heartburn, commonly called heartburn or acidity, is an irritation of the esophagus that occurs when acid that forms in the stomach travels up the esophagus. It is not a serious problem, unless it occurs in a constant and chronic way. If you are pregnant and suffer from it often, know that there are ways to get rid of it.
Method 1 of 3: with the Diet

Step 1. Cut down on the foods most responsible for the disorder
If you eat foods that you are sensitive to, you could cause heartburn; the main ones you need to pay attention to are:
- Citrus fruits;
- Chocolate;
- Tomatoes;
- Garlic and onions.

Step 2. Eat fewer fatty and spicy foods
The fatty ones cause the sphincter that separates the stomach from the esophagus to remain open, thus causing the burning sensation; if you are trying to overcome this disorder, you should avoid fatty foods. Spicy ones also cause similar effects in many people; give up on such dishes to get rid of the ailment.

Step 3. Reduce your consumption of heartburn trigger drinks
Foods are not the only ones responsible for this problem, but some drinks can also induce it; if you want to relieve the discomfort, try to limit the number of caffeinated ones.

Step 4. Eat an apple or banana
The pectin contained in the peel of the apple acts as a natural antacid, as does the banana which contains natural antacids. To relieve discomfort, try eating a ripe apple or banana.

Step 5. Identify foods that cause acidity
Since pregnancy involves many body changes, the foods you usually tolerate well can now cause you to burn. If you suffer a lot from this disorder, try to figure out which are the "culprits". Start with the most common ones that trigger this malaise, and then take note of the ones you ate right before an acid attack.
- This means having to write down all the dishes that cause problems; write down everything you eat and analyze how you feel one hour after the meal; if after an hour you notice that food is causing abdominal discomfort, you should eliminate it from your diet.
- For example, if you've had spaghetti and meatballs with tomato sauce at dinner and experience heartburn after an hour, the triggering element could be one of three; next time try discarding the tomato sauce. If you are no longer in pain, you have identified the responsible food; while you still suffer from it, the ones that can induce the problem are spaghetti or meatballs. The next day he only eats the leftover pasta without meatballs and sauce; if you still suffer from heartburn, you need to eliminate pasta from your diet.

Step 6. Eat smaller meals
If they are too abundant, they can cause discomfort; to prevent this from happening, reduce your portions each time you sit down to eat so as not to strain your stomach.

Step 7. Eat slowly
Slowing down at the table can help you not suffer from this disorder, as it allows you to digest more easily and more quickly, leaving less food in the stomach that could go back into the esophagus.

Step 8. Avoid eating before bed
If you have a full stomach while trying to fall asleep, you can put more pressure on the esophagus causing acidity. in order not to risk this complication, do not eat in the last two or three hours before bedtime.
Don't lie down after eating, even just to take a nap; if you are tired, sit in a reclining chair or use pillows to keep your head and upper body elevated
Method 2 of 3: with drugs

Step 1. Take antacids
They are safe for pregnant women except those that contain aluminum. You can take calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, but read the label carefully to make sure there is no aluminum in the ingredients.
- Liquid antacids work a little faster than tablet antacids, but both are effective.
- Those that contain bicarbonate or sodium citrate can cause water retention and also be toxic to the baby, so you should avoid them.
- If you have chosen to take these medications, be sure to take your prenatal vitamins at least an hour apart.

Step 2. Take H2 receptor antagonists
This class of drugs appears to be safe for pregnant women; these include over-the-counter drugs such as Tagamet, Pepcid and Zantac. The tablets for free sale contain low dosages of the active ingredient; if you want stronger medications, you need to go to your doctor and have them prescribed. Strictly follow the instructions on the leaflet for the dosage and discuss with your doctor if it is appropriate for you to take the H2 antagonists.
Side effects include constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, hives, nausea, vomiting and urination problems; if you experience any of these side effects, stop taking them and call your doctor right away

Step 3. Take Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
If heartburn is quite severe, you can consider this class of drugs, such as Nexium, Pantorc, and others. They are believed to be safe for pregnant women, but consult your doctor before taking them.
- Some PPIs, such as omeprazole, can cause fetal toxicity and should therefore not be taken during the gestational period. This is why it is important to discuss options with your gynecologist before resorting to medication.
- Side effects include headache, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rashes, and nausea.
Step 4. Learn about metoclopramide
This drug helps speed up the digestive process, reducing acid reflux and heartburn; it is also effective in managing nausea. It is a safe product for pregnant women and you can therefore speak to your doctor for a prescription if you are interested.
However, remember that it is a short-acting drug that you can take for up to 12 weeks
Method 3 of 3: with Lifestyle Changes

Step 1. Wear comfortable clothing
Wear clothes that do not constrict the stomach or abdomen, to reduce the chances of suffering from acidity. by putting less pressure on the stomach, you reduce the risk of pushing food or acids into the esophagus.

Step 2. Avoid putting on too much weight
One of the most common causes of heartburn is being overweight; you must avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy, especially if you already have digestive problems.
Maintaining a healthy weight helps reduce pressure on the esophagus

Step 3. Keep your head elevated when in bed
Make it stand a little higher and let the force of gravity help retain the acids in the stomach; put bricks under the legs of the headboard and raise it about 15 cm.
Do not use a pile of pillows to keep under your head, as they do not help with heartburn, but they only keep the neck bent with the risk of aggravating the situation

Step 4. Use apple cider vinegar in your diet
Dilute a spoonful of it in 200 ml of water and drink the mixture; some studies have found that it corrects low pH and reduces burning.

Step 5. Drink ginger tea
This plant is considered safe for pregnant women and is often recommended for nausea in the first stage of gestation. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory, calms the stomach, and can also be helpful when you feel sick or vomit.
- You can buy ready-made herbal tea sachets at stores or use the fresh root. Cut a small piece of fresh ginger as large as a teaspoon and add it to the boiling water; leave it to infuse for five minutes and then pour the mixture into a cup.
- You can drink it at any time of the day, but it's especially good 20 to 30 minutes before meals.