A diagnosis of salpingus - or fallopian tube - occlusion can upset and frighten the patient. It is one of the main causes of female infertility, so it is very frustrating if you are trying to get pregnant. The tubes can become blocked for various reasons: they arise, for example, due to previous pelvic infections, due to sexually transmitted diseases, injuries or endometriosis. Fortunately, it is possible to open them and get pregnant. If you are interested in trying natural treatments, unfortunately realize that they are not very effective. Although in other circumstances natural-based methods are capable of increasing fertility, they cannot solve this problem. So, your best bet is to consult your gynecologist to learn about your range of treatment options. In most cases, you can undergo a minor surgery to proceed with the opening of the salpingis.
Method 1 of 2: Get Medical and Professional Care
While there are no natural treatments that can unblock the fallopian tubes, you don't need to worry. You have various options and therapies available. Although some treatments are non-invasive, the most common solution to correct a tubal obstruction is surgical in nature. Typically, hospital stays last 2-3 days after surgery, and recovery occurs within approximately 4-6 weeks. After that you return to normal living and the chances of conception increase. Consult your gynecologist to get a better idea of the surgical procedures that allow you to clear the blocked tubes. Depending on your health condition, it will suggest one of the following solutions.

Step 1. Try opening the fallopian tubes with a pelvic massage
It is the only natural, non-invasive remedy that helps to open the occluded fallopian tubes. One study has shown that 20 hours of expertly hand massages over the course of a week can be effective. The method is not guaranteed to work, but in some women who had completely or partially blocked tubes it produced excellent results. You may want to try this before considering invasive surgery.
Consult a physical therapist who specializes in this treatment. It is possible that a normal massage therapist does not know the appropriate technique

Step 2. Use selective tubal cannulation if the obstruction is small
When the damage is mild and located near the uterus, tubal cannulation can be considered. This is a minimally invasive surgery. By making only a few small incisions and introducing a thread, the surgeon will go to remove the block and open the blocked tube. It might be enough to solve the problem.
Recovery times following tubal cannulation are shorter than with other types of surgery. You will probably only need 2 weeks to fully recover

Step 3. Consider tubal anastomosis if damage affects the central part of the tubal
This is a surgery often performed when the salpingis are blocked by scar tissue or due to an illness. It is more effective if the obstructed part is located in the median area of the fallopian tubes. The surgeon will go to remove it by connecting the healthy parts. Once you have fully recovered, you will have a better chance of getting pregnant naturally.
This surgery is also performed in cases where you want to reverse the effects of tubal ligation and go back to conceiving

Step 4. Undergo a salpingostomy if you want to try in vitro fertilization
Sometimes, the salpingis are affected by a deposition of fluid at the end of the tubes that causes them to become obstructed. Salpingostomy consists in the creation of an artificial ostium between the uterine salpinx and the uterus in order to avoid occlusion. It could help you conceive with IVF because it allows sperm to bypass fluid collection.
- Unfortunately, this surgery offers only a temporary solution. Scar tissue tends to rebuild and block the tube again.
- Usually, salpingostomy is performed to increase the chances of conception with in vitro fertilization. In case you want to get pregnant naturally, ask your gynecologist if this surgical procedure is suitable for your needs.

Step 5. Increase the chances of successful IVF with salpingectomy
This is a different procedure, but more effective in the case of hydrosalpinx (deposition of fluid that causes tubal obstruction). The surgeon goes to remove the occluded area by connecting the two healthy parts. It should eliminate the closure caused by the collection of liquid.
Unfortunately, it is not certain that this intervention helps to conceive in a natural way. Success is greatest in women undergoing in vitro fertilization

Step 6. Remove scar tissue near the uterus with fimbryoplasty
It is a fairly delicate surgical procedure that aims to clear an obstruction near the uterus. The surgeon removes the scar tissue by reconstructing the damaged ends of the fallopian tubes and healing the occlusion.
Fimbryoplasty should help you conceive naturally or through IVF. Consult your gynecologist to find out what is the best way to get pregnant
Method 2 of 2: Using Natural Methods to Improve Fertility
If you want to try to open the tubes naturally, know that you are not the only one. On the Internet you can find a lot of remedies that women try every day. Unfortunately, in most cases they are not effective at all. However, they are generally able to improve fertility, helping you get pregnant if you want to. So, if you need to solve the problem of a tubal occlusion, you should consult your doctor about the treatment options available to you instead of relying on some do-it-yourself remedies.

Step 1. Reduce Stress
Stress certainly affects fertility, so by alleviating it it is possible to positively intervene on some forms of infertility. Unfortunately, there is no correlation between this factor and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, so while reducing stress, take into account that you risk not getting any results.
- In any case, it is a great choice for health and, in other circumstances, it helps improve fertility.
- Suffering from tubal obstruction is undoubtedly a condition that increases stress. If you need help, don't hesitate to contact a psychotherapist.

Step 2. Strengthen Immune Defenses with Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an ally of the immune system which helps to attenuate some inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, it may also prove useful in some forms of infertility, but there is no evidence to support the fact that an increased intake of vitamin C helps to open the fallopian tubes.

Step 3. Include garlic in your diet
Garlic is a folk remedy used to improve fertility and some claim that it can solve the problem of occluded fallopian tubes. However, although it may increase male fertility, there is no evidence that it stimulates female fertility or that it helps release salpingis.

Step 4. Flavor food with turmeric to fight inflammatory processes
Turmeric contains curcumin, a scientifically tested anti-inflammatory substance. It is useful for relieving some inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis. Unfortunately, it's not enough to open the fallopian tubes, and no studies show it's capable of doing this.

Step 5. Try Chinese herbal remedies
According to a study, the blends recommended by traditional Chinese medicine increase female fertility. However, although they can improve it in some cases, they do not appear to be successful against tubal occlusion.

Step 6. Stop smoking
If you smoke, quitting is a smart choice for overall physical well-being. However, while it gains health and fertility in this way, it has been shown that there are no direct positive effects on blocked fallopian tubes.
- Smoking can still cause other forms of infertility, so if you are trying to get pregnant, you may want to quit.
- Passive smoking is also harmful, so don't allow anyone to smoke indoors.
Health reminder
Fallopian tube occlusion can be a distressing problem. Unfortunately, there aren't many natural treatments that can solve it. Even those that seem to work aren't very successful. However, you are left with other possibilities. With a little surgery you can remove the blockage and plan a pregnancy. Once you have recovered, consult your doctor to find out which conception method is best suited to your health needs.