Health 2024, September

How to tell when puberty is about to start (for girls)

How to tell when puberty is about to start (for girls)

Puberty can be an exciting time, but at the same time it can be confusing for many girls; it is a stage where you are growing up and you can start doing things that you were not able to do when you were a child. However, it can sometimes be difficult to know when this period is about to begin or what to expect.

How to Balance Hormone Levels (with Pictures)

How to Balance Hormone Levels (with Pictures)

Hormonal imbalances are a rather widespread problem on which numerous pathologies depend, such as infertility, depression, loss of concentration and muscle strength. Fortunately, there are several treatment methods, both natural and pharmacological, to rebalance hormone levels.

3 ways to fall asleep easier when you are a teenager

3 ways to fall asleep easier when you are a teenager

Many teens have a hard time falling asleep in the evening. This can become a real problem if you have a busy day ahead. School, sports, summer jobs are not places where being tired is a good thing. Read this article to learn how to fall asleep easier and rest better.

How to keep fit when you are a teenager

How to keep fit when you are a teenager

During the adolescent and pre-adolescent years, the body develops and changes. To become an adult bursting with health, you should follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly. If, however, you are tired of hearing the classic, old phrase “Eat your vegetables!

How to Get Fit (Teen Girls)

How to Get Fit (Teen Girls)

People often equate getting fit with the need to lose weight, but in reality, these are two distinct things. While numbers are valid in weight loss treatments to determine the success or failure of an approach, the goal of getting fit involves more holistic criteria, such as improving cardiovascular health, strength, endurance and, at the same time, lengthen life expectancy, fueling self-confidence.

4 Ways to Gain Baby Weight

4 Ways to Gain Baby Weight

While the attention has been turning more and more to overweight children lately, there are actually many who would benefit from putting on some weight. The problem cannot be solved in a simplistic way by thinking of giving them greater quantities of "

How to tell if the little one is putting his teeth together

How to tell if the little one is putting his teeth together

Newborns have to go through several stages during their first year of life; one of these is teething, which is the process in which teeth begin to grow. This phase begins before you can see teeth popping up in her sweet smile. By recognizing the signs, you can tell when your child is setting teeth and offer him all the comfort to ease the discomfort associated with this process.

How to Recognize Meningitis in Babies

How to Recognize Meningitis in Babies

Meningitis is an infection that affects the tissue covering the brain and spinal cord (the meninges), causing inflammation and swelling. Symptoms in infants are fontanel edema, fever, rash, stiffness, rapid breathing, lack of vitality, and crying.

How to Treat a Baby with Belly Pain

How to Treat a Baby with Belly Pain

When your baby is unwell, you want to do anything to help him feel better. Stomach pain is a very common symptom among children and can be caused by several factors. Rule out any urgent problems, comfort the little one, and offer him natural relief to help soothe the discomfort.

How to Get Rid of Headaches in Children

How to Get Rid of Headaches in Children

Headache episodes are common in children and are generally not a sign of serious illness; however, they are painful and stressful. There are several solutions to help your child get rid of it, from home remedies to medications. Steps Part 1 of 4:

How to Give Your Newborn a Routine (with Pictures)

How to Give Your Newborn a Routine (with Pictures)

Caring for a newborn is challenging, but getting your baby used to regular sleep and feeding times will make things a little easier. Experts believe that a newborn is ready for this between 2 and 4 months. Steps Part 1 of 2: Prepare a Daily Schedule Step 1.

How to Feed Solid Food to a Baby or Infant

How to Feed Solid Food to a Baby or Infant

The baby is growing up and it is time to introduce solid food into his diet. Are you prepared? Suddenly you find yourself face to face with your first babysitting experience and need to feed a baby? Here are some practical tips and help. Steps Step 1.

How to Know What Can Happen to a Newborn's Skin

How to Know What Can Happen to a Newborn's Skin

Newborns undergo rapid changes over the first few days and weeks of life. The skin undergoes various color changes, changes consistency and can show various types of lesions, many of which appear and disappear spontaneously. However, some problems may indicate something more serious.

How to get rid of dandruff from a baby's milk crust without hurting him

How to get rid of dandruff from a baby's milk crust without hurting him

Cradle cap, also known as neonatal seborrheic dermatitis, is a rash that presents with signs of peeling that form greasy whitish or yellowish crusts. Although it is mostly located on the scalp, it can also occur in other areas of the body, including the ears, nose, eyelids and groin.

How to Diagnose Prader Willi Syndrome

How to Diagnose Prader Willi Syndrome

Prader Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disease that is diagnosed in the early stages of a child's life; it affects the development of many parts of the body, causes behavioral problems and often leads to obesity. PWS is identified through analysis of clinical symptoms and genetic testing.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Thrush in Babies

3 Ways to Get Rid of Thrush in Babies

If a newborn has white patches on the tongue, inside of the cheeks or lips, appears to be particularly irritated or feels discomfort while breastfeeding, they may have thrush. It is an infection caused by candida yeast and usually occurs as a result of an antibiotic treatment by the baby or the mother, since yeast tends to develop in the body as a result of the destruction of the bacterial flora.

3 Ways to Choose Which Kind of Powdered Milk to Use

3 Ways to Choose Which Kind of Powdered Milk to Use

The correct way to change formula will depend on whether you are changing for medical reasons or personal preference. Follow the next steps to learn how to change your baby's formula safely. Steps Method 1 of 3: Determine if it is the Case to Change Powdered Milk for Medical Reasons If you are concerned that the milk your baby is drinking is causing a health problem, such as an allergic reaction, constipation, stomach air and constant tantrums, or other symptoms, dis

How to Defrost Breast Milk: 10 Steps

How to Defrost Breast Milk: 10 Steps

If you are breastfeeding and using a breast pump, you can freeze your milk by carefully writing the date on labels. When you decide to use it, you will need to defrost it properly. For precise instructions, start with step 1. Steps Method 1 of 2:

3 Ways to Dispose of Diapers

3 Ways to Dispose of Diapers

Living with a newborn means producing a lot of dirty nappies. Although having to manage them will never be a fun activity, it doesn't necessarily have to ruin your day either. Whether they are thrown in the trash at home or on the go, or composted locally, disposable nappies can be handled as pleasantly and safely as possible.

How to make a baby fall asleep with the Tracy Hogg Method

How to make a baby fall asleep with the Tracy Hogg Method

Getting a baby to sleep has always been one of the biggest problems for new parents. Tracy Hogg, author of the book The Secret Language of Infants, has relied on the best theories developed by different schools of thought on infant education to develop a method that encourages listening, being patient and establishing a routine in order to help the infant to get to sleep and sleep through the night.

How to Give a Medicine to a Resistant Child

How to Give a Medicine to a Resistant Child

If your child has to take medicines every day, it can be a real challenge to get them to take them. Here are some tricks to make the task easier for you. Steps Step 1. Customize the approach based on your child's age The way you try to persuade a seven-year-old will be very different from that used for a two or three-year-old.

3 Ways to Stop Hiccups in a Newborn

3 Ways to Stop Hiccups in a Newborn

Did you know that babies can have fits of hiccups already in the womb? Hiccups are a fairly common phenomenon in children under one year of age. It consists of repeated contraction of the diaphragm and usually passes after some time. However, if the hiccup seems to be bothering the baby or the attack occurs during meals, there are some tricks to make it go away quickly.

How to Stay Fit (for Kids): 5 Steps

How to Stay Fit (for Kids): 5 Steps

Staying fit doesn't have to involve too many sacrifices. It can be a lot of fun, and besides, the better your fitness is, the more you enjoy life. Steps Step 1. Drink lots of water Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and avoid fizzy, sugary drinks.

How to make a child with a fever feel better

How to make a child with a fever feel better

Fever in the child can be a symptom of various diseases. It can indicate a simple cold, or something more serious. When your baby has a fever he may feel grounded; you may feel hot, in pain, and feel widespread malaise. If you are the parent, or the person who takes care of them, you want to help them feel better in some way.

How to Get a Newborn Down with a Fever: 11 Steps

How to Get a Newborn Down with a Fever: 11 Steps

When your little son has a fever, particularly if he is still a newborn, it can seem like the worst thing in the world. You may feel helpless and don't know what to do to help, but it is actually possible to make him feel better in a number of ways, especially if he is old enough to be able to take antipyretic medicines.

How to Develop a Child's Language and Communication Skills Through Play and Positive Daily Interaction

How to Develop a Child's Language and Communication Skills Through Play and Positive Daily Interaction

Creating an environment conducive to language is simple, judging by appearances. Unfortunately, due to the homes and busy lifestyles of parents who have to work all day, it is difficult to find time to be with their children. However, there are many opportunities to use and teach language in everyday situations and to create an environment conducive to learning.

4 Ways to Manage Urinary Incontinence in Children

4 Ways to Manage Urinary Incontinence in Children

Incontinence is the medical term for sudden loss of bladder control. It can happen at night or during the day. If daytime incontinence is not treated for a long time, it can lead to other health problems. If your child is suffering from incontinence, read on to learn how to manage this frustrating problem.

How to Keep Kids Focused: 14 Steps

How to Keep Kids Focused: 14 Steps

Many children have difficulty staying focused. However, when your child starts going to school, the ability to concentrate will become a very important element and will certainly remain a fundamental skill for the rest of his life. If you want to help your child develop their ability to concentrate, go to Step 1.

How to Treat Newborn Eczema with Natural Products

How to Treat Newborn Eczema with Natural Products

There is nothing worse than seeing your baby suffer from eczema. Eczema is an allergic reaction to the environment and / or food that causes inflammation, dryness and often seborrhea in the skin. I have noticed that it is preferable to treat this ailment with natural products rather than using steroid creams that are often harmful and normally ineffective.

How to Treat Diaper Rash: 7 Steps

How to Treat Diaper Rash: 7 Steps

Diaper rash usually occurs when a baby's extremely sensitive skin stays moist, comes in contact with chemicals, and rubs against the diaper. There are various treatments, ranging from medications to herbal home remedies, that can bring relief to your child.

How to Encourage Complaint: 15 Steps

How to Encourage Complaint: 15 Steps

All babies around the age of six months begin to make sounds to communicate. These are verses and vocalizations defined as lallation, which should be encouraged to help the development of language. Talk to your baby during these moments and let him know that communicating is a fun and positive activity.

How to Lower Fever in Children: 9 Steps

How to Lower Fever in Children: 9 Steps

Fever is a natural reaction of the body to fight infection or injury. It stimulates the body to produce more white blood cells and antibodies to try to eradicate pathogens. Some research has found it's important to allow a mild fever to run its course.

5 Ways to Limit Aggressive Behavior in Children With Autism

5 Ways to Limit Aggressive Behavior in Children With Autism

Most autistic children are not aggressive, but many of them have nervous breakdowns and have terrible tantrums when faced with difficult situations or when they don't get what they want. They do not react in this way to create difficulties, but because they do not know how else to react.

How to Keep Your Baby Healthy: 14 Steps

How to Keep Your Baby Healthy: 14 Steps

A sick child can make you very sad. Doing what you can to keep your child healthy helps everyone be happy! Steps Step 1. Make sure your baby gets enough sleep Babies need about 10 hours of sleep per night. The very young ones also need to take naps during the day.

3 Ways to Breastfeed

3 Ways to Breastfeed

With the invention of formula, baby bottles and sterilizers, breastfeeding is fast becoming a lost art. Pediatricians around the world recommend breastfeeding during the baby's first year of life, because breast milk contains all the nutrients needed by the newborn and is specifically suitable for its digestive system.

4 Ways to Treat Diarrhea in Babies

4 Ways to Treat Diarrhea in Babies

Diarrhea in infants can be of great concern to parents. Often, depending on the underlying cause, it can be easily treated with proper care at home. It is important to know what to do when the child has an episode of diarrhea and to understand when it is appropriate to contact the pediatrician, in order to reassure himself, especially if you are a new parent.

How to Treat Miliaria in Babies: 11 Steps

How to Treat Miliaria in Babies: 11 Steps

You may think that only athletes or active people can suffer from rashes of heat or sweat, but even infants can often have this problem. Miliaria is caused by the obstruction of the sweat glands that trap sweat beneath the surface of the skin.

How to Relieve Infant Hiccups: 14 Steps

How to Relieve Infant Hiccups: 14 Steps

Hiccups is a repeated and involuntary contraction of the diaphragm muscle that normally occurs in infants and young children. It is generally not a problem that requires medical attention. Most episodes of hiccups in infants are caused by overeating or ingesting too much air.

How to Treat Newborn Constipation: 10 Steps

How to Treat Newborn Constipation: 10 Steps

Constipation is a serious problem for newborns; if left untreated, it can result in intestinal blockage that must be managed surgically. Constipation can also be a symptom of a much more serious disease. These are the reasons why it is important to be able to recognize it and learn how to treat it.

How to Mix Baby Cereals (with Pictures)

How to Mix Baby Cereals (with Pictures)

Introducing solid foods into your child's diet is an important step, and knowing how much to mix them is essential. At the beginning, cereals should be more liquid than solid, thickening them little by little until adding fruit, vegetable and meat purée to stimulate the baby's taste buds and provide him with the right nutrients.