How to Make a Bee Not Sting You: 8 Steps

How to Make a Bee Not Sting You: 8 Steps
How to Make a Bee Not Sting You: 8 Steps

Table of contents:


Bees and wasps are annoying, aren't they? Read this article and you will learn what to do to avoid getting stung!


Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 1
Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 1

Step 1. Find out where they come from

If you find that they are concentrated in a specific place, try to stay away from it and try to figure out what attracts them - such as flowers, plants or sweet things.

Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 2
Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 2

Step 2. Don't dress in yellow

Bees are attracted to that color.

Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 3
Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 3

Step 3. Don't hit them

If they get close to you, stay still and they will surely leave.

Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 4
Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 4

Step 4. Try putting yourself in the bee's shoes

If you annoy her, she will probably sting you!

Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 5
Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 5

Step 5. Stay calm

Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 6
Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 6

Step 6. Dress well

If you are in an area with many bees, wear gloves (of all kinds), long pants, and long-sleeved shirts. If it's hot, it's better if they're a bit loose and don't try to take them off!

Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 7
Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 7

Step 7. Don't try to kill bees

Bees are dwindling in numbers, and if you kill them you will be doing harm to the environment. Also, bees make honey, which is delicious!

Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 8
Stop a Bee from Stinging You Step 8

Step 8. Learn what bees are made of

From a distance they may look like wasps (which have a sting that hurts a lot more and don't die after stinging you) or any other black and yellow insect.


  • Wasps can sting multiple times, unlike bees, so get away from them quickly and learn to tell them apart.
  • A bee sting isn't that bad, unless you're allergic to it. They can hurt a little, though!
  • Moving your arm up and down slowly will make the bee go away, but don't do it too quickly.
  • If you light some incense or a candle, it will usually make the bee go away - but don't leave them on all night.
  • Bees don't actually want to sting you. They die after doing it!
  • Stay still and you will not be stung.
