Puberty can be one of the most confusing and exciting stages in a boy's life. The body changes and begins to look more like that of a man. You grow taller, hair grows, body odor becomes more intense, and sexual instincts develop in addition to organs. Puberty can bring physical and emotional changes to any boy. It typically begins between the ages of 9 and 14 and is completed between the ages of 16 and 18; the changes follow a different pattern for each individual. To understand if you have reached puberty, follow these guidelines.
Part 1 of 2: Check the Body Signs

Step 1. Notice if your smell is stronger
Hormones affect the sweat glands, which leads to a different and more intense smell. If you feel this change then it's time to start using a deodorant, if you aren't already. Also, you should take a few extra showers to keep your body clean and fragrant.

Step 2. Note the increase in the size of the testicles
If you notice an increase in the size of your testicles, you have probably entered puberty. This is in fact one of the first signs, even if it is not always easy to grasp. The testicles will continue to grow into adulthood.
This increase in size will cause the testicles to sag within the scrotum more

Step 3. Notice the increase in size of the penis and scrotum
About a year after the testicles enlarge, the penis and scrotum will also change. The penis will stretch, also slightly increasing in width. The testicles will continue to develop into adulthood.

Step 4. See if you can retract the skin of the foreskin
If you are not circumcised, the skin of the foreskin will gradually become looser during puberty, becoming elastic enough to be retracted to release the glans.
- Once you are able to retract your foreskin, you should try doing it while taking a bath or shower, to clean the tip of your penis and then cover it.
- If you prefer to urinate (pee) standing up, and are able to fully retract your foreskin, you can also choose to do it before peeing, and not retract it after you finish peeing.

Step 5. Notice the hair growth
Once the testicles begin to grow, you will notice the presence of hair in parts of the body where you did not have any before or were thin. They will grow in your armpits, in the pubic area, on your arms, legs, chest and face. Not only will they pop up in new areas, but they will also be thicker and darker than usual. Those of the beard and armpits will appear about two years after those of the pubic area.
- Each body is different. Some teens don't experience major changes while others may develop very thick hair. This is because there are people who are naturally hairier than others, it is a genetic factor.
- The hair in the pubic area and underarms can also become darker, curly and coarse than any other.

Step 6. Notice the enlargement of the chest
Some guys notice that the chest swells for 1-2 years. It's perfectly natural, it doesn't mean your breasts are growing. The body is just adjusting to its new shape. It generally happens around 13-14 years of age, but even in this case it varies from individual to individual.

Step 7. Note the presence of acne
It can be unpleasant, but it is a natural part of development. The high levels of hormones in the body can cause acne breakouts even where there has never even been a pustule. Part of the cause is also the fact that the sebaceous glands are more active during puberty, making you sweat more and making your skin more prone to acne. For many teens, the development of acne coincides with the growth of hair in the armpits.
- Since your skin will tend to be oilier, you will need to shower more frequently to keep yourself clean.
- Some teens develop serious acne during puberty. If it becomes a problem for you, then you should consult a doctor with your parents to discuss any treatment.

Step 8. Notice if your erections increase
A boy or a man gets an erection when the penis lengthens and becomes swollen. It can happen when you have romantic or erotic thoughts, or when aroused. Erections can also happen without a real reason, which can be embarrassing if you are in public.
- Although it is possible to have an erection before puberty, you will find that once the sexual instincts and hormones are developed, they will happen more frequently.
- Many of the erections are not perfectly straight, but they tend to curve sideways or upwards.
- Know that erections are perfectly normal and there is nothing wrong with you. The erection will then go away and your penis will become soft again.
- If you are not circumcised, the foreskin skin will automatically begin to retract during an erection.

Step 9. Notice if you happen to ejaculate
During ejaculation, sticky liquid leaks from a boy's penis. This fluid contains sperm and is called semen. It's the body's way of telling you that you're physically ready to reproduce, just like periods for girls.
- Many boys have their first ejaculation between the ages of 12 and 14, or about 1 or 2 years after the onset of puberty.
- For many, the first time occurs during masturbation, but also during sleep.

Step 10. Notice if you happen to have erotic dreams
During an erotic dream, a guy gets sexually aroused until he ejaculates. Semen is the sticky liquid that contains sperm. Sometimes you realize you are having a sexual dream, but often you just wake up the next morning with a wet stain on your underwear, pajamas, and sheets.
- If you've had this kind of experience, wash yourself and change your sheets and linens.
- Don't worry if it doesn't happen to you, it doesn't happen to everyone. There are other signs to watch out for during development.

Step 11. Note the height development
Each boy grows in height at different ages. You may suddenly find yourself a good foot taller than all of your friends, or notice that you haven't stretched very far while everyone else is towering. Don't worry, one way or another you and your friends will compensate each other. It may take a little longer. Here are some things to consider when checking your height:
- Usually, boys have this growing up time later than girls. You may go back to school in September and realize that all the girls in your class are taller than you. This is perfectly normal.
- See if your toes and feet are growing too. If you find yourself buying shoes that are a few sizes larger than three months ago, you are in full growth.
- Most boys peak growth about a year and a half after pubic hair development. You will find yourself taller, sometimes even significantly.
- The shoulders can also widen and fill, becoming more defined.
- If you feel like you've had your golden moment of growth but would like to be a little taller, fear not. Most boys do not reach their height until the age of 18-20: there is still time.

Step 12. Note the shape of the face
Before puberty it can be as round as an apple or similar to Charlie Brown's. During this phase, however, your face will take on a more oval shape, taking on more adult features. It can be difficult to see the change in your own face as you look at it every day. Check some photographs from previous years or even just a few months ago to see the differences.

Step 13. Notice the entry
It may happen that you hear your voice differently, as if it were nervously cracking in the middle of a sentence. This thing can be embarrassing in public, but fear not: most guys have cracked voices and that's yet another sign that they're becoming men. It will cease to sound so clumsy within a few months, becoming deeper.
- The voice changes due to the increase in testosterone, the male hormone. It makes your vocal cords thicker and stronger, allowing you to produce a deeper sound.
- This change in hormones also leads to a development of the larynx. You will notice this in the protrusion of cartilage in the central part of the neck, known as the "Adam's apple".
- You may also experience other problems with controlling your voice, which rises and falls instead of remaining constant and pleasant.
- Usually, the voice starts to crack more or less along with the increase in the size of the penis.
Part 2 of 2: Emotional Signals

Step 1. Assess if you are starting to feel more attracted to the opposite sex
If you had no interest in girls or boys before, but suddenly feel attracted to them, then you are going through one of the major emotional upheavals of puberty. If you find yourself more attracted or even aroused by girls you didn't even consider before, here's another sign of your body changing.
- Every guy is different. Some have an eternal crush on a little girl before they reach puberty, while others have no interest in the opposite sex until they reach a certain age.
- If you are homosexual, your feelings and arousal will obviously be directed towards other guys or men.

Step 2. Notice if you have any mood swings?
Have you always been very emotional or does everyone consider you a "cold" type? Well, that will all change with the onset of puberty. The crazed hormones could make it difficult for you to control your emotions and you could turn from a completely happy, indifferent, intensely angry mood after a moment.
- If you suddenly find yourself incredibly cheerful, then you are experiencing a positive mood swing.
- If you are fine and suddenly jerk at someone or worse, you feel you are bursting with anger, then you are having a negative rush.

Step 3. Evaluate if you perceive things more intensely
Before, you could make judgments like "good", "ok" or, at best, "not bad". Now, every great experience you have, whether it's hanging out with friends or eating a pizza, may seem like the best thing that's ever happened to you. On the other hand, every sad episode, however small, makes you feel bad or even "completely depressed".
These new emotions are yet another symptom of the body changing and trying to adjust to new hormone levels

Step 4. Notice if you are more anxious
Anxiety is that feeling of agitation that can cause tingling in the hands, butterflies in the stomach, and strange symptoms throughout the body when you are nervous about something. You may find that you are anxious about things you didn't care about before: how did you do your last algebra test, how will you behave during the night's baseball game, or what will your classmates think about your new cut?
Anxiety can be unpleasant, but it's a sign of how much you really like or care about something. During puberty, everything tends to take on a new and more intense meaning

Step 5. Assess if you are detaching yourself from your parents
If you used to enjoy being at home with them on weekends or going out for dinner with them, now you may feel the desire to be alone. During puberty you will want to manage your life and actions on your own to balance out the little control you have over your body. It's natural to want to spend less time with your parents, it's kind of a force you can't control. Here are some signs of detachment:
- Before, you left the bedroom door open and let them in when they wanted to, but now you need to lock it too.
- You could spend hours locked in your room, chatting with friends on social media.
- Before you didn't care that your parents were around while now you want more privacy in general.
- You spend more time away from home or out and about with friends.
- You spend more time talking to friends instead of your parents.
- You feel that you have less and less to tell your parents and you are not thrilled to tell them how your day was. You don't even want to sit at the table with them for too long.

Step 6. Find out if you are experiencing any unknown emotions
It's a little vague, but it's important to understand if you are undergoing any emotional changes. The level of unfamiliarity is subjective in everyone. Maybe you feel more anxious than usual, more groggy, or maybe you feel something more complicated about friends, parents and girls.

Step 7. Determine if the appearance interests you the most
If you didn't care much before, while now you spend more time taking care of your hair, clothes and the appearance of your body, then you are becoming more self-conscious and more aware of how you are seen by the other sex. It is perfectly natural, as well as a sign of an ever-developing mind.
- You will probably want more privacy and worry more about your appearance.
- Suddenly you will feel more uncomfortable with your body - this is perfectly normal!
- If you've had erections in the past it doesn't mean there's something wrong.
- Your beard will grow, consider shaving.