How to Yodel: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Yodel: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Yodel: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

When you hear the amazing country-western singers yodeling, don't you feel like imitating them? Maybe you try but the result isn't exactly the same? Here are some little tips that can help you become a country-western yodeling authority in your neighborhood.


Method 1 of 2: The Basics of Yodeling

Yodel Step 1
Yodel Step 1

Step 1. Understand your limit

The secret of yodeling is to understand what the limit of your voice may be. Any human voice has two distinct registers; one "normal", which comes from the belly and chest, the other which is much sharper and comes from the head. The limit is precisely that point where the belly or chest voice becomes head-on. Yodeling is characterized by the passage between these two timbres which often occurs in an extremely sudden way.

Yodel Step 2
Yodel Step 2

Step 2. Find your limit

Don't worry, it's certainly not a painful exercise. Take a sound, like an "oh" and begin to grow by listening carefully to its crescendo when you come to the moment of the 'break'. Each of us has a different limit, it is never the same for everyone.

  • Here's a good exercise: if you have any problems try to howl, just like a wolf - really, we're not fooling you. It will help you!
  • A nice anecdote. The break is created by the epiglottis, a kind of membrane that sits on the back of your tongue and prevents you from inhaling the food you eat.
Yodel Step 3
Yodel Step 3

Step 3. Practice

Training means vocalizing from low to high notes trying to find your 'break', finding a way to emphasize it as much as possible. Start with an "oh" of encouragement, intoned from the belly and chest. Then grow until his head is singing with a sound like an "ou", a howl.

  • Try not to strain your voice too much, keep it relaxed.
  • Do not let the notes travel smoothly and calmly from one to the other, you have to find the break, the detachment from one mode to another is essential for a correct yodeling.
Yodel Step 4
Yodel Step 4

Step 4. Remember a silly game

Knock Knock. Who is? An old lady. An old lady WHO? Train your yodeling by singing that "old lady CHI" by forcibly switching from belly-chest to head voice right in the gap between the words "lady" and "chi". Go ahead: try and try again!

Yodel Step 5
Yodel Step 5

Step 5. Try a three tone yodel

Most yodeling styles are based on three notes - The triad. Try singing an A, E and then a D, a classic yodel triad. A should be sung with the belly-chest voice while E and D should be sung with the head voice.

Once you master the triad, remember to add the word "yodel", so "yodel LA-MI-RE!"

Yodel Step 6
Yodel Step 6

Step 6. Try a ladder

Try the triad "yodel A-E-K" and for each note he mentions a short scale. This will allow you to train even better and master your break, but above all it will serve to warm up your voice. Never try cold yodeling …

Method 2 of 2: The best Yodeling

Yodel Step 7
Yodel Step 7

Step 1. Look ahead

You will be terrible at first, take note. Learning to yodel takes time. It will take hours and hours of training if you want to look like a real singer from the Swiss Alps (the real masters from which the Yodel was born) rather than a cat in love. Your friends, family and relatives are likely not going to be thrilled with this new hobby of yours. But it would be the same if you tried to play a new instrument.

Yodel Step 8
Yodel Step 8

Step 2. Watch yodeling videos

One of the best ways to learn yodeling is to imitate the best singers of this genre. There are many videos out there, even online. For the alpine yodel we recommend Franzl Lang, a true master. For the typical yodeling of American cowboys, try Wylie Gustafson or Taylor Ware, one of the great talents that emerged from "America's Got Talent".

Yodel Step 9
Yodel Step 9

Step 3. Listen to the CDs

Buy some albums and learn from the classics, maybe try to learn the simplest phrases first on the record and then without. Definitely recommended is "U 2 Can Yodel" by Kerry Christensen which you can easily buy online as well.

Yodel Step 10
Yodel Step 10

Step 4. Play an instrument

Trying a yodel while playing an instrument at the same time, perhaps a guitar, is even better because any instrument allows you to hold the note better and over time to have a more accurate and calibrated voice. And then it will make it much more credible.

Yodel Step 11
Yodel Step 11

Step 5. Practice outdoors

The yodeling was a way of communicating of the valley dwellers of the Alps to communicate the movement of the flocks or the programs of the week. So outdoors your yodeler will have a completely different sound and thickness. The idea must be to make your voice resound in the valleys, as if to recall their echo. Imagine being isolated in the mountains and that your voice has to cross lakes, valleys, hills and woods for miles and miles …


Try it, and make the yodel explode inside you


  • Try not to have anything in your mouth before trying (caramel? Chewing gum?)
  • To train, find a safe and quiet place where neighbors, family, children or relatives will not interrupt or annoy you
