How to lose weight in a healthy way (with pictures)

How to lose weight in a healthy way (with pictures)
How to lose weight in a healthy way (with pictures)

Table of contents:


Going hungry is not only unnecessary for weight loss, it is also highly discouraged. Losing weight healthily requires a good deal of patience and a willingness to stick to a set plan. Respecting a healthy conduct is also the key to maintaining the result achieved over time. Combining your diet with strategies that allow you to control your metabolism will help you reach your goals faster while losing weight healthily.


Part 1 of 4: Planning the Diet

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 1

Step 1. Talk to your doctor about your desire to lose weight

Make sure you really need to lose weight and that the time is right to go on a diet. If you are pregnant or have some medical condition, your body may need a certain number of extra calories to stay healthy, in which case it would not be correct to go on a diet.

If you have any medical conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular problems, before embarking on any diet or exercise program, talk to your doctor. Several factors, including age, current body weight, and general health, will need to be analyzed with the support of a physician to make sure you are planning a healthy diet and workout that fits your needs

Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 2
Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 2

Step 2. Set reasonable and realistic goals

The willingness to lose around 250g - 1kg per week is part of a healthy approach to diet. Give yourself time to reach your desired body weight by planning to lose no more than one pound every seven days.

  • Although it is easy to be tempted by the idea of losing many kilos in a short time following the diet of the moment, the healthiest way to lose weight is surely to have a slow and constant approach.
  • Although some very popular diets promise to make you lose weight much faster, it would be impossible to maintain them over the long term; moreover, once they are stopped, you would risk immediately regaining the lost kilos and gaining further weight.
Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 3
Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 3

Step 3. Plan your diet plan based on the number of calories allowed

To be able to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Your doctor can help you determine your daily calorie needs based on your specific characteristics, including size, age, gender, and lifestyle.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 4

Step 4. Do the math

500 grams correspond to approximately 3,500 calories. To be able to lose ½ - 1 kilo per week, you need to reduce the number of calories you consume per day by about 500 - 1,000 calories. Alternatively, you need to increase your physical activity levels to be able to burn the same amount.

  • For example, to maintain her current body weight, a moderately active 35-year-old woman needs to consume around 2,000 calories per day. Reducing this amount to 1,400 - 1,600 would create the necessary conditions for losing weight.
  • Daily calorie needs vary based on several factors, including age, gender, and level of physical activity. In addition, some pathologies may need to be taken into account.
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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 5

Step 5. Don't set too low a daily calorie requirement

It may even prevent you from losing weight. When you skip meals or eat too few calories, your body starts storing food in the form of fat rather than using it as fuel.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 6

Step 6. Create a diet plan based on your personal preferences

Most existing diets can be partially modified to suit your wants and needs. Whether you decide to customize a ready-made diet or create it yourself, make sure it takes into account what you like and what you would rather avoid; also, make it a program that you can follow for the long term and not just for a few months.

For your lifestyle to change in a healthy and effective way, it is important that you are able to put your intentions into practice without too much difficulty. Rectifying the way you eat and exercise is one thing, completely changing your diet based on foods you don't normally eat or completely upsetting your physical activity routine, perhaps dedicating yourself to a sport you don't like is quite another … and in this second case the chances of having long-term success could be very low

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 7

Step 7. Review the times you have tried to lose weight in the past

When planning your new diet it is good to incorporate those elements that have proved successful in the past, while omitting those that clearly have not worked.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 8

Step 8. Learn to be flexible

Give space to your personal preferences and allow for some flexibility in both food choices and physical activity. Also consider whether you prefer to achieve your goals alone or with the support of a friend or group.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 9

Step 9. Create a schedule that fits your personal budget

Some diets have additional costs, for example due to having to join a gym, join a given group, buy particular foods (including ready-made meals or supplements) or regularly attend group meetings or reunions.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 10

Step 10. Increase your physical activity level and make it part of your diet plan

Consider stepping up to engage in activities you are already doing and enjoy, including walking, dancing, biking, yoga, or Zumba. Plan a physical activity routine that fits your preferences and daily commitments, so you can stick to it for the long term. A training program that includes aerobic and muscle building exercises is ideal, but simply increasing your current level of physical activity is also a great start.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 11

Step 11. Set yourself a weekly exercise goal

Aim for 150 minutes of moderate physical activity (or more) or 75 minutes of strenuous exercise. In both cases, divide them into regular sessions evenly distributed throughout the week.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 12

Step 12. Understand the difference between physical activity and exercise

Physical activity also includes all the actions you normally do every day, including walking, housework, gardening, and playing in the park with children, grandchildren, or pets. Exercising, on the other hand, means dedicating yourself to a structured, scheduled and repetitive form of activity.

As you can easily guess, trying to increase normal levels of physical activity, for example by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going to the newsstand on foot or by bike instead of by car, is a very effective way to be able to achieve your goals

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 13

Step 13. Calculate your current BMI (or Body Mass Index) and what you aspire to

Your doctor will help you understand what it is. A healthy BMI has a value between 18, 5 and 25.

  • The formula for calculating the BMI can be a bit confusing, but it will be easy to achieve the result by following these steps. BMI is obtained by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in centimeters.
  • Let's take an example, applying the formula to a person who weighs 74 kilos and is 1.65 m tall we will find that he has a BMI of 27.3.
  • Note that to achieve this we will first need to convert the height to square centimeters. To do this it will be sufficient to multiply the number by itself, in this case therefore we will have that 1, 65 x 1, 65 = 2, 72. At this point we can divide the number that corresponds to the weight by the new number relating to the height: 74, 25 ÷ 2, 72 = 27, 3. The body mass index of the person taken as an example is therefore 27, 3.
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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 14

Step 14. Stick to your plans

Losing weight requires a significant long-term commitment.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 15

Step 15. Enter into a written contract

Some people claim to have drawn considerable motivation from it. Include your reasons for wanting to lose weight, the program you intend to follow, the number of pounds you want to lose, and the date by which you want to reach the desired weight. Finally, sign the contract with yourself to give it all the importance it deserves.

Part 2 of 4: Create the Food Guidelines

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 16

Step 1. Each meal in your diet plan should include all food groups

The 5 food groups are composed of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy products. Half of your plate should contain fruit and vegetables, while the other half should be split equally between grains and proteins. The best dairy products to help you reach your goals are skim or low-fat dairy products.

  • The most appropriate sources of protein include: lean meats, legumes and fish. Nuts, seeds and eggs are also protein foods.
  • Try to eat 3 daily servings of dairy products, but avoid creamy cheeses, cream and butter.
  • Choose mainly whole grains. Bring whole grain rice, pasta and baked goods to the table. Avoid breakfast cereals, which in most cases contain large amounts of sugar.
  • Compared to most foods, fruits and vegetables contain fewer calories and are an excellent source of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Although fruit is an excellent choice, it contains sugars and calories, therefore no more than four servings per day should be taken, which correspond to approximately 500 grams.
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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 17

Step 2. Avoid empty calories

Solid fats and sugars bring a lot of calories and no nutrition. Examples of foods that contain empty calories include: cakes, cookies, treats, ice cream, pizza, fizzy drinks, sports drinks, fruit juices, frankfurters, and cold cuts.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 18

Step 3. Choose healthy frozen foods

Of course, making your own meals with fresh ingredients would be the best and healthiest choice, but everyone doesn't have time to make dinner from scratch. Frozen foods have evolved over time and there are some options that can help you lose weight healthily.

Follow these basic guidelines when choosing a frozen meal. Opt for recipes that contain lean meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to select products that have between 300 and 350 calories, between 10 and 18 grams of total fat, less than 4 grams of saturated fat, less than 500 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams or more of fiber, between 10 and 20 grams of protein and about 10% of the daily recommended amount of vitamins and minerals

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 19

Step 4. Vary your meals with ethnic foods

Many people base their food choices on their ethnic or cultural values. Learn how to enrich your diet program with some new healthy ingredients from the rest of the world.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 20

Step 5. Drink lots of water

Some diets place a lot of emphasis on the importance of drinking plenty of water, while others simply suggest drinking water to stay healthy, without giving particular indications about the quantities. Some experts say that drinking water when we are hungry can help us feel full, so pay attention to the signal your stomach sends to the brain to indicate that you need to eat.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 21

Step 6. Avoid drinks that contain sugar, sodas, energy drinks, and sports drinks

In addition to drinking plenty of water, include tea and coffee, which are free of sweeteners, in your diet plan. Limit the intake of light drinks and fruit juices, always prefer skim milk and do not overdo the quantities of alcohol.

Part 3 of 4: Changing Your Lifestyle

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 22

Step 1. End bad eating habits

Eating for comfort and feeling better emotionally is not beneficial to health. Think about how you can healthily replace the foods you use when you feel sad or bored.

Learn to prepare your favorite dishes with healthy ingredients so as not to be forced into excessive deprivation

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 23

Step 2. Pay attention to the sensations caused by the foods you eat

In the short term, eating something fried might make you feel good, but the next day you may feel tired or sore.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 24

Step 3. Eat slower

You will find that your stomach will begin to feel full and satisfied even though you have ingested less than usual amounts of food. Start a conversation with someone or place your fork on your plate between bites, your stomach will have time to tell your brain that it feels full.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 25

Step 4. Read the labels

Be aware of what you put on your plate and read the nutrition information to make sure you stick to your diet plans.

Some products may have misleading text for marketing reasons, so it is essential to always carefully read the list of ingredients and nutritional information

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 26

Step 5. Change the way you talk about food

Undoubtedly, some dishes or ingredients are more appetizing than others. Take control of your new food choices by replacing the phrase "I am not allowed to eat it" with a more appropriate definition: "I choose not to eat it." By changing the way you talk about food, you will begin to feel more responsible for your health.

Instead of discussing those ingredients that you feel compelled to give up, start talking about all those foods that you are starting to integrate into your daily life, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, etc. Shifting the focus from restrictions to additions can make a noticeable difference

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 27

Step 6. Make healthy choices throughout the day, day after day

Have breakfast and plan all your meals in advance to know exactly what you will eat when you feel hungry, thus avoiding ending up bingeing on unhealthy foods in front of the TV. Planning light meals and a few snacks, rather than three large meals, may prove to be another winning choice.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 28

Step 7. Weigh yourself once a week

With the help of the scale you will know if any changes need to be made and you can keep track of your progress towards your goals.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 29

Step 8. Set up the kitchen and pantry in your favor

The foods that you see in the pantry, or that you can reach more easily, are not always the best choice. Keep the fruit in plain sight and prepare a generous amount of pre-cut raw vegetables to keep in the refrigerator. Having privileged access to healthy ingredients will help you avoid making bad choices.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 30

Step 9. Reduce temptation

Get rid of cakes, cookies and ice cream. Having the foods you need to avoid can prevent you from reaching your goal.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 31

Step 10. Use smaller plates

Smaller sized plates will help you keep portion control by reducing the number of calories you consume at each meal. Always transfer all the ingredients of the meal to the plate, avoiding eating directly from the box or bag that encloses them.

The advice is to also portion the snacks in advance and put the packages back in the pantry to avoid overeating. Supermarkets also often offer small, ready-made portions

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 32

Step 11. Get enough sleep

Those who know how to get the right amount of sleep burn up to 5% more calories than people who don't get enough sleep. Also, when your body gets enough rest it is able to burn more fat (compared to those who sleep less than six hours a night).

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 33

Step 12. If you have a setback, get up and get back on track

A distraction can happen. Life is also made up of invitations to weddings, birthdays, parties and evenings out with friends or family, and the resulting intakes of foods, drinks and calories not covered by your diet plan.

  • Think about what you could have done differently and make a plan that will help you deal with the same eventualities in the future.
  • Give up the "all or nothing" mentality. Just because you made a mistake does not mean that all is lost and that you can therefore give yourself whatever you want. It happened, look to the future and don't be too hard on yourself.
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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 34

Step 13. Get help

Share your goals with friends and family and ask them to help you stick to your diet plan. Some of them may decide to support you in your project to be able to lose weight in a healthy way. There are also a number of support groups that can give you the support and encouragement you need, as well as plenty of personal advice that will help you overcome daily challenges.

By openly stating your goals, you will prevent loved ones from attempting to involve you in programs that are harmful to your diet

Part 4 of 4: Ask Your Doctor for Help

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 35

Step 1. Make use of the help of diet drugs (with prescription)

Check with your doctor to find out if there are any medications that can help you lose weight in a healthy way. Recently the US Food and Medicines Agency (FDA) has approved several elements that can promote weight loss. Any medication intake should be weighed based on your current health condition, the medications you take regularly, and the number of pounds you need to lose.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 36

Step 2. Unless your doctor suggests it, avoid common over-the-counter medications

They have not normally been studied and tested with the same diligence as prescription medicines. Your doctor may recommend some over-the-counter products, but it's important to discuss these thoroughly with your doctor before taking them.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 37

Step 3. Consider possible surgical interventions

For some people, sifting through different surgical options may be the healthiest and most effective way to try to lose weight. It is good to specify that only a qualified doctor will be able to assess your physical condition and determine if some of these possibilities are suitable for you.

  • There are four common surgical procedures to help people lose weight and they belong to the branch of surgery known as "bariatric surgery" (or obesity). Their primary purpose is to provide two functions.
  • The 2 functions include restriction, which physically limits the amount of food the stomach can hold, and malabsorption, which shortens the small intestine to reduce the amount of calories and nutrients the body can absorb.
  • The 4 most common surgical procedures are known as gastric bypass (or Roux-en-Y), laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, sleeve gastrectomy and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.
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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 38

Step 4. Discuss medications you take regularly with your doctor

It may help you find unexpected solutions. There is a possibility that you are taking medications that make you fat or increase your appetite. By discussing your desire to lose weight with your doctor, you will allow him to try substituting certain medications or modifying the doses, to help you achieve your goal.

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way Step 39

Step 5. Review your physical activity schedule with your doctor

Based on the number of pounds you intend to lose, your current health condition and your age, your doctor will be able to advise you on the most appropriate and safest workout. Health professionals, including your primary care physician or a trained nutritionist, are an excellent source of information, support and assistance.


  • Don't starve your body. An insufficient calorie intake would cause him to accumulate more calories in the form of fat, rather than burning them.
  • Don't overdo physical activity at first, especially if you've been living rather lazy so far. Practice and gradualness will allow you to experience training with greater enthusiasm.
  • Keep fruit and vegetables always at hand; the fruit on the kitchen worktop and the vegetables already cleaned and cut in plain sight in the refrigerator.
  • Reduce your alcohol intake. Alcoholic beverages, including beer, contain a lot of calories.
  • Ditch the sugary drinks. A glass of Coke contains between 8 and 10 teaspoons of sugar. Replace them with water, tea, or coffee.
  • Don't eat just before bed or your body will tend to accumulate that food in the form of fat.
  • Try to stay away from fast food restaurants. If you really can't do without it, choose the healthiest proposals. Normally, salads and fruit salads are available in most fast food restaurants.
  • To stay healthy, it is imperative to lose weight at a steady pace. Remember that you are not looking for an easy and temporary remedy, your goal is to change permanently.
  • Involve all members of your family in a healthier diet and a more active and natural lifestyle. Everyone will benefit greatly from it.
  • Don't be fooled by products that advertise as "diet", "light", "low calorie" or "low in fat or sugar". Read the nutrition information to find out exactly what amounts of sugars, fats and carbohydrates are contained.
