If you have recently had a baby, you will probably know the importance of adequate weight gain in a newborn. In the first days after birth, many babies lose weight, but in a short time they also begin to regain it: in the first six months of life, they tend to grow by about 150 - 200 grams per week. By the first birthday, the baby should weigh three times the weight recorded at birth. To monitor his weight gain, you can weigh him at home or at the pediatrician.
Method 1 of 3: Use a Baby Scale at Home

Step 1. Get a baby scale
Look for a solid and precise one. It should have a concave tray or plate where the baby can be safely placed; also, there should be no sharp or rough details that could hurt him. Look for a scale that can carry up to about 20 kg.
- Make sure the scale can read even small differences of just 10g.
- The scales are available online starting at a price of 40.00 €.
- They can be digital, colorful, functional and can even include accessories such as an arm to measure the child's length.
- In some areas it is also possible to rent one: a practical and excellent solution for those with limited space or limited financial resources.

Step 2. Make sure the scale reads 0
Be it digital or analog, check that the display shows 0 when empty. If you want to place the baby on a blanket, the digital scale allows you to cancel this additional weight. To do this, first place the cloth on the tray. Once the weight of the cloth has been recorded, press the tare button: this will reset it to zero.

Step 3. Weigh the baby
Place the baby on the scale, preferably naked. Keep one hand above his chest, but don't put it down: by doing this, you will be ready to catch the baby if he risks slipping. Read the weight and write it down in a notebook to keep an eye on increases and losses. Since weight fluctuations can happen frequently, it is best to weigh the baby every two weeks to measure long-term gains and losses.
- Don't worry too much about short-term weight fluctuations unless your baby looks sick or experiences feeding problems. If so, consult your doctor.
- If it's too cold, weigh the baby's clothes separately, then dress and weigh him. Then subtract the weight of the clothes from what the scale reports.
- Place the scale on a flat, solid surface. The living room table will work perfectly, as will a wooden or linoleum floor.
Method 2 of 3: Weigh the Infant with You

Step 1. Weigh yourself
Step on the scale, read your weight and make a note of it. The ideal would be to use a scale that can also detect grams or, at least, tenths of a pound. This is less accurate than using a baby scale, but it is more cost effective.
A tenth of a pound equals 45.36 grams

Step 2. Pick up the baby
It is advisable to take him undressed: in this way the reading will be more accurate. If you prefer, you can weigh yourself by holding the baby's clothes in your hand, so once you step on the scale with the baby dressed, you can determine his exact weight.

Step 3. Weigh yourself together
Check the result and write it down. Then subtract your weight from the sum of both: you will get the weight of your baby.
If, for example, you weigh 63.5 kg alone and with the baby the scale shows 68 kg, then your child, alone, will weigh 4.5 kg
Method 3 of 3: Weigh the Baby at the Pediatrician

Step 1. Make an appointment
Call the pediatrician and ask him if you can go to the clinic to use his scales: some doctors allow this. In other cases, however, it is necessary to make an appointment.

Step 2. Ask the staff to weigh your baby
The doctor or nurse will weigh the baby on a professional pediatric scale and mark the weight on his or her medical record. All newborns are weighed at birth. Health workers also weigh them during the first week and the same will happen during the periodic checks to which the child will be subjected in the first years of life.
Professional pediatric scales are often extremely accurate and more expensive than regular household scales. The models can be similar to those of the scales we have at home, with a rimmed plate, but in some clinics you may also find scales in the shape of a car seat

Step 3. Keep going to periodic checks
As the baby grows, it is important that, in addition to the weight checks at home, you are able to take him to the pediatrician: you will be able to receive advice and comments on your child's weight gains and losses.