How to behave in the presence of the guy you like

Table of contents:

How to behave in the presence of the guy you like
How to behave in the presence of the guy you like

Just get close to the guy you like to go haywire and forget even your name. As soon as you see it, you start sweating, you feel faint and you begin to stammer as if you couldn't pronounce a single word of meaning. Or, even worse, you find yourself talking about the Pooh bear, your favorite stuffed animal, because you would do anything to avoid awkward silences. Don't be afraid - feeling like a fish out of water in the presence of the guy you have a huge crush on is perfectly normal. Once calmed down, recovered your aplomb and realize that he is at least as nervous as you are, you will be able to behave spontaneously and impress him in no time at all.


Part 1 of 2: Get your attention

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 1
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 1

Step 1. Look him in the eye

Do this casually and only from time to time, otherwise he might get nervous. When your eyes meet, smile softly at him and then resume what you were doing. If you just sit and stare at him for hours, he'll think you're obsessed with him. When you talk, though, be confident enough to look him straight in the eye instead of staring at the floor - he'll be impressed by your behavior.

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 2
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 2

Step 2. Ask him if he has any change

Or what time it is, like I'm late for class or something. Ask him something very simple.

When you talk to him, you can definitely look away from time to time. Staring at it all the time might be a bit too much

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 3
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 3

Step 3. Get noticed by his friends

Warning, this does not mean that you have to recklessly flirt with his friends to get noticed at all costs. It means that you should behave in a relaxed and sociable way with them, trying to get to know them better. It's okay to have a vaguely flirtatious act with others, and it'll make the guy you like a little jealous. On the other hand, if you overdo it, they'll get the wrong idea of you. Instead, be kind and thoughtful: ask about their favorite teams or what plans they have for the weekend. Just try to behave calmly, without showing that you have a crush on their friend.

  • If his friends notice you and take a liking to you, they might mention you when they're with the guy in question, who can't help but consider you too.
  • If you make friends with these guys, they might invite you to their parties: it will be easier to spend time with what you like.
  • Resist the temptation to send his friends out to find out if he likes you. They will think you are trying to force the relationship. They'll tell the guy you have a crush on right away, and you won't make a good impression. Even asking his friends how he's doing or what he's doing will pretty much reveal your interest.
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 4
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 4

Step 4. Point out that you know how to have fun

If you share spaces or moments with this guy, but you don't have a direct relationship, don't take refuge in a corner looking sad or bored, waiting for him to approach you. Instead, have fun with the people around you, laugh, tell funny anecdotes, get involved. Don't look around, you have to become very popular. This guy must crave to get to know you and chat with you, intrigued by why everyone else seems to like your presence so much.

  • If you give the impression of being in great demand and surrounded by people interested in you, they will not go away, on the contrary, they will want to get to know you more and more.
  • Guys love funny girls. Get noticed as you double over with laughter instead of listlessly looking for something fun to watch on your phone.
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 5
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 5

Step 5. Don't act like you are another person

It sounds like a cliché, but when you talk to a guy, the secret to getting him is being yourself. After all, you have to like him for who you really are, not give him an image that you think is perfect but far from reality. You don't have to reveal every single detail of your life at once, though. Generally, behave as you would with your friends, with just a little less confidence. Maybe shyness will prevail at first, but as you talk to this guy, you will gradually feel comfortable showing your true nature.

Maybe you think guys prefer silly, hyper-feminine girls, the ones who just giggle and play with their hair. You may think they have a thing for flatterers, but they don't. Guys feel much more attracted to independent women, able to be themselves and confident enough in their personality that they don't have to pretend

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 6
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 6

Step 6. Avoid gossiping

You may think that gossiping or speaking badly about mutual friends can lead to him finding you an interesting person to hang out with. While she may show a temporary interest in the rumors you put out, she will think you are mean and untrustworthy. Nobody wants to be with someone who does nothing but badmouth people. In fact, that would make you look like a real melodrama queen. Guys are straightforward and straightforward, and they don't want to see melodramatic scenes in photography either, especially between girls.

Instead, try to be positive. After talking to you, a sweet and pleasant memory should remain, not negative energy

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 7
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 7

Step 7. Don't be jealous

It's the worst thing you can do to attract a guy. If you see him in the company of other girls, then don't ask him if he likes them, nor speak ill of them, saying they are stupid, ugly or fat. This will only make you seem incredibly insecure and extremely envious. If you seem obsessively jealous before you even start dating a guy, she'll quickly figure out one thing: having a romantic relationship with you is going to be hell.

If a girl you both know approaches, surprise him by paying her a compliment instead. She will realize that you are comfortable with yourself and you have no need to compare yourself to others

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 8
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 8

Step 8. Ask him about his interests

Let's face it: kids like to talk about themselves. Well, who doesn't like it? If you want him to have fun in your company, then show him some concern, but don't constantly flatter him or touch his biceps insistently. Instead, find out about his favorite team or the sport he plays every afternoon. Talk about his favorite bands, the TV shows he watches, or the dish he loves most from Mexican cuisine. Of course, you too can talk about yourself: don't give the impression that this is an interrogation, he must understand that it is important for you to know him better.

There are shy guys who actually don't like talking about themselves as much. If he gives you this feeling, then change the subject. Pick one that is less profound that you can talk about generically, such as weekend plans

Part 2 of 2: Keeping Attention Alive

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 9
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 9

Step 1. Be kind to everyone

It is very simple, but also very effective. Be nice not only to him, but to others as well. He will understand that you are a pleasant person. If, on the other hand, you are rude and unpleasant to people, while with him all of a sudden you become very sweet, you will not go far at all. Going from a friendly attitude to a cold and arrogant one will make you look fake. These mind games give the impression that you are moody and insatiable.

If he is considering dating you, he will understand that you will not give him problems just because you get along with everyone. Nobody wants to be with someone who has a reputation for arguing with anyone or being rude to others for no apparent reason

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 10
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 10

Step 2. Flirt with him

For some it comes naturally. If you have this luck, take advantage of it. If not, show him you're interested by looking him in the eye, smiling, and chatting about this and that. Tilt your body towards him instead of pushing him away to let him know you like him. Touch it lightly if the conversation is going well. You can also tease him lightly if you have known him for a while and you know he will react well.

Another trick to flirting is to show your playful side. Don't act like you always take yourself seriously

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 11
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 11

Step 3. Compliment him

Sincere and simple praise are quite effective. When you spot an aspect that you can compliment yourself on, you catch the ball. Choose a physical or character trait that deserves your attention. For example, you can say "I like your new haircut" or "I find it admirable that you are so good at school and you also find time to play football." The comment must by no means be too personal. There is no point in making him uncomfortable by saying "You are so sexy in this shirt". Save it for when you become a couple.

Don't compliment him more than once or twice per conversation. If you praise him all the time, it could make him deeply uncomfortable or make him think that your flattery has an ulterior motive

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 12
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 12

Step 4. Look for physical contact

When he teases you, push him gently, or give him a playful pat on the knee. Just make sure he reciprocates. If you're always the one touching him and he doesn't seem to want to touch you at all, then there are two things: he doesn't like you that much or the physical contact intimidates him. If you are next to him, try to spontaneously brush his knee or elbow. Observe how he responds to such a discreet approach. You will find out if he wants to go further.

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 13
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 13

Step 5. Call him by name often when you speak

People love to hear their name, so use theirs whenever you chat. To make him feel special, just repeat it once or twice per conversation, without going further.

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 14
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 14

Step 6. Engage in compelling conversations

Tell him funny stories about your weekend. Summarize that ridiculous news you heard on the news. Talk about the great love you have for dance or piano. The dialogue needs to be dynamic, and don't be afraid to let your funniest side come out and make him laugh with your jokes, no matter how silly they are. Show that you are fun and intellectually stimulating, and you will see that he will want to chat with you often.

If the conversation comes to a halt and you can't think of anything else to say, that's okay. Smile and think about any topic, don't stand there brainstorming. Don't be intimidated by quiet moments. If you and this guy are fine together, you won't soon be afraid of silence

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 15
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 15

Step 7. Don't lose your mind

Try to stay as calm as possible, even if you have butterflies in your stomach. In the presence of this guy, you can still be cheerful and sunny without getting nervous, talking too much or at an excessively loud volume. When you find yourself getting a little too excited, take a deep breath and calm down. If you really have to, look away. Don't have a cold personality by nature? Don't show yourself completely detached. On the other hand, also try not to be too impatient when you are together, otherwise he will feel overwhelmed.

There is some difference between staying calm and acting like you don't give a damn. This guy should be able to understand that you have a weakness for him, without thinking that in the closet he hides a sanctuary where you worship him every night

Act Around a Guy You Like Step 16
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 16

Step 8. Intrigue him

Once you get his attention, keep stimulating him so that interest doesn't fade away. You have to charm him, make him understand that you are a unique girl and that he wants to know him better. You can do this by behaving in a vaguely mysterious way, without putting all the cards on the table right away. He must want to know you better. When you chat, tell him you need to get on with the conversation. Don't wait for the dialogue to start to die down, forcing yourself to say hello because you have nothing more to say. He will want to see you more often to always discover something new about you and resume your very interesting dialogues.

If he seems intrigued by you, then he will want to see you more and more, perhaps even alone. Does he invite you to go out? Don't jump like crazy with joy, but let him know that his proposal has pleased you immensely


  • Give importance to your personal hygiene and always try to look presentable: brush your teeth, shampoo, don't wear stained clothes.
  • Breath must always be fresh. Chew on a peppermint or cooling gum before meeting him.
  • You smile. Behave safely. Communicate through accommodating body language and looking him in the eye.
  • Behave and dress as you usually do. Men know when a woman is uncomfortable.
  • Be yourself - you are more likely to get noticed and encourage them to feel safe in your company.
  • Eye contact is a surefire way to get her attention. When the gazes meet, try to hold hers for a couple of seconds. Move it down and then immediately look it in the eye. Another tactic? Make eye contact, look away quickly, and then slowly move it down.
  • Remember important occasions, like her birthday. He will realize that you really care about him and that you care.
  • When you're together, you can flirt and laugh at his jokes, even if they're not that funny. But be careful: if you overdo it, you may discourage him because he will realize that the laugh is fake.
  • Become her friend. If they don't seem to accept your friendship, it is impossible to build a deeper relationship. Give him advice and try to be there for him.
  • Don't sound desperate - just breathe and relax. It will help to hang out with his friends, as this will give you a better chance of talking to him.
  • Wear nice clothes to let him know that you take care of yourself and care about your well-being.
  • Do not persecute him, otherwise you will intimidate him. Try to have good manners first.
  • If he asks for your number immediately after meeting you, give him your cell phone number, never your home number. Your parents may answer, and they will then take you to the third degree.
  • If you don't talk a lot, then you start getting to know each other better. Ask him about his favorite video games to break the ice and get noticed.
  • Try to smell good, but it doesn't have to be too nauseating.
  • Before you try to flirt with him, he needs to know who you are. If you are too shy to strike up a conversation with him, try to get close to his friends first, otherwise propose to your friends to do it together.
  • If you're already friends, but don't have a particularly close relationship, try inviting him to go to the movies. Does he say yes? Good sign. If he tries to hug you while you are sitting, don't be scared: this means that he likes you.
  • If you think he likes you, don't be afraid to ask him for confirmation! Does he say yes and compliment you? Thank him and reciprocate. Maybe not right away, do it later so as not to give the impression that you have answered only out of good manners or seem desperate.
  • Be patient. If you don't know each other and are too shy to approach, wait for him to make the first move. If it doesn't give signs of life, take action.
  • Ask your friends for help. We're not telling you to send them ahead to find out if they like you. They should mention you when they talk to him or maybe help you become more attractive to a guy, both inside and out.
  • When you walk together, gently brush his hand with yours.
  • If this guy is rude to you, get over it. It may be that deep down he is truly an unpleasant, rude and troublemaker. Do you know his friends well? Ask them for clarification. You will surely get a better idea.
  • If you're too young to hang out with kids, just spend time with him during your lunch break or recess for now.
  • If this guy has had a lot of bad relationships in the past and you're afraid he'll hurt you too, you better avoid him and stop thinking about him.
  • Try leaving a letter in your backpack to confess your interest.
  • Don't act weird, don't do disgusting or inappropriate things.


  • Don't go overboard with your makeup just to hit it off. We repeat, be yourself and wear the clothes that make you feel good.
  • Make sure your conversations are balanced. Don't just talk about yourself or him.
  • Don't act like you are someone else. You have to like him for your true way of being.
  • Don't play the unattainable. It can send him the wrong message and cause him to lose all interest. However, give it space.
  • Don't always act melodramatically. Guys like girls who are calm and composed. You can be fun and quirky, but don't overdo it.
  • Don't extol his praise with anyone.
  • Never laugh too hysterically or forcibly. You won't be impressed like this.
  • Ask your friends what they think. If they don't think he's a good person, listen to them. A guy with a difficult personality can be incomprehensible and sow discord among you and your friends.
  • Don't persecute him. Nobody likes stalkers. Don't be nagging in his company. If after chatting for a few minutes you have nothing more to say to each other, apologize and go away. Try to be the first to do it. You will avoid looking obsessive and let him know that you have other interests.
  • When you want to get to know him better and try to hit him, don't ask your friends to accompany you.
  • Don't follow him wherever he goes. You will look like a stalker. Your goal is to pique her interest. If you're pushy, he'll back off and won't want to get to know you better.
  • Don't call him right after an appointment. Wait for a day and a half, unless he is the one to speak up first.
  • If he is engaged or his relationship has recently ended, proceed with caution. In the first case, it is better to step back, except in very rare cases (for example, he is unhappy with this girl, while your relationship is undoubtedly special). In the second, respect his past, but otherwise you don't have to worry. Now it's over with the other: if she has to choose you, it's none of her business.
