Oxygen saturation (Sa0₂) refers to the circulation of oxygen in the bloodstream; levels above 95% are normally considered healthy and those below 90% problematic. Patients with conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often have low oxygen saturation levels, which can lead to shortness of breath, lethargy, fatigue, weakness and many more serious problems. Medical intervention, such as using oxygen masks, is the best way to deal with a chronic deficit in oxygen saturation levels, but there are also methods you can try firsthand to improve your condition.
Method 1 of 3: Change the way you breathe

Step 1. Breathe slower and deeper
We breathe involuntarily, but often ineffective; many adults use only a third of their lung capacity. This can lead to a shortage of oxygen in the lungs and consequently in the blood, lowering saturation levels. By breathing slower and deeper, you can improve all of these factors.
- Many adults take about 15 breaths per minute; It has been shown that increasing the pace to 10 breaths per minute has benefits for oxygen saturation.
- Make sure you breathe in through your nose, then take a few seconds to pause. Stay as relaxed as possible while you breathe. This is known as the Buteyko method and can help improve oxygen saturation.

Step 2. Take a breathing class to get the most health benefits
Committing to breathing slower and deeper from time to time improves oxygen saturation, but you will get better results with permanent changes to the way you breathe. Both healthy people and those with respiratory diseases can improve their oxygen saturation with specific courses.
- Especially if you have conditions like COPD, talk to your doctor about taking breathing courses.
- You can also look for guided breathing classes outside the clinical setting, for example by signing up for a yoga class or taking diaphragmatic breathing classes (from a breathing or singing teacher).

Step 3. Try to cough
Coughing in a controlled way can help you clear secretions that clog the airways and, as a result, improve oxygen saturation. This is a common recommendation following surgery to ensure that your airways are always clear.
Try coughing a few times and see if this helps you breathe more easily

Step 4. Try pursed lip breathing
During the day, you can temporarily improve oxygen saturation with this simple exercise. This is one of the simplest ways to draw oxygen slowly and deeply into the lungs. Try these steps:
- Breathe in through your nose for about two seconds.
- Pucker your lips (as if you're about to kiss) and hold your breath for a beat.
- Exhale while keeping your lips pursed for about six seconds.
- Repeat as many times as you want.
Method 2 of 3: Using Medical Therapies

Step 1. Follow oxygen therapy according to your doctor's prescription
If you have a chronic deficiency in oxygen saturation levels due to a condition such as COPD, your doctor may decide to provide you with supplemental oxygen. This treatment involves the use of oxygen cylinders, hoses and a cannula that delivers oxygen directly into the nose. Patients who follow prescribed treatments often manage to lead long and reasonably active lives.
Don't refuse this treatment because you are worried about being "anchored" to an oxygen tank and bed for life. Portable tanks are not very bulky and allow you to get out and move with more energy and stamina

Step 2. Learn to check your oxygen saturation and supplement regularly
Patients who need oxygen therapy are usually taught how to monitor their saturation by placing a pulse oximeter on their fingers, earlobe, or nose. The operation is quick, simple, non-invasive and painless.
Based on your doctor's recommendations, you can adjust your oxygen supply to compensate for low saturation or to smoothly conduct physical activities such as walking or light exercise

Step 3. Take the medications prescribed by your doctor as directed
If your oxygen saturation is low due to COPD or a similar condition, you will likely take medications in addition to oxygen therapy. These may include control medicines that you will take at regular intervals to improve breathing and lung function, as well as rescue medicines to take when you have more acute breathing difficulties.
- There are many types of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), short- or long-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA & LABA), and other medications that your doctor may prescribe for you. Make sure you understand the instructions for taking them and follow the therapy exactly.
- These drugs are also known as bronchodilators. They increase the diameter of the respiratory tract and favor the increase in oxygenation.

Step 4. Ask your doctor if you need to use a machine (CPAP)
If you have obstructive sleep apnea, your airways may not be able to stay open on their own. This can lead to a reduction in oxygen saturation. Ask your doctor if you need to get a PAP or BiPap machine to keep your airways open and increase oxygen saturation.
These machines have a tube and a mask with which you have to cover your mouth and nose at night

Step 5. Stay up to date on the latest developments in the medical field
Although oxygen therapy, medications, and breathing courses have been (and continue to be) the most common and often effective treatments for patients with low oxygen saturation levels, new therapies are continually being developed. An example is stem cell treatment, in which these cells are taken from your blood or bone marrow, isolated and reintroduced into your lungs.
New treatments may of course present risks or not be as effective as was initially desirable. Do research to find out what options you have, and consult your treating doctors to determine which treatment plan is best for you
Method 3 of 3: Making Lifestyle Changes

Step 1. Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke
Breathing in the smoke of tobacco products severely damages your lungs and reduces your ability to efficiently introduce oxygen into your blood. If you smoke and have low oxygen saturation levels, quitting is the first and perhaps most important step you can take to fix the problem. Seek the help you need to quit.
If you use oxygen therapy, smoking is also a high fire risk. Concentrated oxygen is extremely flammable, and many people have been severely, or even fatally, burned following cigarette accidents while on oxygen therapy

Step 2. Breathe in fresher air
Oxygen levels in the surrounding atmosphere have an impact on your body's oxygen saturation; for example, those living at higher altitudes usually have lower saturation levels. The more oxygen and less "other things" (such as dust, particulates, smoke and more) circulate in the air you breathe, the better your saturation will be.
- If you live in an area where the air is clean, open a window or go out. Keep plants indoors to improve oxygen levels. Dust and clean regularly. If you wish, invest in air filters.
- Don't expect these tips to significantly increase your oxygen saturation levels; you should follow them along with other changes.

Step 3. Lose excess weight if necessary
If your body mass index (BMI) exceeds recommended levels, the excess weight will likely make you breathe harder and less efficiently. Lower BMI levels have been shown to correlate with higher oxygen saturation levels.
Plus, even if your saturation stays the same, losing weight will help you use oxygen in your body. The principle is similar to that of an unladen car, which uses fuel more efficiently

Step 4. Exercise wisely
Aerobic activity by itself does not increase oxygen saturation, but it does allow you to use the oxygen in your blood more efficiently. Exercises that lead you to lose weight are more likely to have a positive effect on saturation levels.
If you have COPD or another medical condition affecting your lung or cardiovascular health, you cannot train the way you want. Together with your doctors, develop a realistic and effective training program for you

Step 5. Drink more water
If you've taken a chemistry class, you might remember that a water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atoms. Consequently, every time you drink water or eat foods rich in that substance, you introduce oxygen into your body. Drinking gallons and gallons of water doesn't allow you to magically solve your saturation problems, but regular hydration is an important part of any patient's treatment.
- Water is the best choice for hydration, while the best and healthiest food options are fruits and vegetables. For example, try steamed spinach, carrots or green beans, or freshly squeezed juices and smoothies.
- Drinking water can help dissolve mucus in the airways. This helps them stay open, maximizing the oxygen supply.

Step 6. Try sitting down instead of lying down
You can cause a slight but proven increase in oxygen saturation simply by sitting instead of lying down. When you rest or relax, sitting down can help you breathe more deeply and increase saturation. However, don't use this advice as an excuse not to get up and be active, as improving your fitness provides greater and permanent benefits.
You can also change your position to improve breathing and increase oxygen saturation. For example, if you lie down, lift your head off the bed at least 30 degrees. If you lift your head 45-60 °, your saturation can increase further

Step 7. Accept the inevitable changes in oxygen saturation levels
Even though levels above 95% are considered healthy and those below 90% problematic, each person is different. This value varies for each individual based on many factors; for example, it has a tendency to peak in the middle stage of childhood and to decrease over time. Don't fixate on a specific number; rather, try to work with your doctor to find the best balance for your health.