Education & Communication 2024, October

How to Live Green (with Pictures)

How to Live Green (with Pictures)

As most people know, human abuse of fossil fuels over decades has led to a disastrous phenomenon known as global warming. We have to change our lifestyle habits if we are to hope to make up for it. The meaning of "being green" is both economic and ecological, as the prices of gas and oil are constantly increasing.

How to Live in Peace: 10 Steps

How to Live in Peace: 10 Steps

If humanity wants to progress, Gandhi's teachings are essential. He lived, thought, acted and was inspired by the vision of a humanity capable of evolving towards a world of peace and harmony. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace isn't all hippie stuff!

How to Clean Oil from Birds: 12 Steps

How to Clean Oil from Birds: 12 Steps

Among the species most affected by oil disasters are birds: oil entangles their feathers, preventing the animal from flying, floating and reducing its thermal insulation capacity. Furthermore, by instinct, birds try to clean the plumage with their beak, ingesting the oil and poisoning their organism.

How to Celebrate Environment Day at School

How to Celebrate Environment Day at School

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th. Like Earth Day, this day is a perfect time to learn new things about the environment, to participate in activities that promote the protection of the planet and learn how to help the environment for the future.

How to Be Useful and Contribute to Society

How to Be Useful and Contribute to Society

Have you ever felt bored and useless? Now is the time to act! Be a responsible part of the global society! Steps Step 1. The feeling of being useless comes from deep psychological mechanisms Being useful does not, by itself, eliminate the feeling of being useless.

How to Fight Poverty in the World: 6 Steps

How to Fight Poverty in the World: 6 Steps

Poverty is probably the most serious problem in today's society. In the world, 24 thousand children die every day from causes related to poverty. The annual amount needed to end world hunger is approximately 22 billion euros, while the annual budget allocated by the United States for military spending is approximately 286 billion.

6 Ways to Contact the President of the United States

6 Ways to Contact the President of the United States

Do you have any questions or concerns about what is happening in the United States? Do you want to know what future plans for the economy the President has? Whether you have a serious matter to propose to the President or just want to say hello to him, there are real ways to contact the President of the United States.

How to Take Concrete Actions to Fight Hunger in the World

How to Take Concrete Actions to Fight Hunger in the World

In 2011, more than 3 million children died of malnutrition, many in countries that are not ravaged by hunger or conflict. Of course, you can always organize a fundraiser and donate some money or cans of food, but there are other ways to fight world hunger in a much more effective and sustainable way.

How to Avoid Noise Pollution: 2 Steps

How to Avoid Noise Pollution: 2 Steps

Noise pollution is annoying, deleterious to the emotional state and, sometimes, even harmful to health. It can also affect animals and the environment. The effects can affect both hearing and other aspects not strictly related to the auditory system.

How to Do Something to End Child Labor

How to Do Something to End Child Labor

A high rate of child labor is a sign of serious problems in any nation or society. Here are some tips to follow to address the threat of child labor. Steps Step 1. Understand that the cause of child labor is rooted in the lack of income during a child's formative period This leads to dropping out of school, unemployment and a willingness to do underpaid jobs without any protection.

How to Help Change the World: 13 Steps

How to Help Change the World: 13 Steps

The world today is definitely not a paradise. Hunger, abuse, poverty, pollution and other risks are all all too common. Sure, the world has never been and never will be perfect, but that's not a good excuse not to try. You can help create a better world for the future.

How to Take Action to Stop Cruelty to Animals

How to Take Action to Stop Cruelty to Animals

Cruel behavior towards animals causes many deaths and injuries every year and some people can no longer bear this situation. If you want to learn how to intervene and make your contribution to stop animal cruelty read on. Steps Step 1.

How to take action to save the environment (children)

How to take action to save the environment (children)

Today's children have more power than ever to help save the Earth from human waste and pollution. Thanks to the Internet, you have more resources at your fingertips than your parents could find in an entire bookstore when they were young. Read these instructions to learn just some of the fun and useful things you can do to make the Earth a little greener for all of us.

How to Volunteer: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Volunteer: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Volunteering is a great way to support a cause, support an organization and make a difference in the community. It can also be an opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. If you would like to give more than just money, consider donating your time and skills to organizations that are important to you.

How to React Against Racism (with Pictures)

How to React Against Racism (with Pictures)

It seems that you cannot follow a news program without learning stories of crime, rioting and even violence by the police motivated by racial hatred. But what is racism and what can be done to combat it? By learning about this phenomenon and learning to recognize what it entails, you will be able to react in case you face this problem in person, witness racist discrimination and gestures or when racism becomes a topic of discussion in the media.

How to Volunteer in a Hospital: 7 Steps

How to Volunteer in a Hospital: 7 Steps

Whether you want to enroll in medical school or just help people, volunteering at a hospital is a great way to do community service. Steps Step 1. Make a list of hospitals in your area that you are willing to go to on a regular basis Make use of resources like Google Maps, the telephone directory and your knowledge of the area.

How to Make the World a Better Place (with Pictures)

How to Make the World a Better Place (with Pictures)

There is so much you can do by helping your community, your family, your friends, animals, the environment and the planet! Here are a couple of tips to get you started. Individually we are only one person, but together we are millions. Steps Step 1.

How to Contribute to Preserving Biodiversity

How to Contribute to Preserving Biodiversity

Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species on Earth or in a particular environment, starting from amoebas and bacteria up to the forms of plant and animal life. Such wealth is indispensable because it involves the creation of ecosystems resistant to various types of threats, such as climate change, habitat destruction and pollution.

How to Help Reduce Global Warming (for Kids)

How to Help Reduce Global Warming (for Kids)

Global warming is the term that indicates the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface caused by greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels or increased by deforestation; these gases trap heat which would instead be dissipated.

4 Ways to Help Save Rivers

4 Ways to Help Save Rivers

Rivers are essential for the well-being of fauna and people. Every year, waterways shrink because the communities' water consumption is not replaced by rainfall, which has been reduced due to climate change. Fortunately, you can do your part to save rivers by reducing water consumption, using green products, volunteering, and encouraging others to change their habits.

How to Help Save the Environment (with Pictures)

How to Help Save the Environment (with Pictures)

Taking the initiative to save and reuse resources is one of the best things you can do to protect the environment and it's easier than you think. Start gradually and do your part by improving your daily habits. To make your contribution, try to decrease your water and energy consumption;

3 Ways to Celebrate World Environment Day

3 Ways to Celebrate World Environment Day

World Environment Day, often identified by the acronym WED (World Environment Day), is an event held every year on June 5 to raise awareness of the need to take positive action for the environment. This day is managed by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and is the culmination of environmental activities undertaken throughout the year by UNEP and other organizations and individuals around the world.

How to Help Save Our Planet

How to Help Save Our Planet

Are you worried about the health of the Earth? Do you want to do what you can to save her? Of course, bombarded every day with all this unpleasant news about global warming, sea pollution and endangered animals, we don't really know where to start.

How to Reduce Crime in Your Neighborhood: 6 Steps

How to Reduce Crime in Your Neighborhood: 6 Steps

While we don't like talking about it - or even thinking about it - crime is on the rise in America and around the world. The number of thieves, robbers, car thieves, muggers and other criminals is growing in alarming proportions. Now you, as a resident, can help reduce the crime rate by partnering with your neighbors.

How to Help Stop Racism: 13 Steps

How to Help Stop Racism: 13 Steps

Racism is a very sensitive issue for everyone. Most people have experienced it, talked about it or at least thought about it. However, we often feel helpless at the idea of trying to counter the phenomenon. Fortunately, there are many initiatives you can take to help stem racism in everyday life and within the community in which you live.

3 Ways to Reduce Water Pollution

3 Ways to Reduce Water Pollution

Water is one of the most important resources in the world and each of us can do our part to prevent it from being polluted. Simple changes in daily habits, such as using natural household cleaning products instead of toxic ones and planting more trees and flowers in your garden, can have a major impact.

How to Found a Student Association: 12 Steps

How to Found a Student Association: 12 Steps

The following is a basic guide to founding a student association. Steps Step 1. Choose a name for your association Choose between two or three letters of the Greek alphabet. These letters should represent Greek words that represent the values your association wants to embody.

How to Help Save Whales (with Pictures)

How to Help Save Whales (with Pictures)

Whales are some of the most magnificent, incredible and majestic creatures on Earth! Uncontrolled fishing is depleting the seas and eventually the whales will starve! The helium balloons that are released into the sky fall into the sea, where whales and dolphins mistake them for food, ruining their diet!

5 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (Environmental Impact)

5 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (Environmental Impact)

Every time you drive, buy food that hasn't been grown in your area, or leave the lights on when you're not at home, you increase your carbon footprint. environment. Impact refers to those activities that increase the level of gases such as carbon dioxide (or carbon dioxide) and methane in the atmosphere.

How to Start a Non-Profit Organization: 14 Steps

How to Start a Non-Profit Organization: 14 Steps

Are you going to help others and start a non-profit organization? To start an association of this type you first need a unique idea that distinguishes your group from other similar organizations, a well thought out action plan and the passion and commitment necessary to achieve the goals you have set for yourself, without get discouraged in the most difficult moments.

How to contribute to the protection of the planet

How to contribute to the protection of the planet

Our planet is the most precious thing we have. Although the impact of the human being is destroying it, we can all make some effort to take care of it and make up for our mistakes. Steps Part 1 of 3: Saving on Water and Energy Step 1.

3 Ways to Help Endangered Animals

3 Ways to Help Endangered Animals

According to scientists, Earth has seen five waves of animal extinction throughout history, including that of dinosaurs. Nowadays, many believe that a sixth one has begun. However, this time, the main cause is due to the work of human beings which is explained, just to name a few factors, through the reduction and annihilation of different natural habitats, excessive hunting, pollution, interruptions in the chain.

How to Run a Committee: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Run a Committee: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Committees can be extremely difficult to manage, considering that members voluntarily dedicate their time to service and have many other things to do in their daily lives. Being the president means coordinating the work of all, in order to achieve a common goal.

How to Check for Soil Erosion: 10 Steps

How to Check for Soil Erosion: 10 Steps

Erosion control is the practice of preventing or controlling erosion caused by wind or water in agriculture, environmental development and construction. Effective erosion control is an important technique for preventing water pollution and land loss.

How to Help Refugees: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Help Refugees: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Refugees fleeing oppressive conditions in their home countries face additional challenges when they arrive in a new nation. If you want to help refugees from any source, you can do it either by making a concrete commitment or through financial assistance.

3 Ways to Reduce Smog

3 Ways to Reduce Smog

Smog is a type of air pollution that is produced in the atmosphere when sunlight reacts with nitrogen oxides and at least one volatile organic compound (VOC). When this reaction occurs, particles are released into the air and the oxygen present at the ground level absorbs harmful compounds (ozone).

How to Become President (of the United States)

How to Become President (of the United States)

To become president of the United States, a candidate must meet certain eligibility requirements and then enter the presidential competition. Presidential competitions today do not require the support of a political party, other than for help in terms of organization and fundraising.

How to Prevent Graffiti: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Graffiti: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Being constructive in protecting your business or residential facility from unwanted graffiti is a positive way to help yourself and to reduce the costs of their removal. If you are in a place that is often targeted for graffiti, there are several things you can do.

5 Ways to Help the Homeless

5 Ways to Help the Homeless

It's hard to see homeless people on the street. You would love to be able to help them but you don't know where to start. With a little help from wikiHow, you can be on your way to helping a homeless person tremendously and changing the fate of the entire community.

3 Ways to Save Paper at School

3 Ways to Save Paper at School

Saving paper at school is a good way to help save the environment. If you can ignite your peers' passion and garner support from faculty and staff, you can make a real impact in reducing waste and conserving natural resources. Here are some paper saving ideas for the “green” student.