The world today is definitely not a paradise. Hunger, abuse, poverty, pollution and other risks are all all too common. Sure, the world has never been and never will be perfect, but that's not a good excuse not to try. You can help create a better world for the future. And it's not as difficult as you think …
Part 1 of 3: Helping the Neighbor

Step 1. Volunteer or donate something to charities
It is not just a question of working in a soup kitchen or visiting the elderly. Today it is possible to volunteer in so many ways! Contact the volunteer organization closest to your home and passionate about the cause. Start a petition, donate money, support an association, raise funds, become a supporter.
- Do a thorough search on the web and identify the main voluntary associations in your province. Visit the Caritas website if you want to be sure that your money and your work are entrusted to a reliable body. Also enter the web page of your municipality of residence and read more in the section dedicated to volunteering.
- Buy a charity bracelet. They are all the rage in Hollywood and a large number of celebrities are currently sporting one of these colorful accessories. Charity bracelets are not only beautiful and stylish, they are also inexpensive and perfect for you to do your part by helping your favorite cause.
- If you want to contribute to the growth of developing countries, the best choice is to entrust your money to those entities that help people in need to "help themselves". By allowing communities to grow stronger and better, these entities are truly effective. Search the web and find out which charities have the most ambitious projects.

Step 2. Buy responsibly
Trade is important and can seriously affect today's world. He is involved in, or in some way influences, almost every aspect you can imagine and is often even more influential than governments themselves in certain matters. Fortunately, you and I have the opportunity every day to encourage the trade to do the right thing. Whenever you buy something, you are giving your approval to whatever process is involved in the production. So next time you go to the supermarket, pay more attention to the labels.
Consider your chances well. Ask yourself: Do I really want to support this type of trade? Are the peasants or workers who produced it treated well? Is this product traded correctly? It is healthy? Is it compatible with the environment? Does the sale of this product support any oppressive political regime?

Step 3. Donate blood
Many nations (especially Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States) often have to contend with low blood supplies and are desperately looking for new donors. It only takes half an hour and it doesn't hurt too much. Visit for more information.

Step 4. Become a supporter
Talk about injustices in the world and get your friends involved too. Organize fundraisers to raise money for an association or cause. And if you can't raise money, add your voice to those who are already fighting to end poverty, war, injustice, sexism, racism or corruption in the world.

Step 5. Become an organ donor
You won't need your organs when you're dead, so why not give them to someone who can put them to good use? Save the lives of more than eight people by joining your country's organ donor registry. Discuss this decision with your family and let them know about your wishes.
Part 2 of 3: Helping to Protect and Preserve the Planet

Step 1. Recycle
It's not something only hippies do! Anyone can recycle, and nowadays pretty much anything can be recycled - from newspapers to plastics, computers and old cell phones. Encourage your school or workplace to recycle and use recycled products.

Step 2. Stop driving to go anywhere
You probably already know that your vehicle's emissions are bad for the environment. What you don't know is that it is possible to reduce them: start walking to go to the nearest places. Use public transport when you can. You could cycle to work instead of taking the car. If you need to use the car, consider buying one with a hybrid engine.

Step 3. Reduce your impact on the planet
Reduce your negative impact on the planet by reusing items and materials multiple times whenever possible. Prefer ecological products, make your purchases at zero kilometer (supporting the local economy) and try to commit yourself daily to safeguarding the planet, for example by reducing your water consumption. Your contribution will help protect the planet and provide a safe and healthy environment for all people who come after us.
Help others do the same by educating them about reducing their own negative impact on the planet. However, don't overwhelm people with lectures and don't be hypocritical. Your purpose is to help the planet, not to prove that you are smart or right

Step 4. Reduce your water consumption
Did you know that it is possible that there is a water crisis in the course of our existence? The problem is that we consume too much water too quickly, without it having time to be recycled. Help out by taking shorter showers, being more careful when washing dishes, turning off the tap when brushing your teeth, and being more aware of how much water you consume in general.
Another thing to avoid is watering the garden in the summer. Collect waste water to use for this purpose, since using clean drinking water to water plants is really a waste

Step 5. Support animal welfare
In our quest for a better society we should all take a step to support and appreciate all forms of life. Spend time fighting for animal rights, for example by volunteering at the local kennel or making a donation to an animal protection organization.
- Again, don't forget to do a thorough research before making a donation. Make sure that most of the money paid is used for the welfare and protection of the animals.
- Avoid buying pet food to donate to the kennel. Donating money directly is often the best solution, as a kennel still has a way to buy food at a lower price. If possible, temporarily adopt an animal to make a meaningful and inexpensive gesture, you will find that both of you will benefit greatly.
Part 3 of 3: Helping the Closest People

Step 1. A dream for tomorrow, Have you seen the movie?
Well, just like Haley Joel Osment, you can help others "return the favor". Just do something nice for 3 people (or better yet, many more, you don't limit yourself), without being asked, and in return, ask them to do the same thing for 3 other people and so on. Imagine if this chain was never broken what kind of world we would have!

Step 2. Do not intentionally harm others
Imagine a society where every single individual tried not to harm anyone. You shouldn't lock the door at night and self defense would be a memory. You may think that one person cannot make a difference. There are six billion people in the world. Think about it, you could inspire someone and set off a chain reaction!

Step 3. Laugh and Smile
Many believe that laughter is the best medicine. Not only that, happy people are often healthier and it's a lot more fun to have them around! Sharing a smile or a laugh is easy, free, and you can change someone's day!
- It is not necessary to change the whole world, it will be enough to be able to change it for a couple of people.
- Changing the world will help you change, for the better.
- Even if you're broke, there are plenty of ways to help make the world a better place.
- Everyone can change the world; it just takes some time, effort and devotion!
- If you are not immediately successful, try again. Try, try, try again (and again!)
- Use your talents to advance your cause.
- The Internet is the best place to find information on associations and causes to advocate / support.
- Spread the word. Involve your friends. The more the better!
- Find exciting and fun ways to change the world. Not only is volunteering a great way to help those less fortunate, you may even find new friends!
- It is never acceptable to harm someone.
- Never impose your point of view on anyone.