3 Ways to Save Paper at School

3 Ways to Save Paper at School
3 Ways to Save Paper at School

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Saving paper at school is a good way to help save the environment. If you can ignite your peers' passion and garner support from faculty and staff, you can make a real impact in reducing waste and conserving natural resources. Here are some paper saving ideas for the “green” student.


Method 1 of 3: Make the most of Computers, Printers and Copiers

Save Paper in School Step 1
Save Paper in School Step 1

Step 1. Use your computer whenever you can

Email your documents and other homework. If you have a laptop, take it to class to take notes instead of using a notepad.

Save Paper in School Step 2
Save Paper in School Step 2

Step 2. Ask teachers to create a blog or website

Teachers can post all homework, lecture notes and handouts on the internet using a blog or website to which all students have access. They can also set up a container or other collection tool where students can present work and homework.

Save Paper in School Step 3
Save Paper in School Step 3

Step 3. Talk to your school about free paper saving software

You can download software that helps save paper by removing space-wasting content, reformatting documents to print more efficiently. Well-reviewed ones include: FinePrint, PrintEco and PrintFriendly.

Save Paper in School Step 4
Save Paper in School Step 4

Step 4. Print double-sided copies

Set the copier to print on both sides of the paper when copying multi-page documents.

Save Paper in School Step 5
Save Paper in School Step 5

Step 5. Reuse the printer paper

Line up the discarded sheets from the printouts so that all blank sides are facing the same direction, punch them out, and put them back into the printer for a second use.

Method 2 of 3: Use paper smarter

Save Paper in School Step 6
Save Paper in School Step 6

Step 1. Ask for donations

Local businesses often have reams of unused paper, which could be sheets with an outdated header, mis-sized envelopes, and old signage. Ask businesses in your neighborhood or at your parent's workplace to donate paper to your school (in many cases, it's tax deductible!).

Save Paper in School Step 7
Save Paper in School Step 7

Step 2. Ask your school to purchase recycled or alternative paper products

In addition to being better for the environment, recycled paper products can also be less expensive. You can also find paper produced not from trees but from other sources, such as hemp, bamboo, banana, kenaf and crushed stone.

Save Paper in School Step 8
Save Paper in School Step 8

Step 3. Promote catalogs online

Ask the administration to give up the paper catalogs of purchasing products and supplies of companies that have websites or catalogs that can be consulted online and to order on the internet. Encourage your own school to eliminate printed promotional materials and put all newsletters and catalogs on the internet.

Save Paper in School Step 9
Save Paper in School Step 9

Step 4. Use notebooks and notepads wisely

You can buy recycled paper notebooks. After that, go one step further in your paper-saving effort and use both sides of the paper. Write smaller (but still large enough to be readable) and avoid leaving a lot of white space on the page.

Don't do stupid things with the card, like passing notes, throwing planes, spitting balls or throwing it in the head of your classmates. These activities are both a waste of paper and a source of trouble

Save Paper in School Step 10
Save Paper in School Step 10

Step 5. Request individual slates

Instead of working out math equations, writing lists of ideas, or doing other classroom activities on paper, students could use small whiteboards with dry-erase pens. Some brands of markers are made from recycled materials and are also refillable.

Save Paper in School Step 11
Save Paper in School Step 11

Step 6. Think about saving outside the classroom

Some paper products are used in the kitchen, canteen and toilet facilities at school, so strategies to reduce paper waste should also consider these areas.

  • Make sure your school purchases recycled paper napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper.
  • Press for hand dryers instead of paper towels.
  • Attach a "These come from the trees" reminder sticker to paper napkins and towel dispensers to help remind people to cut down on unnecessary use.

Method 3 of 3: Create a Recycling Program

Save Paper in School Step 12
Save Paper in School Step 12

Step 1. Get cross engagement

A successful recycling program depends on the support of students, teachers, staff, administrators and janitors. Form a committee made up of people from each of these groups to develop a program that takes into account the needs and addresses everyone's concerns.

Designate one person as a representative for each group so that they can explain the need to recycle to their colleagues and ask for their support. Representatives can also help communicate program developments and changes and be the "contact person" for any questions

Save Paper in School Step 13
Save Paper in School Step 13

Step 2. Secure the paper collection

In some cities, paper is recycled by law and is collected on designated collection days. In other places, you will need to find a landfill or collection service to take your card. You can search online for a local material recovery center or a recycling center and see if they accept the card.

If you can't find a landfill for your card, you may need to consider a paid collection service to transport it away. Find out about the costs in this case, to make sure it is profitable for your school

Save Paper in School Step 14
Save Paper in School Step 14

Step 3. Establish guidelines for the card that is accepted

Depending on how and where you dispose of your recycled paper, you may need to limit or separate what you collect. Some collection centers accept a "single flow", ie a variety of mixed paper types in one collection box; others an "orderly flow" of discharge, which means that you will need to separate the paper by types (there are five of them). Some types may not be accepted by everyone. Find out what and how your collection center accepts and structures the program accordingly.

  • Old corrugated cardboard packaging. This type of paper is typically found in boxes and product packaging.
  • Mixed paper. This broad category includes things like mail, catalogs, books, telephone directories, and magazines.
  • Old newspapers. The name of this category says it all.
  • De-inked paper Most of the paper in your school will undoubtedly be of this type, which includes things like envelopes, photocopy paper, and letterhead.
  • Card substitutes. This paper is usually made up of factory scraps, so it's unlikely you'll have to worry about it, although there's always a chance it's a part of the paper products your school buys.
Save Paper in School Step 15
Save Paper in School Step 15

Step 4. Choose collection containers

Check if the recycling center in your area is able to provide the collection containers; if not, buy some plastic containers suitable for the purpose. Choose them all the same color or clearly mark them as paper bins so that no one accidentally throws trash into them.

If you need to sort the paper for recycling by types, use labels or images of the type of paper that must be deposited in each container

Save Paper in School Step 16
Save Paper in School Step 16

Step 5. Provide instructions

Not only does everyone need to participate for your program to be successful, but everyone should also be well informed about how it works. Consider asking the science or social studies teacher to dedicate a period of lessons to discussing the guidelines of the recycling program. Or plan to have educational groups to explain the program, including information on what types of paper are accepted and the location of collection bins.

Create a reference card with program information to distribute to everyone at school. Or, to save paper, create a website or page on your school's website that everyone can refer to regarding the program guidelines

Save Paper in School Step 17
Save Paper in School Step 17

Step 6. Choose a central location to store the collected paper

You need a place where you can store the paper between collection in the school and picking up the containers. A good choice can be a copy room or part of a large closet.

Put safety first and don't let large piles of paper block exits or be stored near flammable chemicals. Check with the municipal office that the building complies with all fire regulations

Save Paper in School Step 18
Save Paper in School Step 18

Step 7. Keep your enthusiasm high

Once the recycling program is underway, keep people excited by informing them of its progress and the savings and recycling goals you achieve.

  • Create weekly or monthly announcements (through the Public Administration or through your school's CCTV) on the amount of paper that has been recycled by date. Remind everyone of the importance of keeping the schedule and use the opportunity to clear up any confusion and resolve any questions or concerns that have been raised.
  • Plan trips to your local collection center or invite guests to come to your school to discuss the value of a recycling program and its positive financial and environmental impact.
Save Paper in School Step 19
Save Paper in School Step 19

Step 8. Go around the obstacles

If your school is reluctant to establish a recycling program, ask if a simple paper waste audit can be done to find out what is being thrown away and by whom. Once you can show your school how much paper waste is produced and thrown away, managers can be more motivated to start recycling.


  • Use the back of each sheet. Try to reduce the use of paper as it involves the felling of trees.
  • If you need to buy recycled paper notebooks (sometimes reused white paper isn't), buy paper with the highest percentage of recycled material.
  • Don't write on loose pieces of paper to remember things (however you will easily lose them). Write them in your notebook, use the "Sticky Notes" program on your laptop, save a draft of a message on your cell phone, or use a visual cue, such as putting the clock on the "wrong" side.
  • Don't use stapled notebooks like school books. After completing more than half of the notebook, you cannot tear a blank sheet of paper without tearing an already written one. Instead, consider using a ring binder or spiral notebook.
