Water is one of the most important resources in the world and each of us can do our part to prevent it from being polluted. Simple changes in daily habits, such as using natural household cleaning products instead of toxic ones and planting more trees and flowers in your garden, can have a major impact. On a larger scale, consider taking action against industries that dump their waste into rivers, streams, or the sea to reduce water pollution in your area. Any changes you make will make an important contribution.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Habits at Home

Step 1. Use fewer chemicals to clean
This is a simple change that makes a big difference. Using toxic chemicals such as bleach and ammonia for normal household cleaning is not only harmful to the water system in your city, but it is not even necessary. Natural cleaners are just as effective and don't contribute to polluting the water when you use them.
- Many environmental organizations and other environmental organizations or groups are able to provide you with a list of cleaning products (as well as a variety of other products) that are considered "green" in the sense that they do not pollute the groundwater. Search the internet.
- Products that are easily found in all homes, such as white vinegar and baking soda, can be used for everything from windows to bathroom tiles and are completely non-toxic.

Step 2. Dispose of waste properly
Never pour something that is not biodegradable down the drain. If you have to use products that are toxic and pollute the groundwater, such as paint or ammonia, be careful and dispose of them properly. If you are not sure how to get rid of some substance, visit the website of your municipality or contact the environmental protection office to find out how to eliminate and dispose of toxic waste in your city. The following materials should never be poured down the drain:
- Paint.
- Motor oil.
- Cleaning solvents.
- Ammonia.
- Chemical products for swimming pools.

Step 3. Do not flush medications down the toilet
They contain a variety of substances that can pollute water supplies. If you need to dispose of drugs, contact your municipality or the waste disposal authority to find the correct way to eliminate them. In this way they do not end up in drinking water, where they could be harmful to people and animals.

Step 4. Don't throw your trash down the drain
Items that are not biodegradable, such as diapers, wet wipes, and plastic tampon applicators can cause damage in the sewer system. These elements eventually reach the area's streams and rivers, where they can kill fish and other wildlife. Instead of throwing them down the toilet, throw them in the trash.
One way to try to pollute less is to use cloth diapers, recycled toilet paper and biodegradable pads, all of which reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills

Step 5. Store as much water as possible
It is important not to waste it to help preserve it as a global resource. Industrial treatments to make water drinkable for domestic use require the consumption of a lot of energy, so it is essential to try to save as much as possible, especially in areas where droughts often occur. Take the following steps to keep more water in your home:
- Take a shower instead of a bath, because the latter requires more water consumption.
- Turn off the taps when you're not using water, such as when you're brushing your teeth.
- Don't overwater the lawn. Make sure the sprinklers are turned off when it rains.
- Water your garden before the sun comes up or after sunset to reduce evaporation and therefore waste.

Step 6. Avoid using plastic
Because it is not biodegradable, plastic often ends up in rivers, lakes and oceans when it is not carefully recycled or recovered. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, for example, is a huge patch of garbage, mostly plastic, found in the Pacific, since they have nowhere else to go. This immense amount of garbage endangers marine life, but it also affects human life. If you can, use glass or cloth containers instead of plastic.
Method 2 of 3: Keep the Garden Free of Pollutants

Step 1. Don't use pesticides and herbicides
These chemicals are sprayed on the grass, but when it rains they penetrate the ground and reach the underground aquifers. If the groundwater becomes contaminated it creates a big problem for the environment and for the people who depend on it. Start following natural techniques to get rid of pests and weeds.
- Look for organic and natural gardening methods and find creative ways to get rid of garden pests. For example, many of these can be treated with a simple solution of water and dish soap.
- Planting native species can also help, as they have generally developed resistance to pests and weeds in the area. Species native to other geographic areas, on the other hand, are more susceptible to disease.

Step 2. Remove the concrete surfaces and replace them with a green carpet
If the house is surrounded by sidewalks and concrete surfaces, puddles and chemical spills penetrate to the groundwater instead of being absorbed by a larger surface of bare earth (in practice there is little land available to "hold back the pollutants "that percolate up to the water reserves). You may be tempted to pave the courtyard so you don't have to cut the grass, but know that the lawn is definitely a better solution for the environment.

Step 3. Prevents soil erosion from occurring
As soil erodes and ends up in waterways, chemicals in the soil combine with the water and create problems for plant and animal life. For example, when phosphorus levels are too high in a stream, they cause algae to bloom which can kill fish populations. The best way to prevent erosion is to keep the soil stable by planting lots of native trees, shrubs and lawns. The roots of the plants allow the soil to stabilize and prevent it from ending up in waterways.

Step 4. Collect and compost with garden waste
Grassy garden debris could easily drain away in heavy showers. While these plant waste does not contain chemicals like herbicides and pesticides, introducing large amounts of branches, leaves and grass can overwhelm waterways with a harmful amount of nutrients.
- You should keep the compost in a bin or barrel to prevent the materials from flowing out. Some municipalities offer these containers for free or at low cost.
- Use a mower without a collection bag instead of models that provide it. In this way you leave a natural layer of compost on the ground and save yourself the work of throwing the cut grass.
- Properly dispose of garden waste and cut grass. If you do not plan to compost or if it is yard waste that cannot be composted, contact the ecology office or the waste disposal body to find the correct way to eliminate it.

Step 5. Keep the car in good repair
If your car leaks oil and other chemicals, they can enter the ground and reach groundwater. Perform regular vehicle maintenance and be sure to repair any leaks as they occur.
Also, don't forget to dispose of engine oil properly and absolutely avoid throwing it down the drain at home
Method 3 of 3: Expand the range of action

Step 1. Act green even at school or work
You can also take the same steps at work or at school to reduce water pollution. Check the respective internal regulations and try to understand if there are any changes you can implement to create a pollution-free environment. Also involving classmates, teachers or colleagues is a great way to educate others and actively contribute to a cleaner world.
- For example, you can propose eco-friendly cleaning products to be used in the office or school and recommend the most effective ones as well.
- You can also put up signs in bathrooms or kitchens to remind people not to waste water.

Step 2. Help clean up the beaches or waterways in your area
If you live near pools of water, there are many things you can do to help reduce pollution. Check if there is an association in your community that organizes the cleaning of beaches, lakes or rivers. Many cities organize themed days, during which volunteers intervene to free the waterways and clean them of waste that can create obstructions and in any case pollute.
If you can't find a local group that cares about the environment and about reducing water pollution, you can consider starting one! Organize a day dedicated to cleaning the waterways. Choose a date, advertise the event and organize to collect and dispose of the garbage

Step 3. Take sides against the water pollution that occurs in your area
Companies that dump their industrial waste into waterways are the most responsible for water pollution. Every country has laws to prevent this from happening, but unfortunately it is still a very widespread event. Find out if there is any industry or factory responsible for the pollution of local waterways and make your community aware of the problem by disseminating data and news.
- Learn both local and national laws against water pollution and join ecological associations to protect the environment in your city.
- One way to actively do your part and reduce pollution is also to vote for those political candidates who are committed to protecting the environment.
- Always have a global vision of the problem. You may feel that a small oil leak from your car isn't a big deal. However, the oil from thousands or millions of small-leaking cars, like yours, quickly creates a cumulative oil spill far worse than any tanker accident. Sure you can't fix all oil leaks around the world, but you can avoid yours. Be part of the solution.
- If you are not sure if any substance is dangerous, check with the waste collection body in your city or contact the ecology office of your municipality. If necessary, do some research online as well.
- In some areas, agricultural waste can be a greater pollution problem than urban runoff. If you carry out an agricultural activity, contact the local department or the environmental protection body for more information on how to reduce the impact of your work on nature.
- Educate your family, friends and neighbors on how they can help to avoid polluting. If environmental education programs, environmental protection regulations and a hazardous waste recycling facility are not already present in the area, take the initiative to remedy these shortcomings yourself.