Are you going to help others and start a non-profit organization? To start an association of this type you first need a unique idea that distinguishes your group from other similar organizations, a well thought out action plan and the passion and commitment necessary to achieve the goals you have set for yourself, without get discouraged in the most difficult moments. If reading these words does nothing but stimulate your desire to get started, read the next steps to find out how to proceed.
Part 1 of 4: Determine the Purpose

Step 1. Choose a cause
Who will benefit your organization and how are you going to help these people? It seems like an obvious question, but it's important to take some time to think. Get off to a good start by setting goals that are different from those of other nonprofits in your community.
- Your non-profit organization should be born to be committed to the common good and have a well-defined goal. For example, you could choose to direct your efforts towards creating a cleaner environment for the people and animals in your community by organizing programs to clean up rivers and streams.
- It is very important that the purpose of your organization does not overlap with that of others. For example, if you are planning to start an association to raise the literacy rate in your city, make sure that there is not already a similar program founded by someone else. You may be able to achieve your goals better by partnering with an existing organization. Remember that there are millions of non-profit organizations, grants and donor funds, so you will need to find a niche that suits you that hasn't already been occupied by anyone else.

Step 2. Write your organization's manifesto
Once you have set your goals, write a clear and precise statement of your goals - it will help you in the process of setting up your nonprofit and in realizing your goals. Drawing up a precise and direct manifesto will allow you to clarify your goals for yourself and make your organization known to the rest of the world.
Also dream big. You can't know right away where your journey into the world of non-profit organizations will take you; as with all associations of this type, yours must be able to react to changing times and the needs of the community. If you want your objectives, for the moment, to be as generic as possible, think of the example of the ATAPS organization, whose mission is "[…] to sensitize every citizen to respect and protect the environment through awareness campaigns, environmental education projects and workshops, land monitoring and wildlife rescue.
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If you have a specific plan in mind, you can also write something more defined. If you are starting a non-profit organization in response to an immediate need in your community, it might be useful to draw up a more specific manifesto, such as that of On The Road, an organization that is dedicated to offering support to victims of prostitution: " Today about fifty people work at On the Road to guarantee social inclusion and assistance to people victims of human trafficking but also to refugees and asylum seekers, women victims of domestic violence, homeless people."
Start a Nonprofit Organization Step 2Bullet2

Step 3. Come up with a good name
Choose a name that is easy to remember, but also interesting and offers a clear picture of what your organization is about. It is very important that the name you choose is unique, as it is illegal to register an organization with a name already used by someone else. Contact the Revenue Agency to find out if the name already exists. If so, you will need to think about a back-up solution.
- Make sure it isn't too long or too many words. It will be difficult to remember.
- Try not to choose a name that is too mysterious. If you are starting an organization to help mothers in need, it is best to understand the name so that people who need your help can find you easily. A name like "Associazione Casa della Mamma e del Bambino", for example, immediately makes you understand the purpose of the organization.
Part 2 of 4: Register Your Organization

Step 1. Write a charter and a charter for your organization
The statute and the deed of incorporation are fundamental documents for any non-profit organization: they certify its existence and regulate its functioning from every point of view. They are real contracts that determine the way in which an organization and its members must act and behave, always based on the common purpose for which the organization was founded. The two texts can also be drawn up in a single document.
- The main characteristics of the organization are enshrined in the deed of incorporation: it is very important because it is here that its non-profit nature is expressed.
- In the statute, on the other hand, all the information regarding the functioning and objectives of the organization are presented in detail.

Step 2. Register the articles of association and deed of incorporation
Registering the statute and the deed of incorporation of your organization is not necessary, but it is useful if you wish in the future to have access to the status of ONLUS (Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility), with the tax benefits that this entails, or if you want to get register in the provincial or regional registers.
- You will need to register the articles of association and deed of incorporation within 20 days of setting up the organization. If you have turned to a notary, he will take care of it; otherwise, you will have to apply personally to the nearest office of the Revenue Agency.
- To apply for registration, you will need to apply for a tax code for your organization. Having a tax code is not required by law, but on a practical level it is very important for the good functioning of your organization.
- Similarly, remember that it will be necessary to open a VAT number for your organization if it issues any type of invoice.
- In addition to the tax code, to apply for registration you will need to present 2 copies of the articles of association and statute, a copy of the applicant's identity card or proxy, receipt of the payment of the registration tax (equal to € 200), revenue stamps of 16 € and form 69 filled in correctly.

Step 3. Define the hierarchical structure of your company, set up a board of directors and hold the first meeting
Make sure everything is in compliance with the law. As a board member, remember to select qualified individuals who can support your goals and who are willing to attend meetings and take their work seriously.
- Religious and political leaders, directors of other non-profit organizations, professors and respected community members are good candidates to serve on an effective board of directors.
- Try to keep the discussion open: select a group of people who are different from each other, by interests and vocation, so that you can take advantage of as many points of view as possible to strengthen your organization.
Part 3 of 4: Obtaining ONLUS Status

Step 1. ONLUS, in Italy, is the acronym used to define Non-Profit Organizations of Social Utility
To obtain this status, which involves various financial benefits, it is necessary to meet some particular requirements.
NGOs are entitled to a particular tax regime thanks to their non-profit purposes

Step 2. Find out the necessary requirements to have access to the status of ONLUS
Voluntary organizations recognized automatically by the state, such as those registered in the registers of the region or autonomous provinces or NGOs deemed suitable, automatically have access to the status of ONLUS; organizations that do not meet these requirements must instead apply for registration in the single registry by submitting the request to the Revenue Agency. All the necessary information can be found on the Agency's own website.
- Remember that to have access to the status of ONLUS it is not enough to have registered the statute and the deed of incorporation of your organization.
Remember that only organizations that meet certain criteria in their constitutive statutes, such as the pursuit of social assistance activities, the prohibition of carrying out activities other than those established and the obligation of transparency and management of profits of the association for solidarity purposes.
Start a Nonprofit Organization Step 10 Step 3. Access the tax benefits provided for an ONLUS
Once you have obtained the status of ONLUS, your organization will have access to certain tax benefits, such as a relief on income tax, VAT and other taxes, such as stamp duty or the tax on government concessions.
Remember that since 2005 companies and individuals can deduct any donations made to NGOs from their taxable income
Part 4 of 4: Building a Strong Organization
Start a Nonprofit Organization Step 11 Step 1. Hire a team of capable people
Just as with any organization, the chances of success or failure of a non-profit organization depend on the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals who play an important role within it. Do your research before hiring someone and select the most suitable candidates to fill a particular position. This will ensure the smooth running of your organization.
- Having a capable and reliable accountant is essential - find someone who can manage your finances and deal with problem situations promptly.
- Find a capable and determined development director who can coordinate the fundraising process.
- At first, you may not have enough funds to hire someone. You will, in all likelihood, have to do the work of 3 or 4 people on your own, but remember that you can always enlist volunteers, interns and part-time employees to help get your organization off the ground.
Start a Nonprofit Organization Step 12 Step 2. Get to know the leaders of your community
Non-profit organizations are generally dedicated to helping different types of communities. In order to be a highly respected resource within your community, it's important to know the influential people who could potentially support your work and help your fundraiser get off the ground.
- Attend your community events. Join the events organized by the City, show yourself present at the stands organized by other non-profit organizations, participate in fundraising and increase your general visibility during the main meetings within your community.
- Collaborate with other non-profit organizations. Joining other activists to organize events that benefit your community as a whole is an excellent way to get to know yourself and do important work at the same time.
Start a Nonprofit Organization Step 13 Step 3. Advertise your organization
Create a good website, actively manage a Facebook and Twitter account, post ads in local newspapers, distribute flyers around the city - in short, do everything possible to make your organization known. If you're committed to a good cause, people will be interested in learning more and finding a way to get involved. The more you spread the word, the better.
- Try to get as much media attention as possible. Journalists in the area are always on the lookout for interesting stories to cover. Email or call local newspapers to update them on the events you are organizing.
- If you want to raise public awareness of a particular issue (and at the same time advertise your organization), write an article for a newspaper or call a local radio station to apply for an interview.
- Send regular emails to communicate with the members of your association and with the people who have subscribed to the mailing list. Keep people constantly informed of upcoming events, ways to contribute to your cause and the most important issues. A mailing list is also a great way to ask for donations.
Start a Nonprofit Organization Step 14 Step 4. Find a way to raise money
Most of a nonprofit's job is to meticulously document your goals and progress, then present the information to potential donors or apply for a state grant. The energy you put into fundraising will pay off in the long run, so don't skimp.
- Hire a writer (or ask a talented volunteer) to search for and apply for as many government grants as possible. Look for funding that is best suited to the type of work your organization does.
- Organize a fundraising event. While they require a lot of work, fundraising events can help build your organization's reputation in the community. Organize the screening of a documentary, a charity concert, a bingo, an aperitif, a picnic or other fun event that can bring your community together and help raise funds.
Start a Nonprofit Organization Step 15 Step 5. Keep your goal in mind
Remember your core mission and let the passion that inspired you in the beginning continue to guide you as you make tough decisions about hiring and firing, organizing fundraisers, partnering with other associations, opening more offices, supporting certain politicians and all the issues you will encounter on your way as a director of an organization. Constantly advancing towards your goals will be a personal fulfillment and a necessary aspect of the health and success of your organization.
- Your first project will be critical in determining your organization's schedule. Choose something that everyone can participate in, so that it can be successful and be fun and engaging!
- Ask for help. It is not easy to do something so demanding on your own. If you are starting an animal welfare organization, ask a pet shop owner to help you with fundraising. If you are funding research, ask some cancer survivors to share their experience with your organization.
- Creating a website is a great way to keep your nonprofit organized. This is very important information to add to flyers, as many people do not like to call and ask for more information.