3 Ways to Apply Eyelid Tape

3 Ways to Apply Eyelid Tape
3 Ways to Apply Eyelid Tape

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The adhesive tape for eyelids is a very popular aesthetic item that allows you to define the fold of the mobile eyelid and visibly enlarge the eyes. This product can be used by anyone, but it is particularly effective for those who do not have a well-defined crease in the area of the mobile eyelid. Although applying it is easy, the best way to proceed is to use a specific applicator. It is also necessary to keep in mind some very important aspects to protect the eyes while using this product and to hide it after application.


Method 1 of 3: Using the Applicator

Apply Eyelid Tape Step 1
Apply Eyelid Tape Step 1

Step 1. Make sure your face is clean

It is important to start performing the procedure on a clean basis, so wash your face thoroughly before applying the duct tape. This helps ensure it fits better and stays in place throughout the day.

  • Try using makeup remover to remove any makeup from your eyes before applying duct tape.
  • Dry your face thoroughly after washing, then wait for about five minutes before applying the duct tape to make sure there are no traces of water on the skin.

Step 2. Peel off the strip and cut it as you like

Using tweezers or your fingernails, remove an adhesive strip from the protective sheet. You also need to peel off the piece of plastic covering the strip. It may be the right size for your mobile eyelid, but it may also need to be trimmed. The stripes should be slightly shorter than the width of the eye, otherwise they may protrude from the sides of the eyelids.

  • If necessary, cut the strip to make it slightly tighter.
  • If you can't find special strips, you can also make them yourself using double-sided medical tape. Just cut the tape into a thin strip that is roughly the same width as your mobile eyelid.
Apply Eyelid Tape Step 3
Apply Eyelid Tape Step 3

Step 3. Decide where you want to create the fold

You can use the applicator to help you identify where the strip should be placed. The strip should be fixed along the new fold you want to achieve. Gently press the applicator onto the eyelid to locate the crease you intend to create.

Do not exert excessive pressure. The area around the eyes should be treated with extreme delicacy

Step 4. Close your eye and apply masking tape to the crease

Once you have identified the crease you want to create, place the masking tape on the area where you want to create it. Then, gently push it in with the help of the applicator. As you push your eyelid in, open your eye and hold this position for a second. Finally, remove the applicator while keeping the eye open.

The duct tape should hold the crease you created in place

Apply Eyelid Tape Step 5
Apply Eyelid Tape Step 5

Step 5. Apply glue if it moves

If the tape does not stay in place, you can repeat the whole procedure with another piece or fix it with specific glue. Just apply a small amount on the strip. Before pushing the eyelid again with the applicator, wait for it to partially dry and become transparent.

Some strips come with glue, but it can also be purchased separately

Method 2 of 3: Protect the Eyes

Step 1. Remove the tape at the end of the day

Do not wear it for more than a day. Take it off at the end of the day, when you take your make-up off. Never peel it off or tear it off. Instead, moisten it until it runs off. Tearing off the tape could damage the eyelid and cause skin sagging. Use makeup remover and water to moisten the tape and remove residue.

Apply Eyelid Tape Step 7
Apply Eyelid Tape Step 7

Step 2. Be careful with the applicator

It is an essential tool for applying duct tape, but it is always important to be careful when using cosmetics or other products around the eyes. Make sure you use this device only on the mobile eyelid and press it very gently.

If you experience any discomfort during use, stop the procedure immediately

Apply Eyelid Tape Step 8
Apply Eyelid Tape Step 8

Step 3. Stop using duct tape if irritation occurs

The adhesive tape for eyelids contains a glue specifically formulated for the eye area. However, it can still irritate the eyes. If it causes inflammation, remove it and wash your eyes immediately to get rid of the glue.

When buying eyelid tape, be sure to choose a hypoallergenic brand to reduce the chances of it irritating your eyes

Method 3 of 3: Hide the Masking Tape

Apply Eyelid Tape Step 9
Apply Eyelid Tape Step 9

Step 1. Choose an adhesive tape that is less visible on the skin

This product is available in different colors: transparent, flesh-colored or even black so that it looks like an eyeshadow or an eyeliner. Choose adhesive tape that you think is suitable for your skin and makeup.

Clear duct tape is preferable for those who intend to wear little makeup (or leave their face soapy water). Just remember that any parts that stick out tend to appear shiny under lights

Step 2. Apply eyeliner or false lashes

Highlighting the eyes is just as effective for hiding duct tape. To divert attention, try using black liquid eyeliner and false lashes.

Avoid applying excessive amounts of eyeshadow when using duct tape for floating eyelids, as it can weaken it

Apply Eyelid Tape Step 12
Apply Eyelid Tape Step 12

Step 3. Answer honestly in case anyone notices it

If a person notices that you have duct tape applied, it is best to be honest and explain why. Don't be ashamed to say that you use it to round your eyes or create a new crease in your mobile eyelid. People go to great lengths to improve their physical appearance: when compared to much more drastic measures, the application of duct tape is nothing exceptional.
