Flies can be a problem, regardless of whether they are in the house, on the porch or in the garden. Although there are many commercial traps and spray products, these remedies often contain foul-smelling chemicals that are dangerous to health. Fly swatters are good tools for killing a single specimen, but if you have a real infestation, it's not an adequate solution to keep it under control. A great natural way to manage the presence of these insects is to set up a trap. With a few simple steps you can fix the problem and get rid of any fly you see around.
Method 1 of 4: Prepare a Trap with a Bottle

Step 1. Get an empty soda bottle
It can be one you've used before or you can just empty it. Remove all contents and rinse the inside of the bowl with hot water.

Step 2. Cut off the top of the bottle
Use a pair of scissors for this; make a hole in the plastic using a tool blade. Make sure it's right at the end of the funnel-shaped area of the bottle, where the cylindrical body begins (near the center of the container).
- Once you've made the hole, insert the scissors and cut around the entire circumference. Remove the entire top to have two distinct pieces: the funnel area (the top) and the cylindrical body (the base).
- Try to cut as close to the edge of the funnel as possible, otherwise when you insert it backwards into the bottle it won't stay in place.
- As an alternative to scissors, you can use a sharp knife, but be careful not to injure yourself; if you are making this trap with children, it is best to use a pair of scissors.

Step 3. Turn the top piece of the bottle over
Insert it into the cylindrical half of the bottle. If you cut close enough to the edge of the funnel, it should stay in place when you rest it on the base.

Step 4. Join the cut edges of the two bottle pieces
Staples are the simplest and most effective solution; it is sufficient to pinch the circumference of the bottle three or four times, equally spacing the points.
- If you are doing the project with children, this work should be done by an adult; if you don't have a metal stapler, you can try the two methods below which are equally effective.
- Duct tape is a good alternative, but make sure it's water resistant; apply three or four pieces of tape around the funnel area.
- If you want to use superglue or standard glue, make sure it's water resistant. Before attaching the funnel, apply a thin layer of adhesive to the upper inner edge of the cylindrical base, then insert the funnel upside down. Use your fingers and press the funnel onto the base; hold the two pieces in place until the glue dries.

Step 5. Make a melted sugar blend
Pour five tablespoons into a saucepan that you put on the stove and flatten the sugar on the bottom, so that it is evenly distributed in the pan.
- Add enough water to cover the sugar and slowly heat the ingredients over medium-high heat until they begin to boil.
- Mix the mixture well. Dissolving the sugar in hot or boiling tap water makes it sweet, but boiling it results in a more concentrated "syrup" that attracts flies more. Let the mixture sit until it is no longer hot but still hot.

Step 6. With a spoon, pour the liquid into the bottom of the bottle through the funnel opening
Let the solution flow along the edges of the funnel, so that the flies stick to it as they approach.

Step 7. Use another type of bait
You can cut a few slices of apple and stick them into the bottle. A small piece of raw meat also works well, as do a few spoonfuls of old wine; you can also simply put water mixed with sugar or honey.

Step 8. Add the vinegar
If you have chosen a liquid bait, pour a couple of tablespoons of vinegar, preferably white. This solution helps keep bees and other insects away that you don't want to catch.

Step 9. Put the bottle in a sunny place
In this way, the fruit or meat rots and flies are more likely to smell it; moreover, thanks to the sun, the liquid mixture evaporates more easily, thus creating a pheromone that attracts flies. Now you just have to observe how your new trap manages to capture these insects.

Step 10. Breathe into the bottle repeatedly
This allows for better results, because insects are attracted to heat and carbon dioxide; you can also rub the bottle between your hands to increase the heat.

Step 11. Discard the bottle
When the flies start piling up, throw it out and set up a new trap; at some point, in fact, the effects of the bait end and you will have to make a new one. It can be difficult to clear the bottle of flies, as they stick to the lure inside the funnel. Also, you should avoid handling dead flies with your hands.
Method 2 of 4: Create a Trap with a Can

Step 1. Get a can
The standard dog food or soup one is perfect; remove the paper label, the lid and wash it with hot water. Dry it thoroughly before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2. Cut pieces of masking tape
They need to be long enough to wrap around the edge of the can. Try not to touch the sticky ends, otherwise you could get them dirty and at that point the trap wouldn't work well.

Step 3. Wrap the tape around the can
Press it firmly using your hands; rub it gently, so that the sticky substance is transferred to the jar.

Step 4. Remove the masking tape
The surface of the can should now be sticky; touch it carefully to verify that it is. If you don't feel the glue, repeat the process with a new piece of tape.

Step 5. Secure a small flashlight to the underside of a can lid, using masking tape
Put the lid on the bottom of the flashlight; this forms the basis of the trap. The ideal is to get a UV torch, as flies are particularly attracted to this type of light.

Step 6. Place the can outside the house in the evening
Leave it upright so you can use the sticky surface to catch insects. Turn on the flashlight and put it inside the can. Make sure it's upright and has fresh batteries.

Step 7. Wait to catch your "prey"
The insects are attracted to the light, but they will stick to the sticky side of the can.

Step 8. Replace the jar
If you've been successful, it's best to throw the can away. Make sure you use a pair of gloves when you touch it, so as not to risk coming into contact with flies. The ideal is to have a plastic bag ready to put the jar in before throwing it in the garbage pail.
Method 3 of 4: Making a Trap with a Plastic / Glass Jar

Step 1. Get a small container
This can be a glass jar (such as a jam jar) or a plastic jar, such as one that contains dried fruit or peanut butter. If the container has a lid, remove it.

Step 2. Pour some vinegar inside
Buy a bottle of apple cider vinegar and pour about 2-3 cm into the bowl. in this way, the flies are attracted into the jar.

Step 3. Add some dish soap
Pour a few drops of detergent or dish soap over the vinegar to break the surface tension, otherwise the flies may "float" on the surface of the liquid and drink it.

Step 4. Add some fruit or raw meat
This is an equally effective alternative to the vinegar / detergent mixture. Just take a few pieces of your favorite food and put them on the bottom of the jar; the smell of decaying food attracts flies into the container.

Step 5. Cover the jar with cling film
Take a small piece of at least 8x8 cm and adhere it along the top edge with your hands. If the plastic doesn't stay put, secure it with tape or a rubber band.

Step 6. Drill holes in the cling film
Use a toothpick, scissors, knife, or other similar object to make at least four small holes and allow the flies to enter the trap.

Step 7. Place the trap outside
Flies will enter through the holes; however, it will be nearly impossible for them to succeed and escape, as they are unable to find the way out. They will also be tempted to eat everything inside the jar.

Step 8. Kill them
Probably, some will die in the trap after some time; however, others will continue to eat everything you put inside the container. Bring the trap indoors and place it near the sink. Open the hot water tap and close the drain plug so that the sink fills up. Once filled, hold the jar in the water for ten minutes, which is enough time to drown the insects.

Step 9. Get rid of dead flies
Remove the plastic wrap and discard it. Place the jar in the garbage pail and tap it against the inside edge of the pail. Keep doing this until you've gotten rid of all the flies and food debris, so you can set up a new trap.

Step 10. Disinfect the jar
Just wash it with soap and warm water. You can also use some safe chemicals to clean the container well and use it again. Once clean, it's perfect for creating a new trap.
Method 4 of 4: Making a Handcrafted Fly Paper

Step 1. Get a paper bag such as a food bag
Try to get a long one, as you need to make long fly strips. Do not use plastic bags, as the sticky mixture does not adhere to this material.

Step 2. Cut strips of paper
Use a pair of scissors and make strips approximately 2-3 cm wide and 15 cm long. You will need about four or five; once cut, spread them out on the table.

Step 3. Create the holes
Take some scissors or a knife and make a hole about 2.5 cm from the end of the strip; you can also use a hole punch if you have one available.

Step 4. Tie a string through the hole
Cut a piece of string / cord at least 15 cm long; you need a string for each strip of paper. Insert the string / thread into the hole and tie it with a knot.

Step 5. Make a sugary blend
Create a mixture by combining one part of sugar with one part of water and one part of honey in a saucepan. Then place it on the stove and heat over medium-high heat until the ingredients are combined. Once you have created a homogeneous mixture, let it cool to room temperature.

Step 6. Dip the paper strip into the mixture
Place each strip in the pot, so that it is covered with a layer of syrup. Place the strips on a baking sheet and wait for them to dry.

Step 7. Hang up the fly strips
Find a nail or hook and hang it up. You can decide to put them all close to each other or distribute them in different areas of the house. Keeping them close to each other results in better results.

Step 8. Discard them
Once they are filled with flies, you simply have to pick them up and throw them in the dumpster. If for some reason they didn't work, you probably haven't coated them with enough syrup. You can always make a new sugar mixture and dip the strips in again or start from scratch and make new ones.
- Make sure the torch batteries have recently been replaced and are charged.
- For method number 3, you can also use a fly spray if you don't want to drown the flies in the sink.
- Instead of using the top of the bottle as a funnel, as described in the first method, you can make a paper one. Simply roll up a sheet of printer paper until it takes the shape of a funnel and attach it to the base of the bottle.
- The purpose of these traps is to attract flies, so place them at a reasonable distance from where you eat.
- If you find that the traps attract dangerous insects, such as hornets, purchase a spray insecticide to kill them before approaching them.
- Make sure you use safe chemicals when disinfecting the jar.