How to Create a Wasp Trap: 7 Steps

How to Create a Wasp Trap: 7 Steps
How to Create a Wasp Trap: 7 Steps

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Wasps also have their own role in the ecosystem: they are particularly useful in controlling pests that destroy crops. But when they nest too close to home, they endanger people and pets by becoming parasites themselves. Here are some inexpensive and environmentally friendly ways to discourage wasps from nesting on your property.


Step 1. Take a plastic bottle and cut off the neck

The neck is the cone-shaped part that includes the cap.

Step 2. Turn the neck upside down after removing the cap and insert it into the bottle

Step 3. Use duct tape or a stapler to secure the neck to the rest of the bottle, or drill two holes and screw through screws that you can also use to hang the bottle

Remember that you will have to take it apart often to insert the baits and remove the dead wasps.

Step 4. Put the bait in the trap

It must not reach the opening of the bottle: the wasps must completely enter the trap to get to the bait. You can do this even before joining the two pieces of the bottle. Some ideas for the bait:

  • Meat. It's the best choice in summer and late winter because that's when wasps nest and lay their eggs, so they're on the hunt for high-protein food. With this lure you can even catch the queen: then the wasps will move the nest.
  • Liquid dish soap and water.
  • Crushed grapes.
  • Sugar and lemon juice.
  • Beer.
  • Water and sugar.
  • Sugar and vinegar.
  • A teaspoon of liquid soap for clothes, one of sugar (to attract them) and water; if they get out, they'll die for the soap.
  • Very sparkling drinks (lemonade, etc.). This method can be further improved by adding a few drops of liquid soap to break the surface tension of the drink.
Make a Wasp Trap Step 5
Make a Wasp Trap Step 5

Step 5. Attach some string to the bottle (or make holes to insert it) and hang it in an area with many wasps

  • Once inside the bottle, the wasps can't get out and get trapped.
  • Add vaseline or cooking oil to the inside walls and edges of the trap, so as to make the wasps lose their grip and drop them inside.

Step 6. Empty the trap regularly

Make sure the wasps are dead before removing them, both to avoid getting stung and because the surviving wasps can return with reinforcements. Pour hot water into the funnel (the inverted neck of the bottle) or put the trap in a bag and then in the freezer for a couple of days. Bury dead wasps or throw them in the toilet, as their bodies release a substance that warns the rest of the colony of their demise.

Make a Wasp Trap Step 7
Make a Wasp Trap Step 7

Step 7. Finished


  • Use a source of protein as a bait in spring and early summer, and something sweet in midsummer and autumn.
  • It is a good idea to wear protective gear when setting the trap on sunny, clear days. Wasps or bees stay out of nests when the weather is like this. Try to set the trap at night if you don't have protection.
  • Be careful not to trap bees. Bees are important pollinators, which is why they are very useful. You can avoid catching them by placing the trap away from flowering plants. For example, avoid flowering fruit trees or garden flowers. Using meat as bait helps to avoid catching bees.
  • If you use meat as bait, consider that chicken doesn't work very well. Also add a little water to the bottle, so the meat will not dry out. Raw, rotting meat works better than fresh, cooked meat.
  • When setting up the trap, make sure it is dry and clean.
  • You can also use an empty jam jar, with small leftovers of jam, filled with water and covered with a transparent film in which you have drilled some holes.
  • You can also use this technique to get rid of fruit flies. To do this, put some fruit in the bottle.
  • Wasps (and other insects) do not "get angry", they simply defend themselves and their nests. If you hit one, it won't chase you to sting you; if he escapes from the trap he won't try to sting you. If she stung you, it's only because she felt directly threatened by you or believes her nest is in danger.
  • Another trick is to paint the top of the trap a bright yellow or orange. Wasps are attracted to these colors.
  • The best traps work with a mix of water, jam, cola, and beer.


  • Do not place traps in areas where children and pets spend time, as live wasps are attracted to the trap.
  • This is a way to reduce the presence of wasps, not to eliminate them (until you catch the queen). The only way to completely drive away the wasps is to remove the nest.
  • Be careful when handling your knife or wasps (even dead wasps).
