How To Grow Ferns At Home: 11 Steps

How To Grow Ferns At Home: 11 Steps
How To Grow Ferns At Home: 11 Steps

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What will make growing a fern at home easier, at least in part, is understanding what the plant needs. Ferns are common in tropical climates. They thrive with subdued light, a temperate climate and the high humidity of the forests. The good news is that if you want to have a fern as a houseplant, optimal growing conditions can easily be replicated indoors. Ferns are referred to as low-maintenance houseplants, thanks in part to their ability to thrive in low-light conditions.


Grow Fern Indoors Step 1
Grow Fern Indoors Step 1

Step 1. Maintain the proper temperature in the room

Most ferns thrive in an environment of 18-24 degrees.

Grow Fern Indoors Step 2
Grow Fern Indoors Step 2

Step 2. Grow the fern in a plastic pot instead of a clay one

A plastic pot retains moisture more than a clay pot.

Grow Fern Indoors Step 3
Grow Fern Indoors Step 3

Step 3. Provide proper soil for the ferns

Ferns are found in the middle of the green forest. The soil here is usually laden with decaying leaves and organic matter. When you invade your fern indoors, plant it in soil that has a high organic matter content such as a good peat moss solution.

Grow Fern Indoors Step 4
Grow Fern Indoors Step 4

Step 4. Adjust the lighting

  • Ferns prefer indirect light. Natural light from a window is sufficient. Place the plant near a north or east facing window. The fern cannot grow well in a south or west facing window, because the light is brighter and can be too aggressive for the fronds. Excess light tends to dry out the plant.
  • Ferns can grow in low light conditions, but they cannot grow if there is no light. Ferns that don't get enough light will have delayed development and a faded color. If the fern isn't getting enough light from a nearby window, put an incandescent light over the plant to illuminate it for 4-6 hours each day.
Grow Fern Indoors Step 5
Grow Fern Indoors Step 5

Step 5. Make sure the fern gets the water it needs

  • Touch the surface of the soil in the pot. Water the fern when the top of the soil is dry to the touch.
  • Water the fern until water begins to flow into the bottom of the pot. You can place the pot in a sink or bathtub so excess water can run down the drain.
  • Do not use softened or treated water to water the fern. This mineral-rich water leaves deposits in the soil, eventually causing the roots to rot.
  • Modify your watering routine based on room temperature. If the room is warmer than 18-24 ° C, it is necessary to water more often. If the room is colder, wait to water when the soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Learn about the indicators of inadequate watering. If the plant has too much water, the fronds turn yellow. Withered fronds indicate insufficient water.
Grow Fern Indoors Step 6
Grow Fern Indoors Step 6

Step 6. Increase the humidity around the plant

The humidity around a fern is just as important to the plant as the amount of water at the roots. Ferns love humidity, so the more it is possible to replicate the humidity present in a humid, wet forest, the happier the fern will be. The fronds turn brown at the ends when the humidity is too low.

  • Create a large space around the plant for air to circulate and try to ensure an even distribution of moisture across the foliage.
  • Put the fern in the bathroom. This tends to be the wettest room in a house.
  • Put a humidifier in the room where the fern is.
  • Place a tray of water near or under the fern. If you put the tray under the pot, make sure it doesn't touch the water. Ensure this by placing decorative stones in the water to support the vase. The water in the tray evaporates, increasing the humidity of the air around the plant.
  • Spray the fern fronds periodically. Use a spray bottle filled with room temperature water to mist the fronds. This not only adds moisture around the plant but also helps keep the plant's leaves clean and deters pests.
Grow Fern Indoors Step 7
Grow Fern Indoors Step 7

Step 7. Fertilize lightly during the growing season which is between April and September

The emulsion of fish is a good fertilizer. Apply half the amount of fertilizer you use to make a lean type fertilizer solution. Fertilization that is too rich can burn the fronds.

Grow Fern Indoors Step 8
Grow Fern Indoors Step 8

Step 8. Prune damaged fronds to make the plant appear healthier and to promote growth

Pruning can be large enough to eliminate all the fronds close to the core of the plant or as simple as removing dead or damaged leaves from the ends of the fronds.

Grow Fern Indoors Step 9
Grow Fern Indoors Step 9

Step 9. Learn how to fight parasites

Potential parasites are mites, coccidia and scale insects. Remove them by hand from the plant if they appear. You can also spray them with a direct stream of water from a spray bottle.

Grow Fern Indoors Step 10
Grow Fern Indoors Step 10

Step 10. Divide and re-pot a fern in spring

This enables the fern to spread during its natural active growing season.

  • Remove the plant from the pot and divide it at the roots to the desired size.
  • Wait 4-6 months or until there is noticeable growth to fertilize the new fern pots.
Grow Fern Indoors Step 11
Grow Fern Indoors Step 11

Step 11. Start new ferns from seeds

This is an optional part of growing ferns. This activity is the one that requires the most demanding work for a fern grower and is best reserved for the most patient gardeners.

  • Propagate ferns in the summer when conditions are ideal for plant growth.
  • Collect the spores from the plant. During the spring and summer, specks will develop on the underside of the leaves. These are called spores. When the spores darken, remove the leaf and place it in a paper bag. When the leaf dries up, the spores will fall to the bottom of the bag.
  • Plant the seeds that have fallen to the bottom of the bag in peat moss starter soil in small containers. Water generously.
  • Put the containers inside a clear plastic bag and seal it. Keep the temperature between 18 and 21 ° C.
  • When the small ferns are about 2.5cm tall, transplant them into larger pots.
  • When they are 5cm tall, transplant the small ferns into single pots.