Pine is a strong and sturdy wood widely used for furniture. Tables, bookcases, beds and chairs are often built with this type of wood. Painting a piece of furniture gives a touch of freshness to the room and also to the whole house. It is a simple and inexpensive way to decorate the environment. Even a simple old piece of furniture will look much better. Paint any old pine furniture you have in the house. It is a solution with a better cost / benefit ratio than buying a new furniture, not to mention that you will be able to vent your creativity and originality.

Step 1. Fill in the holes and imperfections in the wood
Check for scratches and nicks and use putty or a special filler to level the surface. This way you can work on a homogeneous wood. You can find putty at home improvement stores.

Step 2. Sand the pine
Use a hand emery or an electric sander and pass the entire surface to make it smooth and even. This process is essential to prepare the wood for painting.
After sanding it, make sure the wood is smooth. Dust it with a damp cloth to remove any sawdust or other debris that has formed with the emery

Step 3. Apply primer
This is an essential step because the primer treats the wood and gives the color a surface to adhere to. Use a brush and follow the direction of the wood fibers. Even if you apply several coats, the primer can take on a “blotchy” appearance. Don't worry, the wood doesn't have to look perfect at this stage. Wait overnight for the primer to dry.

Step 4. Choose the color
Use a brush to spread it over the primer. Use a 5cm brush to make sure the result is even. A medium-sized brush allows you to coat the cabinet with sweeping brush strokes, while maintaining control of the details and small parts of the wood. Always paint following the direction of the fibers with uniform and smooth passes. Wait for the first coat to dry overnight.

Step 5. Apply the second coat
When the first is completely dry, you can roll out the second. Usually three coats give a bright and full color.

Step 6. Let the pine wood "settle" for a week
By doing this you are sure that the paint is completely dry, do not touch or use the furniture during this time.
- Remember to apply the primer and paint in a well-ventilated area to avoid being overwhelmed by toxic fumes.
- You can use both oil and water colors. Either way you can follow the same instructions, just remember that oil paints need an oil primer.