Have you always wanted to design your home? Draw an overview showing each of the rooms - creating your own blueprint for a house is easier than you might think.

Step 1. Get a satisfying idea of what you want to accomplish
Before you start drawing, it will help you to have a basic idea of what the house will look like. It is important to know how many rooms are needed and how many floors there will be.

Step 2. To represent the perimeter, use a pencil to draw the exterior walls
Try to fill the entire squared paper for a larger scale.
Once you have drawn the perimeter, draw a second one at a distance of one square - it doesn't matter if it is a square outside or inside. This will add thickness to the design and give a better final result. If the house has a second floor, take another sheet and place it on the one on the first floor. This will be seen in transparency, so that you can trace the walls of the second floor

Step 3. The next step is to draw the interior walls, using the same style as the exterior ones
Don't forget to include all the rooms you need for the house. One room that many forget is the laundry room, where to keep the water heater, washing machine, dryer, water filter, etc.

Step 4. Start drawing doors and windows
Having completed the walls, the next step is to add doors and windows. Their sizes may vary. For example, the front door will probably be a bit larger than the bathroom door.
- To draw a window, delete the part of the wall in which it is located. Draw a line in the void between the walls. To add thickness to the window, add another line, one square away from the outside. You may need a ruler to help you draw straight, as these lines will be in the middle of two squares. In most cases, the rooms bordering the perimeter will have at least one window, but it is up to the designer to decide how many windows are needed for each room.
- Doors are a little easier to draw. Simply erase the portion of the wall that the door will go into, then draw a connecting line between the two walls - it's just like windows, without adding thickness.

Step 5. Look for patterns to design furniture items
It's time to go into detail: the house needs sinks, toilets, bathtubs, cabinets, stove and refrigerator. There are templates that can help you draw them. In the absence of them, simply draw the basic shape of these elements seen from above. They don't need to be very detailed, just enough to understand what element it is.

Step 6. To get an idea of the final result and arrangement, try drawing the furniture
This step is optional, but it's nice to get an idea of what the house will look like. Some examples of furniture you can use are beds, televisions, sofas, tables and chairs. There is also a template for these, and you can draw them the same way as the other elements: make them simple and make everything square or rectangular to fit into the squares of the sheet.

Step 7. Start working on the yard
There won't be much to add before the next step. What you can add is a porch, or you can draw the driveway profile lines. The porch is not represented as the walls: you will only need one line, since the porch, unlike the walls, does not need thickness.

Step 8. Use a black permanent marker for the labels
In each room, write the name of the room. You may need to abbreviate names, such as writing "Rip" instead of "Closet", if the full name does not fit the room. Writing all in uppercase can also make it easier to read. Once you're done with the marker, go through all of your colored markers. With one of them, he colors the interior of the furniture and furnishing elements, but for the wardrobes he uses brown. The porch can be brown or gray depending on whether it is made of wood or concrete. You can add greenery to the grass around the house. Blue is a good color for window shading, and walls can be black or gray.