3 Ways to Treat Exfoliative Cheilitis

3 Ways to Treat Exfoliative Cheilitis
3 Ways to Treat Exfoliative Cheilitis

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Exfoliative cheilitis is a rare but benign condition affecting the lips (one or both) that causes thickening, dryness and peeling of the skin. During inflammation, the skin continues to flake leaving the underlying epidermal layers uncovered which become very sensitive. Since it causes sensitivity and burning in the lips, it can impair the quality of life so much that it inhibits the ability to eat and even speak without promoting pain. Although the exact cause of this disease is still unknown, some steps can be taken to control its symptoms. This article will walk you through how to treat exfoliative cheilitis by properly caring for your lips and your overall health.


Method 1 of 3: Assess the Disease

Heal a Cut in Your Mouth Step 2
Heal a Cut in Your Mouth Step 2

Step 1. Recognize the symptoms

Although some people with very dry and chapped lips think they suffer from this disease, in reality exfoliative cheilitis is an extremely rare inflammation that affects few people. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Cracking, flaking, itching and / or burning of the lips;
  • Spots especially around the edge of the vermilion (in other words, the outer edge of the lips)
  • Defective formation of keratin on the most superficial layers of the lips with consequent flaking;
  • Swelling of the lips.
Prevent Dry Chapped Lips Step 14
Prevent Dry Chapped Lips Step 14

Step 2. Find out about the causes

The exact cause of this condition is still unknown, but researchers believe it could depend on a number of factors, including reaction to dental implants, hormonal imbalances, dietary imbalance or poor liver function, exposure to external environmental toxins and internal toxins produced by the body, fungal or bacterial infections, poor nutrition and poor oral hygiene. However, it appears that this form of cheilitis can develop from other less severe forms. Also, it can be caused by a fungal infection of the mouth called "oral thrush" or thrush.

Prevent Q Fever (Coxiella Burnetii Infection) Step 10
Prevent Q Fever (Coxiella Burnetii Infection) Step 10

Step 3. Make sure you are not suffering from candidiasis by analyzing saliva

Purchase a saliva pH test kit from a pharmacy or observe any symptoms. The best time to test is in the morning, before brushing your teeth or drinking. Start by collecting some saliva inside a clear glass beaker filled with bottled or distilled water. After 15 minutes check: if you have nothing, the saliva should simply float to the surface. If, on the other hand, you have any of the following signs, it means that you are positive for thrush and you need to see your doctor for appropriate treatment:

  • Saliva forms filaments that tend to reach the bottom of the glass.
  • You notice opaque particles that slowly sink or hang beneath the surface of the water.

Method 2 of 3: Treating Exfoliative Cheilitis Alone

Help Chapped Lips Step 5
Help Chapped Lips Step 5

Step 1. Avoid licking, biting or touching your lips

Some doctors believe that this disease can be caused by the habit of moistening the lips, sometimes without realizing it. If you swipe your tongue to moisten them, saliva builds up on them, which in turn dries them out further. A lot of self-control is required, but know that the best way to heal your lips is to let them be and allow the body to heal them.

Heal Sore Lips Step 4
Heal Sore Lips Step 4

Step 2. Use natural remedies

You can temporarily relieve the symptoms of exfoliative cheilitis by applying a lip balm or cream. However, don't overdo it. Stop using these products and see your doctor if the pain gets worse or the area becomes irritated further. Here are some remedies to try:

  • Natural lip balm;
  • Cold compresses based on vinegar and water (for 30 minutes);
  • Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Lactic acid-based cream.
Control an Adrenaline Rush Step 9
Control an Adrenaline Rush Step 9

Step 3. Eat a healthy diet

It has been found that exfoliative cheilitis can be induced by diet, so it is important to reduce the consumption of processed, preservative-rich foods.

  • Whenever you can, eat organically grown fruits and vegetables. Also be sure to wash the vegetables to get rid of any harmful substances on the peel.
  • Take probiotics and enzymes that facilitate digestive function. While enzyme supplementation's effectiveness on digestion is still a matter of debate, many people believe that these supplements aid in the digestive process and absorption of essential nutrients.
  • Increase your intake of B vitamins, zinc and iron.
  • Add omega 3 fatty acids to your diet through both supplements and food. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in fish and some green vegetables, such as spinach and kale.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks and sodas.
  • Avoid salty foods as they can further irritate the lips.
Deal with Comorbid Anxiety and ADHD Step 8
Deal with Comorbid Anxiety and ADHD Step 8

Step 4. Eliminate toxins present in the body

Find an all-natural detox program to rid your liver and kidneys of toxins. It is not suitable for all people with exfoliative cheilitis because it can be a bit excessive as it mostly involves fasting. So, learn about the risks associated with elimination diets and food deprivation. Always consult your doctor before making such an extreme choice.

Method 3 of 3: Seek Medical Assistance

Help Chapped Lips Step 4
Help Chapped Lips Step 4

Step 1. See your doctor if symptoms persist

Exfoliative cheilitis can be associated with serious health problems, such as avitaminosis, immunosuppression, the body's inability to efficiently excrete toxins. Therefore, if even reducing exposure to toxins and following a healthy diet does not relieve symptoms, you should see your doctor to rule out other causes.

  • Doctors recommend several medications to treat this inflammation. Remember that the cause is still unknown, so treatments vary according to your doctor's advice. Typically, corticosteroid medications are prescribed for skin conditions. According to a study, topical use of calendula officinalis (10%) is very effective.
  • Topical steroid therapies, antibiotics, keratolytic agents, sunscreen, and antifungal drugs may have limited effect. Discuss these options with your doctor.
  • Your doctor may suggest that you use lip balm and other emollient products to relieve symptoms, but remember that exfoliative cheilitis is resistant to emollients, so they can be useless.
Determine Your Blood Type Step 5
Determine Your Blood Type Step 5

Step 2. Consult a dermatologist

It has the specialist skills necessary to indicate treatments to act on the symptoms and keep them at bay. He is a professional who has studied and dealt with skin diseases more than the general practitioner.

If you do not notice significant improvement under the guidance of a trained physician, consult another professional

Prevent Dry Chapped Lips Step 13
Prevent Dry Chapped Lips Step 13

Step 3. Consider alternative medicine

Since the cause of exfoliative cheilitis is still unknown to Western medicine, you may find some relief with alternative medicines, such as acupuncture or Chinese medicine. However, remember to let all the doctors you refer to know about the treatments you are undergoing in order to avoid unwanted interactions.

Endure Acute Withdrawal from Opiates (Narcotics) Step 5
Endure Acute Withdrawal from Opiates (Narcotics) Step 5

Step 4. Evaluate speech therapy

Speech therapy can help you stop biting, wetting, or sucking your lips without realizing it. If you have noticed these behaviors, ask your doctor if they can refer you to a speech therapist.


Remember that exfoliative cheilitis is a chronic condition that can take some time to respond to any treatments or lifestyle changes. Therefore, follow the treatments for an appropriate period of time before determining if they are absolutely ineffective


  • Most doctors who recommend "all natural" detox programs are not qualified health care professionals, and the benefits of these treatments are questionable or unsubstantiated by modern medical research.
  • Always consult your doctor before taking a new drug or trying to diagnose your health problems yourself.
