Watermelon is a sweet, tasty and low-calorie fruit with anticancer and energizing properties. It's a delicious snack and a great way to start the day with a healthy and nutritious breakfast. This guide offers an overview of the characteristics of this fruit, the best methods to eat it and also some ideas for preparing delicious and creative recipes.
Part 1 of 3: Eating Watermelon

Step 1. Choose a ripe watermelon
It is not so difficult to understand if the fruit you have chosen is already ripe or not. There are two main methods of distinguishing if watermelon is ready to eat: one requires the use of touch and the other requires the use of sight.
- Touch the watermelon. Take it in your hand and feel the weight. The best watermelons weigh slightly more than you might imagine looking at them. It is an indication that they are sweet and juicy at the right point. By tapping on the watermelon, your knuckles should bounce. A watermelon with a hollow or strangely soft sound has something wrong with it. The surface should feel firm. The presence of irregularities on the surface indicates that the fruit did not receive enough water during ripening.
- Look at the watermelon. Ripe watermelons usually have a slightly flattened yellowish or brown area on one side. If the color approaches brown, it means that the watermelon has had time to ripen before being harvested. Avoid those with a too green surface, it is a sign that they have not matured enough.

Step 2. Rinse the peel
Even if it is not consumed, it is always recommended to rinse it thoroughly. The knife you use to cut it also comes into contact with the outside of the fruit, which may still contain pesticides and soil residues. Even if you have grown it yourself, it is recommended that you rinse it before eating it.

Step 3. Cut the watermelon into slices or pieces
There is no wrong way to eat watermelon. The classic method involves cutting it into slices that you can easily hold in your hand and eat it up to the skin, but cutting it into pieces and eating it with a fork is a valid and common alternative.
- Put the clean, dry watermelon on a flat surface. To prevent it from rolling off, hold it firmly with one hand or try placing it on a towel.
- Use a sharp knife to cut the watermelon and pay close attention to your fingers as you work.
- The next section lists the different methods for cutting watermelon.

Step 4. Remove the seeds
Most watermelons contain dozens of hard, black and white seeds. A good part of the fun of eating watermelon is finding them and getting rid of them. If you are indoors, it is best to spit them into a glass. If not, organize a competition to see who spits the seeds farthest in the garden or on the beach. It will be difficult to do it elegantly.

Step 5. Cool the watermelon
Watermelon is great, but refresh it on hot summer days? There is nothing better. If you have chosen a ripe one, store it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh and make it even more delicious. You can't go wrong.
It's hard to eat a whole watermelon in one go. If you and your friends haven't been able to finish it, cut it into pieces and store it in a container in the refrigerator or cover it directly with cling film. Once fresh, it will be even more delicious

Step 6. Try adding some salt
While it may sound strange, some people like to sprinkle a little salt on watermelon. In theory, the salt should contrast the sweetness and make the watermelon even more delicious. However, pay attention to the quantity. If you want to try this unique variant yourself, use a minimum portion of salt. If not, you may end up spoiling the taste.
Try putting some salt on a plate instead of sprinkling it directly on the fruit. It will be easier to check how much you put on

Step 7. Add lime juice and chili powder
A great way to add some flavor to an unripe watermelon is chili powder. A squeeze of lime juice and a sprinkle of chilli? Boom. Your watermelon will once again have a unique and irresistible taste. Mix the following ingredients in a dish and sprinkle them as you like on the watermelon:
- 1 tablespoon of coarse salt
- 1 tablespoon of chili powder
- Peel and juice of one lime
Part 2 of 3: Cutting the Watermelon

Step 1. Cut the watermelon into slices
Remove one side of the watermelon with a sharp knife, then cut 3-centimeter sections from the center. Divide the slices into two parts or cut them to form small triangles. Keep it off the skin and enjoy your meal!
- You can also cut the watermelon vertically and get longer slices to eat. To avoid getting dirty it is best to eat it in the open air.
- Many prefer to cut the watermelon in half and start eating it from the center, the sweetest and juiciest part. This can be a great idea, especially if you have a really large watermelon. There is no wrong way to eat it.
- How to get to the most difficult parts to eat? Use a spoon.

Step 2. Cut the watermelon into pieces
Another quick and easy way to serve watermelon is to cut it into small pieces and serve it in a bowl. Slice it normally and then use a smaller kitchen knife to remove the green and yellow peel. Cut the fruit into pieces of the size that best suits your needs.
- Cut the watermelon into cubes, triangles and other shapes. Use a kitchen knife with your kids to cut the watermelon in the shape of animals, letters, etc. Or, for guaranteed fun, use the cookie cutters.
- Some people prefer to peel the watermelon before cutting it into slices. Paying adequate attention, this procedure can be done with a sharp knife, placing the watermelon on a flat surface, or with a potato peeler.

Step 3. Try cutting the watermelon into wedges
An innovative way to serve watermelon is to cut it into wedges as is usually done with potatoes or onions. This is an excellent way to serve watermelon as an appetizer at a reception because it smudges less.
- Use a small, round watermelon or cut the end of a melon no bigger than a basketball. Place the cut side of the watermelon on a cutting board.
- Make cross cuts of about 2 centimeters on the watermelon, then turn it 90 degrees and repeat the process in the other direction.
- Serve it like this. Guests can comfortably take small pieces. Provide a plate to throw away the peel.
Part 3 of 3: Watermelon Recipes

Step 1. Make watermelon juice
Watermelon is perfectly suited as a base for juices and smoothies. Why use water when you can use watermelon? Try making one of these simple juices:
- To make a simple and delicious watermelon juice, try mixing 2-3 cups of chopped, seedless watermelon with 1-2 cups of cantaloupe. Then, add the juice of half a lemon and a little sugar to taste. For a natural alternative, use honey.
- Make a refreshing summer cocktail with watermelon, cucumber, gin and mint leaves.
- Do you want to give a special touch to a lemonade? Mix equal parts watermelon and lemonade to make a delicious juice to sip on hot summer days. Garnish with strawberries or mint leaves.
- Use watermelon to sweeten green smoothies. In a blender, mix two cups of kale, half a cup of parsley and half an avocado, then add the diced watermelon and a little pineapple juice to sweeten.

Step 2. Make cold watermelon soup
Gazpacho prepared with watermelon as the main ingredient is a delicious and refreshing summer dish. Adding ingredients to bring out the sweetness and acidity of watermelon can be an elegant and delicious idea.
- Blend 6-9 cups of cubed watermelon with the seeds, a glass of sweet wine, a teaspoon of chopped fresh ginger, the juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of sugar and fresh mint to taste.
- Chill for at least an hour and serve with fresh mint leaves and bits of feta cheese.

Step 3. Make a watermelon salad
Watermelon can also be used as a crunchy and refreshing ingredient in summer salads. Its taste and sweetness makes them truly unique. Here are some ideas for making simple salads with just a few ingredients:
- Mix the diced watermelon with sliced cucumbers, raw onion (optional), tomatoes, chopped mint or basil, a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.
- Arrange several layers of watermelon, sliced beetroot, gorgonzola and cover with fresh basil.
- Mix a couple of cups of arugula with the diced watermelon, walnuts, feta cheese, mint leaves and, as a condiment, use the lemon juice, scallions, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Step 4. Prepare the watermelon skewers with balsamic vinegar
A classic summer appetizer or a sweet and savory snack. Eating the skewers with your hands ensures fun for both adults and children. Cut the watermelon into slightly larger cubes, add some basil, a piece of feta cheese, a dash of balsamic vinegar and freshly ground pepper. Slip the ingredients onto a skewer and serve as if it were your favorite ice cream.
- Cut the watermelon into different shapes and sizes.
- Be creative.
- The secret of a good meal is taste.
- Make a fruit sauce.