How to Eat an Oreo Cookie: 10 Steps

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How to Eat an Oreo Cookie: 10 Steps
How to Eat an Oreo Cookie: 10 Steps

Oreo cookies are a great classic in the United States and are sold almost all over the world. Each Oreo is made up of two crunchy biscuits joined by a soft cream. Born in 1912, Oreo cookies are the best-selling in American history, with numbers approaching 500 billion pieces. I am also a cultural icon in a similar way to Coca Cola, with many references in the field of television and film. Loved for generations, Oreo cookies can be eaten in a variety of ways. This article contains all the information you need both for those who want to go classic and learn how to separate the two cookies without scratching the cream - such as John Malkovich's character, Teddy KGB, in the movie Rounders - and for those who want to try other ways to taste. the Oreos.


Part 1 of 2: Separating the Two Oreo-Forming Cookies

Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 1
Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 1

Step 1. Hold the Oreo correctly

Grip the two halves of the cookie gently but firmly with the fingertips of both hands. The secret is to make a smooth and continuous movement. Don't grab the two cookies too hard and don't move them back and forth at all, otherwise you won't be able to keep the cream layer intact.

  • Make sure both your hands and the cookies aren't too hot. If your hands are warm, you will heat the cookies and soften the cream, which will then become more fluid and sticky. A cooled Oreo cookie is more difficult to separate in half.
  • Do not hold the biscuit in your hand for too long. The more you hold it in your hand without proceeding to the next step, the more likely you are to warm it up.

Step 2. Start rotating the two biscuits that make up the Oreo

Grabbing one half with each hand, start swirling the cookies smoothly in the opposite direction. Most experts in this technique rotate the half that is in their dominant hand towards their body and simultaneously rotate the non-dominant hand in the opposite direction.

Step 3. Separate the Oreo

As you gently rotate the two cookies, you will hear a delicate sound: you will understand that you can move your hands away to separate them. Try to roll the two cookies gently to prevent the half covered in cream and the half without cream accidentally colliding

Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 4
Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 4

Step 4. Admire your Oreo

With the right technique and a little luck, you should have half of the cookie completely free of cream and the other half that is entirely covered with it. If so, you have been successful. If not, don't worry, it just means you need to practice separating (and eating) other Oreo cookies.

Step 5. Eat the Oreo

There is no single correct way to eat an Oreo cookie, just as there are no wrong ways to do it. Now that the cookie is ready, you are free to enjoy it however you like. You can also bring the two halves together proud of your success. Regardless of how you choose to eat it, enjoy the combination of the sweet taste of victory and the delicious crunchiness of the Oreo cookie.

  • There are those who love to eat the half covered in cream last, enjoying it in a single bite.
  • Another popular choice is to scrape off the cream with your teeth.

Part 2 of 2: Other Ways to Eat an Oreo Cookie

Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 6
Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 6

Step 1. Enjoy Oreos with cold milk

It is a popular way to eat these cookies. The milk will soften the Oreo and absorb its taste. Be careful not to leave the cookie in the milk for too long, otherwise it will crumble.

  • Some people like to let Oreos get completely soaked.
  • You can drop a cookie into a glass of milk simply to make it tastier and to find a delicious treat at the end.
Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 7
Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 7

Step 2. Enjoy Oreos with ice cream

It's not that Oreo ice cream or cookies need to be improved upon, but by combining them together you can create a truly unique treat. You can take a cue from the following ideas:

  • You can use Oreos as a spoon to eat ice cream. Collect ice cream with cookie and enjoy two treats in one bite.
  • You can break or crumble the cookies and sprinkle them on the ice cream to add a crunchy note.
  • You can blend cookies with milk, ice cream and a banana to make a great tasting milkshake.
Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 8
Eat an Oreo Cookie Step 8

Step 3. Dip the Oreos in a batter and fry them

Believe it or not, fried Oreo cookies are the stars of many fairs and festivals. If you like deep-fried pastries, love Oreos and have experience in deep-frying, it's definitely worth a try.

Step 4. Dip the Oreos in melted chocolate or whipped cream

For those with a passion for sweets, Oreo cookies can get even better when dipped in melted chocolate or whipped cream.

Step 5. Crumble the Oreos and incorporate them into your recipes

Some pastry chefs prepare the bottom of cakes and cheesecake with crumbled Oreos. Break the cookies into two or three pieces, place them in a resealable food bag and roll over them several times to crumble them easily.

If you prefer, you can crumble them using the blender, but be careful not to blend them too much. Most recipes call for the cookies to be reduced to coarse crumbs, not powder


Try poking the cream with a fork to dip the cookies into the milk without getting your fingers wet


  • Be careful when eating whole Oreo cookies. Due to the round shape, they can easily get stuck in the throat. For the same reason, be careful when giving them to children. In order not to take any chances, it is safer to break them into pieces.
  • Oreo cookies should be eaten in moderation. They are dangerously delicious, so it's easy to overdo it. There is a risk of stomach ache and according to experts, taken in excessive doses, sugar is as dangerous as smoking and alcohol.
