3 Ways to Measure Coffee

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3 Ways to Measure Coffee
3 Ways to Measure Coffee

Since everyone has their own tastes, making the perfect coffee requires a little experimentation. Fortunately, you can calculate a simple proportion to make a standard-sized cup. Having a kitchen scale helps you measure ingredients more accurately. At the end of the process, taste the coffee and make changes to the degree of concentration of the drink until you get the desired flavor.


Method 1 of 3: Measuring Coffee with a Scale

Measure Coffee Step 1
Measure Coffee Step 1

Step 1. Buy a digital scale to measure coffee more accurately

Although it is always possible to measure it with a spoon, the digital scale is undoubtedly more accurate and reliable. Choose a suitable scale online or at a home improvement store.

Measuring coffee without a scale is difficult because each variety has a different weight. For example, a spoonful of dark roasted coffee weighs less than a light roasted one

Step 2. Measure the water

Place a cup on the scale and press the tare key to reset it. Pour in 180 ml of water, enough for a cup of American coffee.

Step 3. Measure the amount of coffee you intend to use

Place another cup on the scale and reset it again. Slowly add the coffee beans or ground coffee until it reaches a weight of 10 g.

American coffee mugs actually have a capacity of around 250ml. In this case, add another 2 g of coffee and another 60 ml of water

Step 4. Grind the coffee if you have it in beans

Choose a coffee grinder at a store that sells household items or that specializes in coffee to grind the beans quickly and easily. There are several models of coffee grinders. Those with blades are cheaper, but those with grinders are able to grind the beans more finely, allowing you to obtain a more intense coffee.

The coffee grinder can be replaced with commonly used tools, such as blender, mortar and pestle or hammer

Step 5. Prepare the coffee

Make coffee as usual. Using a machine is easy and practical, as all you have to do is add the ingredients. For other methods, such as the French coffee maker, you will need to boil the water.

Leave the coffee to infuse in the water for three to five minutes before serving if you are using a French coffee maker

Method 2 of 3: Use a Coffee Measuring Spoon

Step 1. Use a coffee measuring spoon to roughly measure it

Coffee measuring spoons can be found in many stores that sell household items. They usually have a measure equivalent to two regular tablespoons, which is the amount of coffee that is used on average to make a cup of American coffee. However, it has a disadvantage: since every single type of coffee has a different density, it is not always possible to measure exactly two tablespoons.

  • For example, a tablespoon of finely ground coffee has a lower density than coarsely ground coffee. As a result, the spoon will pick up less coffee.
  • Also, dark roasted coffee is less dense than light roasted coffee.

Step 2. Pour the water into a measuring glass

Use a graduated glass to facilitate the procedure. It is an easy product to find in any store that sells household items. Fill it three quarters full, about 180ml.

Step 3. Pick up the coffee with the spoon

Insert the measuring spoon into the ground coffee to take an amount equivalent to two large normal spoons. The coffee measuring spoon can be replaced with a regular spoon. Pour the ground coffee into the machine or coffee maker.

  • Do you have coffee beans? Grind them first, then measure two tablespoons of ground coffee.
  • Add another 5g of ground coffee to make a cup of American coffee.

Step 4. Prepare the coffee as usual

Pour the ingredients into the coffee maker, then adjust the doses to obtain the desired degree of concentration. Once you have prepared the coffee, savor it well, so that in the future you can modify the doses and improve it.

Method 3 of 3: Perfecting the Coffee

Step 1. Multiply the doses to brew larger quantities of coffee

Once you know the right proportions to make a standard cup of coffee, brewing larger quantities will be easy. Just double the ingredients to get two cups of coffee instead of one. Continue adding ingredients in relation to the amount of coffee you want to make.

  • Use the weight of the coffee to quickly calculate how much water to use. Use a scale to find out the weight of the coffee.
  • Multiply the weight in grams of the coffee by 16.6945. This will give you the amount of water to use expressed in cubic centimeters.

Step 2. Add more coffee to make a stronger drink

Since personal tastes vary, you may find the taste of the coffee prepared with this recipe not very intense. If so, add a few more beans or a teaspoon of ground coffee. By leaving the amount of water unchanged, the coffee will be stronger.

Step 3. Use more water to make less strong coffee

In this case, calculate the standard dose of coffee beans or ground, but add more water to dilute it. Once you have identified the ratio that best suits your needs, write down how much water you need, so that you can always recreate a cup of coffee that is perfect for your tastes.

Step 4. Experiment with using a different coffee

There are various types of coffee, so look for the aroma that best suits your tastes. Then change the amount of beans, ground coffee or water you use to change the concentration of the drink. This way you can always prepare the best coffee, as long as you use a scale.


  • In coffee shops like Starbucks, the smaller cup is usually larger than a typical American coffee cup.
  • On the internet, look for a table showing various types of relationships between coffee and water to find sample measurements.
